The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 336 Disgusting Skills

After the trial is officially launched, the supervisor can randomly or independently select five generators to connect in series with each other to form a closed circuit.

When survivors repair generators in a closed circuit, they will only retain 50% of the repair progress, and the rest will be evenly distributed to other generators.

The dispersion process will cause some losses, and the repair progress will be slowed down a lot.

Moreover, survivors repairing the generator will be infected with charges of the same attribute. If any one of the survivors with the same charge is attacked and suffers damage, the damage will be shared equally among all survivors with the same charge.

But not to mention the effect of the charge, just this ability to disperse the repair progress made it very difficult for the survivors.

Fortunately, the survivors are not alone and can help each other to a certain extent.

It's not really like asking a survivor to spend twice as much time repairing a generator.

It's just that the supervisor also has the ability to control charges, and can throw charges of different properties onto the survivors, thereby causing a stun effect.

This makes the pursuit of regulators much easier.

Overall it's a bit difficult, but in the end it's better to speed up the pace of the trial as much as possible.

Xu Feng didn't have a deep understanding of the hermit profession. If he really wanted to become proficient, he still had to experience it in a formal trial.

At the same time, Xu Feng had some expectations for such trial rewards.

It does not fall into the formal trial category and often has very good basic rewards.

But these are things for later. After briefly understanding the hermit's abilities, Xu Feng began to wander around the training ground.

Understand the environment here in advance and lay the foundation for going to Lakeview Village in the Nightmare World later.

On the other side, there is a villa waiting to enter the trial.

The survivors had been waiting here early.

Four people, two of whom are professions that are not unfamiliar to Xu Feng, striker and spellcaster.

Their names are Xu Zheng and Du Feiyu.

Of course not together, just teammates who met randomly.

As for the other two people, one is an antique dealer holding a jade flute, and the other is a handsome man with a ponytail, a composer.

The four of them were all veterans of the manor. After briefly introducing themselves, they began to search upstairs for clues about the trial site and the identity of the supervisor.

Coincidentally, someone has actually encountered such a supervisor before, and it is Du Feiyu, a magician.

Holding a piece of evidence that can prove the identity of the supervisor, he complained, "Now we are in trouble. I didn't expect it to be this guy."

Du Feiyu is the only survivor among the four who has encountered the hermit as a supervisor, and he is also the only one who knows the terrifying identity of the hermit as a supervisor.

Xu Zheng was a little puzzled, "Isn't he just a field-controlling regulator? What's so scary about this?"

Tu Hu and Xu Zheng were also in the same survivor profession. They also suffered a lot against the deer-headed Benn played by Xu Feng.

It's just that different people have different experiences and may also have their own talent advantages.

Anyway, Xu Zheng never believed that there were people in this world that he couldn't save.

Du Feiyu looked helpless. Anyone who underestimated the identity of the supervisor would often suffer a lot.

Seeing the reaction of the two people, the antique dealer on the side began to speak, "Okay, okay, everyone is trying to pass the trial smoothly, there is nothing to fight about."

The antique dealer's name is Tao Gu. Strictly speaking, he is also a strong survivor. He is a being who can be compared with a strong profession like a striker.

Although he looks a bit fragile on the surface, if he really uses his natural ability, he is definitely a tougher guy than a striker.

Three of the four people have the ability to act on the supervisor. The conjurer uses spells to cause dizziness, the forward uses rugby collision to cause dizziness, and the antique dealer uses the jade flute in his hand.

The jade flute is equipped with various mechanisms that can perform various moves.

Working together, they can cause regulators a lot of pause and hesitation.

As for the last composer, he happened to have some kind of talent similar to repairing generators. His name was Peng Yue, and he was indeed good at playing the piano.

The four of them briefly communicated for a while and confirmed the identity of the supervisor. After that, things became much easier.

But it was obvious that except for the conjurer Du Feiyu, the other three people still didn't care much.

After Du Feiyu explained the precautions many times, he finally was too lazy to continue the communication and returned to the room to rest alone.

The remaining people also left one after another, and the countdown to the trial began, with two hours left.

Here, Xu Feng, who has changed his identity, has been wandering around the training ground for a long time.

I didn't find any useful clues, I just learned more about this trial field map.

Standing on the ship, the key building of the trial site, Xu Feng looked at the sea beyond the map.

I still vaguely remember that the place where the two supervisors came ashore suddenly emerged from the sea.

And regardless of the supervisor's abilities, the two supervisors indeed look like sea creatures.

At least it is inseparable from the sea.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng suddenly had an idea, climbed over the big ship, and jumped directly towards the sea.

Xu Feng can't swim, but the supervisor's ability cannot be underestimated.

The slender body was like a depth bomb, plunging hard into the bottom of the sea.

The light was a little turbid at first, but as the wand in the regulator's hand emitted a faint color, things on the seabed quickly became clear.

Xu Feng's pupils dilated instantly, and the scene in front of him made Xu Feng feel uneasy.

Even if Xu Feng is now a regulator.

Large pieces of white bones covered the entire river bed, which was linked to the photos collected in the supervisor's room during the first trial here.

Although it turned out that those photos alluded to the supervisor's abilities, it was impossible to say that those who were photographed were later thrown here.

There are also newspapers that introduce seaside tourism. I am afraid there is not a steady stream of tourists being thrown into the sea.

Sacrifice, foolish tradition.

His breathing gradually became rapid, and Xu Feng's condition was getting worse and worse.

But fortunately, the teleportation skill had been activated, and Xu Feng was back on the ship instantly.

This was a decision made by Xu Feng after analyzing the supervisor's abilities. Compared to other skills, teleportation was more in line with Xu Feng's understanding of the hermit profession.

Xu Feng didn't change his mind about portable skills, he just stared at the sea blankly.

The final secret may still belong to the ocean, and Xu Feng doesn't know in what capacity he will join this exploration.

A sacrifice, or a sacrificer.

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