The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 349 Notice

However, manor seeds are not so easy to obtain, and the Rangers are likely to continue to attack.

Wanderers are like locusts, they generally appear in an area, and basically no safe manor will exist.

Of course, wanderers are not fools, and some manors are not something they can offend.

Lan Chen was still worried about his manor and suggested, "I'm afraid the wanderers won't give up on the surrounding operations easily. Should we cooperate?"

Within the vicinity, one of the five manors was destroyed, and the remaining four could not be said to be absolutely safe.

Of course Lan Chen is not the kind of selfless person, and the purpose of doing this is relatively simple, which is to buy insurance for his manor.

A supervisor like Tang Yulong who can teleport at will is an insurance policy for any manor.

As long as it can get help from Tang Yulong and the forces behind the scenes, Lan Chen's manor can be relatively safe.

Several people have already walked out of the exposed range of the manor. The place will gradually decay over the next time, and will eventually be completely integrated into the nightmare world.

Tang Yulong was also thinking about Lan Chen's proposal.

After a moment, he said, "Cooperation is definitely necessary, but to what extent it will be achieved, we still have to take it one step at a time."

After all, Lan Chen didn't say anything more, and both parties left the scene.

Xu Feng and Tang Yulong were not in a hurry to return to the manor. The purpose of coming out this time was only half completed.

The rough strength of the Rangers was determined, and the damage done to the manor that was breached was determined.

With the general information, we can basically determine the target that the Rangers may attack next.

The direction of the journey is to this manor that may become a target. The purpose is of course to be more vigilant and avoid crises as much as possible.

If the Rangers were strong enough, it would definitely be too late to rush over now.

But after roughly determining the opponent's strength, Tang Yulong was able to determine that the opponent's attack was definitely not that smooth.

A lot of preparation is required in the early stage, which gives them some time for prevention.

Tang Yulong complained, "It's really hard for them to find so many nightmare creatures. It's obvious that the source of nightmares was attacked before, and the surrounding nightmare ecology has been severely damaged."

When the source of nightmares was attacked, the nightmare creatures lurking outside Tang Yucheng's manor organized a powerful offensive.

At that time, almost all the nearby nightmare creatures gathered together.

Although they finally dispersed because the offensive was blocked, many of the supervisors who were incarnated by Tang Yucheng at that time were eliminated.

Although he has gradually recovered after this period of time, it is not easy to be gathered by the wanderers and launch an attack on the manor.

Xu Feng did not continue, thinking about the opportunities that the manor could gain from this crisis.

Recruiting survivors is one of them, and whether these wanderers will become a greater threat in the future is also a question.

Tang Yulong didn't drag Xu Feng to chat. He didn't intend to bring Xu Feng with him when he came out this time, but Xu Feng followed him, which can be regarded as a help.

The two arrived at their destination quickly. This was the second time Xu Feng saw the exits of other manors.

It's different from their manor and Lan Chen's manor. This is just an ordinary building.

Exposed in the open, without cover.

But the moment Tang Yulong showed up here, someone came out of the building. Xu Feng had a vague impression that he was one of the regulators he had seen at the Source of Nightmares.

At this time, the person was still a little confused, so he said cautiously, "Boss Tang, are you here for something?"

Tang Yulong was speechless and said, "You still don't know about the destruction of the manor next door?"

The people who came out were all confused and obviously didn't know anything about this matter.

He said awkwardly, "We haven't contacted each other for a long time..."

Although the supervisors have the ability to explore the nightmare world, not all supervisors have enough time and energy to explore the nightmare world.

Just like the supervisors of these small estates, they live in their own small circles most of the time, and only start exploring the nightmare world when it is relatively safe.

Perhaps this choice also protected their manor and made it less anxious to be exposed.

Tang Yulong didn't talk too much and said, "There are wanderers appearing. Just guard your manor and don't be fooled easily."

If the supervisors are deceived by the wanderers, they may actually open the channel directly.

Although Tang Yulong's reminder is straightforward, it is the only way for the supervisors.

The supervisor of the manor hesitated for a moment, "Well, would you like to come in and take a look..."

The supervisors are not fools either. If they can get help from Tang Yulong, the safety of the manor will be relatively guaranteed.

But Tang Yulong didn't have so much time and said, "I still need to notify the last family. Just be careful. If something unusual happens, you can find a way to send us news."

This is really just comfort. It is not difficult for Tang Yulong to come over, but it is almost impossible to get these regulators to send news.

Of course, there are opportunities through other channels, but these regulators obviously rarely have the qualifications for other channels.

After the guardian of the manor nodded respectfully, he was not able to keep Tang Yulong.

Tang Yulong took Xu Feng to find the last manor. The situation was similar. In fact, it was also a manor passage hidden in a building.

Things are slightly better at this estate and regulators have gotten the message.

But there is no good way to deal with the wanderers. Tang Yulong's appearance only gave these guardians some confidence.

After finishing these things, Tang Yulong took Xu Feng back to the manor.

The atmosphere on the road relaxed a bit, and Tang Yulong couldn't help but complain, "After the source of the nightmare was dealt with, we thought there would be no trouble in a short time."

"Now it seems that we were a little careless."

There have been no wanderers in this area for many years. After all, it belongs to the border wilderness. Going further out, it is actually very difficult to encounter manors.

But now the Rangers show up, it's inevitable.

Xu Feng didn't say anything more, and the two quickly rushed back to the manor.

The settlement has gained some popularity, after all, the survivors have received help from Xirang.

The supervisors arranged by Tang Yucheng are also stationed here. They are not supervisors with temporary status, but the owners of supervisors with complete status.

Today it’s not an outsider, it’s Li Wanying.

Tang Yulong and Xu Feng returned, and the three of them got together.

Li Wanying asked about their experiences, and even asked how Tang Yulong planned to deal with the appearance of the homeless this time.

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