The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 319 Return

The four of them clung to the boundary of leaving the trial, the kind that could leave as long as the supervisor came close.

Although I was nervous after a trial, I finally managed to survive.

Xu Feng got straight to the point, "Does anyone know what's happening now? Why are we suddenly entering the trial?"

Xu Feng was in the passage returning from the auction house when he was suddenly pulled into the trial. He didn't even react at first.

The other three looked at each other in confusion, and it seemed that they were in a similar situation to Xu Feng.

The situation was filled with confusion for a while.

After a brief silence, someone suggested, "How about everyone tell us what they were doing before entering the trial and see what they have in common?"

This was Gilman's suggestion. Seeing that no one objected, Gilman took the initiative to talk about his situation, "I was in my room before entering the trial and did nothing."

Dorival, "I was dealing with others in the manor."

Clark, "I'm in a nightmare world..."

He was a little cautious when he spoke, because according to the rules of the manor, news about the nightmare world could not be spoken casually to survivors who did not have the authority level.

But there was no reaction at this time, and neither Dorival nor Clark showed any surprise or abnormality.

It shows that both of them know the existence of the nightmare world.

In the end, the three of them looked at Xu Feng at the same time. After all, all three of them had no problem. The only possibility was Xu Feng.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment. Xu Feng smiled bitterly and said, "It has nothing to do with me. I just returned to the manor from the nightmare world."

Although the return channel of the auction house is somewhat special, it is not enough to drag three unrelated people into the trial.

Several people wanted to continue communicating, but Dorival had already felt the supervisor's approach.

In this regard, Dorival's perception is stronger than others.

Someone suggested, "Leave first. This situation may not only happen once. If it happens again in the future, I hope we can all be prepared in advance."

If the four of them were not very mature survivors, there might be a few who would be left behind in this trial forever.

Several people did not hesitate and walked out of the passage before the supervisor showed up.

The familiar feeling of dizziness appears, the smell of coming home.

Before Xu Feng could open his eyes, the familiar sound of the old fan rang.

This is the only prop in Xu Feng's room that has not been replaced from the beginning.

Because even in the dark, Xu Feng could tell whether he had returned by relying on this familiar voice.

When Xu Feng opened his eyes again, it was indeed that familiar place.

The furnishings in the room remained the same, as if Xu Feng had actively participated in the trial just now.

Xu Feng still didn't move because he was waiting for an answer.

No matter what channel you use to return to the manor, you will receive an electronic synthesized sound prompt.

Xu Feng is waiting for an answer. Perhaps electronic synthesized sounds can give him a direction.

There was a brief silence, and the electronically synthesized sound seemed to know that it could no longer be used up, and then finally a warning sound sounded.

Unknown links are detected, abnormal trial records are obtained, and trial rewards are detected.

You get a supervisor experience card, which can be used once.

After using it, you can randomly participate in the trial as a supervisor without any failure penalty.

You get Nightmare Coin+ and Advanced Treasure Chest X2.

When special permissions are detected, you get additional rewards, and supervisors can carry special skills, aberrations.

During the trial, you can use skills to destroy the generator under repair and reduce the repair progress of the generator.

Welcome back to the manor. The unknown link has been reported. Please be careful when participating in the trial in a short period of time.

The sound gradually stopped, and Xu Feng woke up from the bed in a daze.

That's it?

Although the rewards are good, they feel perfunctory no matter how you look at them.

Nightmare coins are nothing, there are already four high-level treasure chests plus the ones that existed before.

I don’t know what to drive yet, so I just keep them all on me.

Xu Feng got up from the bed and looked at the props he had harvested this time, in a daze.

Unknown link, this is not the first time I have encountered it.

It was also in the amusement park before, when I met Juke and Margaretha.

Now I encountered an unknown link again, but it forced me to the trial space.

It has a similar feeling to entering the trial for the first time, except that this time the situation is much more difficult than the novice trial. Fortunately, the memory of the manor is still retained.

Xu Feng walked out of the room without continuing to kill time.

The business of the auction house is still going on, and the business that Tang Yucheng helped to open gave Xu Feng a great deal of freedom.

The employees were used to Xu Feng's appearance and appearance, and were not surprised at all by Xu Feng's appearance.

Xu Feng could only find Lu Manrong, who was in charge, and wanted to see how long he had been gone.

Lu Manrong didn't think much and said directly, "Three days, four days at most, what's wrong?"

Xu Feng frowned slightly, but there didn't seem to be anything strange about him.

This time is the same as the time Xu Feng entered the auction house.

In other words, there is not even extra time for the trials imposed in the middle.

Normal trials take up a day, but this time the situation is a bit special.

Unable to find an explanation for a while, Xu Feng did not stay at home longer.

When everything goes wrong, he goes to Lao Tang. Xu Feng believes that Tang Yucheng should be able to tell him some answers.

Coupled with the invitation letter prepared for Gu Hanshuang, this matter has been delayed for a while.

Xu Feng rushed to the tavern quickly and happened to bump into Lu Wei coming out of the passage.

This period of time has been quite busy, but the state is relaxed.

There is a huge difference from the person Xu Feng met when he first entered the trial field, but it is still positive.

It has to be said that the manor is a place for cultivating people. Survivors have only two choices here, either to be decadent and ruined, or to become confident and strong.

Lu Wei also saw Xu Feng, his eyes lit up, he came up to him and greeted him familiarly.

"You're back. Have you got Gu Hanshuang's props?"

Because of the cursed doll, Lu Wei can now participate in the exploration of the nightmare world, so Lu Wei knows many things.

Xu Feng didn't hide it, "Well, I got it back, but it depends on the situation. It's not that simple."

Then he invited me again, "Let's have a drink together. When we come back this time, we will help each other if something happens."

Lu Wei was stunned for a moment, but his expression became serious.

Without leaving again, the two of them went to the bar together.

Familiar environment, familiar people, Tang Yucheng also poured the appropriate drinks for the two of them.

The bill is settled automatically, without any politeness at all.

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