The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 289 Casino in the Nightmare World

"The abnormal fusion is too high. I heard it is more than 70%. Is there a solution?"

Tang Yucheng said, "Of course there is, it just requires a special trial."

"If you survive, some of the abnormal fusion will be stabilized. If you fail, you will lose the corresponding fusion."

"Getting it done at once is the most suitable choice for Gu Hanshuang."

Xu Feng was a little worried, "She has just returned to the manor sequence. Will she be in danger?"

If you don't count Gu Hanshuang's time in the nightmare world, it has only been two or three months since Gu Hanshuang entered the manor.

In addition, because of her concern for Jing Qizheng and others, Gu Hanshuang's condition has not been very good.

At least half a month will be lost.

Tang Yucheng paused and said quietly, "Have you forgotten when you opened the special invitation?"

Xu Feng was stunned for a moment. He really couldn't remember the specific time, but he remembered that it seemed to be quite a long time ago.

Tang Yucheng continued, "You're not afraid, and they don't want you in any way. Why do you think they'll be in danger?"

Xu Feng scratched his head in embarrassment, thinking too much.

Tang Yucheng's mood is actually a bit complicated. For most supervisors, Tang Yucheng is more urging and wants to make the supervisors grow as quickly as possible.

There was a threat from the source of nightmares before, so this was a decision that had to be made.

But then Xu Feng's speed was too fast, and Tang Yucheng tried to persuade Xu Feng to slow down.

Until the source of the nightmare was breached, Tang Yucheng suddenly found that he was thinking too much.

He simply let it go, and Xu Feng's growth has never disappointed anyone.

Xu Feng took a sip of wine to relieve his embarrassment and said, "Then I'll leave her affairs to you. If you need help with anything, just call me."

He was about to leave, but was stopped again by Tang Yucheng.

"Then there happens to be something that requires you to go. I asked my friend to find an invitation to participate in a special trial. You can go to the auction house and bring it back to me later."

"It's related to Gu Hanshuang's trial. The faster the better."

Xu Feng was stunned for a moment, and after a simple explanation, he understood the reason.

What Gu Hanshuang wants to participate in is a multi-player gambling competition.

The bet is on the abnormal fusion, which is similar to the gambling battle between two people that Xu Feng experienced before.

But Gu Hanshuang's participation was multi-person, and it was under the control of one force.

This force controls a variety of competitive modes, including the 5V5 battles that Xu Feng has experienced before.

Other supervisors can participate as players or place bets as spectators.

It's similar to Tuhu's casino, but the standards are much higher.

At least the people involved are regulators, and the bets are all kinds of props that are far beyond ordinary people's understanding.

Gu Hanshuang participated as a player, but it was for Tang Yucheng's sake.

In fact, it's not just people with a high degree of abnormal integration who will participate. People with a degree of abnormal integration close to zero and who may be eliminated at any time will also try to take a gamble.

There is a rule that Xu Feng doesn't know: if the abnormal fusion is too high or too low, the tendency will change.

For example, if the fusion degree remains low for a long time, even if you do not participate in the supervisor trial, the fusion ratio will slowly decrease over time until it completely returns to zero.

And if the abnormal fusion is too high, people like Gu Hanshuang will also grow slowly due to abnormal reasons.

Of course, it is impossible to directly obtain the complete identity of the supervisor. If you cannot escape from the memory of the supervisor, the final result may be loss or direct death.

What Xu Feng had to do was go to the auction house to help Gu Hanshuang get back the invitation to participate in the trial.

If he could adjust his condition through this, it would not be difficult for Gu Hanshuang to return to normal.

After confirming the mission, Xu Feng did not stay any longer and returned directly to the auction house.

Although it was night, the auction house was still open.

With Lu Wei's frequent outings, employees' suspicion of Xu Feng gradually disappeared.

In fact, it's not doubtful, just a little nervous.

Now that Yin Zheng has been properly accommodated, if they cannot survive in the future, they will certainly have the opportunity to receive the same treatment.

Xu Feng responded to the employees' greetings one by one and returned to the room alone.

There are old employees bragging about Xu Feng's story to new employees. The former newcomer has now become a legend.

Xu Feng didn't care. After returning to the room, he was in a daze for a while, and then turned on the phonograph donated by the auction house in the corner.

The soothing music made Xu Feng relax a lot, and there was a click, which was the sound of the communication being connected.

"Hello, this is the auction house customer service. We are happy to serve you."

Xu Feng's lips suddenly cracked into a smile. After experiencing so many tiring things, the voice of an acquaintance always made people feel relaxed.

"Long time no see. Did you miss me?"

The girl opposite was silent for a long time. The more contact with Xu Feng, the girl's character has grown a lot.

Xu Feng is not the only customer in the nightmare world who is difficult to deal with, but the few encounters with Xu Feng have made people a little hysterical.

After simply calming down, the girl put on her professional smile again.

He made it clear that he didn't want to cause trouble with Xu Feng and said, "Mr. Xu Feng, if you have anything to say, please hang up. Thank you."

"The auction house is very busy. I don't think you want me to be scolded by the leader."

Xu Feng was speechless and didn't know how to respond for a moment.

But fortunately, he didn't really have nothing to do. He said, "When is the next auction? I'm going to go there."

The girl was stunned for a moment. She was used to Xu Feng's oral pleasure, but she was still a little uncomfortable when he suddenly talked about serious matters.

He said, "Sir, as your professional customer service, I need to remind you that if you have any props that you need to buy or sell, you can do it through me."

"This will save you valuable time and improve efficiency. Do you need to consider it?"

The auction house has various operations to save customers time. Many busy supervisors do this, and the customer service staff can also earn some tips through this.

But the girl never thought of receiving any benefits from Xu Feng. It was all because of her professionalism.

And he also guessed that Xu Feng would most likely not agree.

Sure enough, Xu Feng refused directly, "No, there are some things I have to go over in person, just tell me when the next auction will be."

It was a matter of Gu Hanshuang's safety, so Xu Feng certainly couldn't be careless.

Besides, it's true that he hasn't been to an auction house for a long time. Xu Feng thought he could see what was worth buying.

The girl had already expected it and said in a calm tone, "Okay, the auction will start after the next trial cycle. You are welcome to come at any time."

After the communication ended, Xu Feng returned to bed.

A trial cycle may not be long, but you always have to find something to do.

You can't explore the nightmare world recklessly, but participating in the manor's trial is a good choice.

But whether to play the role of a regulator or a survivor is somewhat difficult for Xu Feng to choose.

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