The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 311 Curse Mark

Others were still anxiously waiting for Gilman's outcome, but Gilman, who had successfully escaped, shouted on the channel, "I understand, what we are facing is not a regulator who can clone himself, but a doll controlled by the regulator. "

The restrictions on the second platform have been opened, and Gilman controlled the roller coaster directly across the river in the middle of the trial site, and slowly stopped at the third platform of the roller coaster.

A full half distance away from the regulator, Gilman was safe for the time being.

The Regulators lost their edge, allowing a few survivors to briefly interact.

The fourth person finally joined the group chat, "Does anyone know what's going on now? My name is Dorival, a conjurer."

Another survivor that Xu Feng is familiar with, he can use witchcraft to paralyze the supervisor's profession.

Before the others could speak, Gilman screamed again on the channel.

"No, the supervisor knows my location, and a doll is chasing me?"

There must be some reason why the supervisor can determine the location of the survivors at half the distance of the trial field.

Dorival is an expert in this field and said hurriedly, "Check yourself to see if you have been branded with any marks. It is impossible for the supervisor to know your location out of thin air."

Gilman was no longer in a hurry to move and simply checked on the spot.

Although the other three were repairing the generator, their thoughts were on Gilman.

Not knowing the abilities of the supervisor in the early stage was the most difficult. Before, there were rooms in the Sanctuary to explore, but now they were thrown in directly, and several people were a little nervous.

Fortunately, as the first person to be chased, Gilman had a roller coaster to take advantage of, and he was able to explore some of the supervisor's abilities.

Soon there was a new discovery, Gilman said, "There is indeed a brand, and I think about it. It is because of this brand that the regulators have an extra doll that they can manipulate."

"But the mark cannot be erased. Does any of you know more about this situation?"

The regulators were approaching, and this was still visible to Gilman's naked eye.

The imprint forms a channel, making both parties visible to each other.

Seeing that the regulator's doll was about to catch up, Gilman gritted his teeth and made a decision.

After turning on the switch for the third platform, the roller coaster started directly and sped towards the terminal.

If the supervisor is determined to catch up with Gilman, then Gilman will keep controlling the roller coaster.

When the switches on all stations are turned on, the roller coaster will not stop at any time and will move back and forth between the start station and the end station.

Fortunately, when Gilman was about to reach the terminal, Dorival on the channel gave the answer.

As a survivor who studies spells, Dorival has experience in this area.

Explained, "If it is a time-sensitive curse, the way to solve the curse is either on the regulator, or near the place where the curse is released."

While explaining, Dorival looked towards the place where Gilman was cursed before and exited the platform.

A bright light flashed in his eyes, and he saw something in another layer of vision that ordinary people couldn't see.

"There is a magic circle at the exit platform. Using this magic circle should be able to lift your curse."

Gilman had already landed at the terminal, spanning the entire proving ground from the platform.

Although the switches on all stations have been turned on, the roller coaster has a cooling time and cannot be started directly after stopping.

Gilman could only find a suitable place nearby, which was far away from the supervisor and could detect the supervisor's approach in time.

And when the regulator is close, you can also ensure that you have enough game time.

All in all, Gilman is waiting for the roller coaster to pass the cooling time.

There are currently two regulator dolls on the trial field, and Gilman only sees one of them.

Coupled with Gilman's calculations, the current situation makes Gilman feel a little uneasy.

He hurriedly asked in the channel, "Has anyone seen the other regulator's doll? This one here is chasing me, and the other one is somewhere."

Because I thought of a possibility, if it was as Gilman feared, the roller coaster might not be usable in a short time.

One of the supervisors had already arrived near Gilman and began to pursue him.

Fortunately, Gilman chose a diagonal distance, so the supervisor had to go around the platform to get to Gilman's vicinity.

Gilman took advantage of this distance and escaped early.

Although he may be caught up sooner or later, at least he is safe now.

Gilman was not actually worried about being caught up, he was only worried about whether his guess was true.

On the other side, after Gilman asked a question about another regulator doll, Xu Feng had already checked the map.

It's a pity that Xu Feng can only see the activated regulator doll on Xu Feng's map, and I really don't know where the other one is.

Fortunately, he quickly guessed Gilman's worries, and while Gilman was being chased, Xu Feng ran directly towards the third platform.

Gilman's concern is that supervisors will be on the platform when the roller coaster is in use.

The speed of the roller coaster is not very fast, and the supervisor can knock the survivors off the roller coaster as long as they react normally.

And it's the kind that shocks the damage and knocks you down directly.

In the past, only fast-moving supervisors had this opportunity, but now supervisors can control two dolls, which is indeed a big threat to the survivors.

And just as Gilman feared, there was indeed a doll standing on the track at Platform Three.

This is the first time Xu Feng has seen the regulator doll up close, but it feels inexplicably familiar.

The appearance is definitely different, but Xu Feng has definitely seen something similar somewhere, but he just can't remember it for a while.

After confirming the supervisor's location, Xu Feng returned to the location where he was repairing the generator and reminded him on the channel.

"Your concerns are right. The regulator is indeed waiting for you at platform three. Please be careful."

Gilman felt a little annoyed. Seeing the regulators getting closer and closer, he had to give up the opportunity to use the roller coaster to escape.

Xu Feng, who was returning to his previous position, heard a gloomy laughter at this moment.

Near Xu Feng, a doll that was also a regulator was summoned and rushed directly away from Xu Feng.

Xu Feng quickly guessed the other party's intention.

"Gilman, run quickly, there is another regulator doll approaching you."

At the same time, Xu Feng gave up on replacing the generator and rushed towards the magic circle.

In the current situation, Xu Feng needs to remove the curse mark as soon as possible to prevent Gilman from being chased by three regulator dolls.

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