The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 346 The Manor Attacked by Wanderers

There was no suspense about the return of the trial, and Xu Feng did not waste too much time in the Blessed Land this time.

The rewards are settled normally, and the scores are not high, but not low either.

After all, the survivors were all left in the training ground, which was considered qualified for a supervisor.

But there is still one reward that makes Xu Feng very satisfied. It is not a substantive prop, but some kind of privilege reward.

The electronic synthesized sound gives a prompt, and you will be given the permission to open the supervisor identity experience card from the treasure box, and you will have the opportunity to test the supervisor's ability.

The reward is not of substantial help, but it allows Xu Feng to know more about the supervisor in advance.

Of course, the premise is that Xu Feng can get an experience card as a supervisor.

For example, if you can get the experience cards of the Lord in Yellow and the Fisher Girl, then the subsequent exploration of Lakeview Village should be relatively simple.

In addition to the high-end treasure boxes obtained this time, Xu Feng has accumulated up to five high-end treasure boxes.

If you add the lucky person's own wish effect, the chance of issuing a supervisor identity experience card should not be low.

However, Xu Feng was not in a hurry to start it. Although he only participated in one trial, his energy was still quite consumed.

So I put the treasure chest away for the time being, planning to relax before making a decision.

He quickly left the room, and the auction house's business was still going on.

Lu Manrong, Mu Yining and others are already accustomed to today's life, and they are not too curious about Xu Feng's comings and goings.

Xu Feng left here after a brief greeting. After meeting Tang Yucheng in the tavern, there was nothing special for the time being, and finally he came to the nightmare world again.

Settlement is the main focus now, but because of the emergence of Xi soil, the pressure on the survivors has been reduced a lot, and there are no plans to expand outwards in the short term.

When Xu Feng appeared, he could already feel the changes in the air. Although time had not passed long, traces of green had finally begun to recover within the area of ​​the soil.

Someone immediately greeted Xu Feng's appearance, and it was Yin Zheng.

"Are you here?"

Xu Feng had just experienced a high-intensity trial and was still somewhat stressed.

He simply responded and followed Yin Zheng out of the villa.

During this time, the survivors have completed a lot of renovations here.

First there are the outer buildings. The villa already looks like a settlement, surrounded by fences.

It's a bit big compared to a settlement of ten people, but there is room reserved for other people's lives.

The two walked out of the villa, and the survivors were tending to the newly grown plants.

These are the seeds of food. As long as they can grow, the settlement can be self-sufficient.

Xu Feng took a rough look around and found no trace of Gu Hanshuang.

He asked casually, "Hasn't Gu Hanshuang been out recently?"

Before participating in the trial, Gu Hanshuang had just solved his own troubles, so it was understandable.

However, according to Xu Feng's understanding of Gu Hanshuang, Gu Hanshuang should not give up on these survivors of the nightmare world easily.

He was not here this time, which was a bit beyond Xu Feng's expectations.

Of course Yin Zheng didn't know the specific situation of Gu Hanshuang, but he knew that Gu Hanshuang had not come out during this period.

He said, "Well, she hasn't come out since you left last time."

Xu Feng nodded, basically guessing Gu Hanshuang's situation.

With the crisis over, the most important thing for Gu Hanshuang now is to find a way to obtain a complete supervisor status.

Unlike Xu Feng's situation, Gu Hanshuang's supervisor's abnormal integration level was already ridiculously high.

Obtaining full regulator status should not be difficult as long as you are not concerned about the risks it poses.

Nothing important was found in the settlement for the time being, and Xu Feng was temporarily relieved and planned to return to the manor to choose the next adventure.

But at this moment, a familiar light circle appeared, causing Xu Feng to stop temporarily.

It's Tang Yulong.

Xu Feng didn't pay too much attention at first, thinking of saying hello before returning to the manor.

But Tang Yulong, who revealed his figure, had a serious look on his face. He saw Xu Feng at a glance and strode towards him.

"problem occurs……"

Xu Feng was stunned for a moment before hearing Tang Yulong continue, "A manor has been attacked."

Xu Feng frowned slightly. By attacking the Source of Nightmares before, Xu Feng knew that there were a total of five entrances to the manor in the nearby area.

In addition to the manor where they were located, there was also the manor headed by Lan Chen.

After that there are three small manors.

The size of the three manors ranges from thousands of people, and there are only a few supervisors among them.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "What do you mean by being attacked? Haven't we already destroyed the source of nightmares?"

The source of nightmares is the biggest threat to every manor. In the past, the sources of nightmares near the manor have almost condensed the crisis that destroyed all manors.

It was Tang Yucheng who made the arrangements and organized the manpower of several manors to cooperate, and finally eliminated the crisis at the source of nightmares.

After that, the pressure on the manor decreased a lot, and Xu Feng began to take the lead in the construction of the settlement.

But now there is obviously a new crisis, and it has actually reached the point of attacking the manor.

Tang Yulong's face was gloomy and he said, "This time it's not the source of nightmares, it's the wanderers of the nightmare world..."

Xu Feng's pupils dilated a lot in an instant. Wanderer had heard this name before.

It is the name given to those desperate regulators who end up wandering alone in the nightmare world.

Under normal circumstances, most people will slowly gather towards the inner circle, because that is where the survivors finally gather.

But there are always some individuals who will end up living in the wilderness, and even make it their mission to destroy the manor.

I don’t live well, and I don’t want others to live well.

There are also some manor seeds that may appear one in ten thousand after the manor is destroyed.

Xu Feng did not hesitate anymore and returned to the manor with Tang Yulong.

At this time, the atmosphere in the tavern had become tense.

It's not that the drinkers know anything, but that the big guys who don't show up much on weekdays have begun to gather together.

Li Wanying, Wu Liang and others rarely have such emergencies after the source of nightmares was destroyed.

It didn't take long for the supervisors with complete identities to come together again.

After a brief introduction, Xu Feng also learned about Tang Yulong's source.

One of the five major manors has been breached, and the survivors have drifted into the nightmare world. Tang Yulong, who is responsible for patrolling, met one or two of them.

Although there is rarely any connection between several manors, it is sudden enough to have such one missing.

Xu Feng did not express his position in a hurry, but watched the exchanges between several other people.

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