The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 255 Aren’t you curious?

The strong stinging sensation caused discomfort to the supervisor, who was forced to stay where he was.

After a few seconds, the white flames dissipated and the supervisor's vision returned to normal. However, Qiu Ke and Xu Feng had already arrived behind the ruins.

There are traces left on the spot, and it doesn't look like it's very far away.

But when the supervisor walked around the ruins and before he could clearly see who was in front of him, the hot light of the flashlight shone over again.

This is the benefit of durable props, which can be used continuously.

And the flashlight can not only stun the supervisor, but also block the supervisor's skills. Not to mention getting close, even butterflies can't be thrown out.

After missing the target several times in a row, when the supervisor found Xu Feng again, Qiu Ke had already left here early.

Margaretha and Tiancheng also got together. Instead of wasting time on treatment, they spent all their time repairing the generator.

Qiu Ke was rushing towards the position of the two of them. In fact, there was not much progress left on the generator.

Tiancheng reminded on the channel, "Maybe you can start approaching this way. My portrait can help you delay for a few seconds."

Xu Feng's flashlight was running out of durability, and it was really time to think about the next thing at this time.

However, he did not approach the location of the three people. Instead, he recalled the location of the underground survival tunnel.

The underground survival tunnel appeared after the two generators were repaired in the trial ground. It just needs to wait until there is only one survivor left in the trial ground before it can be opened.

Getting close to the three people can indeed provide temporary help, but it may also cause the supervisor to divert the target.

If the supervisor has the skill of retention, no one left can withstand a blow.

So at least you can't get too close until the door is opened.

He couldn't delay too much, because the supervisor's excitement skill had finished cooling down, and even with Tiancheng's portrait, Xu Feng wouldn't be able to escape.

Fortunately, they had encountered an underground survival tunnel that had not been opened before. Seeing that the three of them had almost repaired the generator, Xu Feng's flashlight was almost exhausted.

Xu Feng said in the channel, "Tiancheng will help me place a portrait near the underground survival tunnel, and then the three of you will leave."

The profiler's portrait can be placed in advance, so Tiancheng doesn't need to be nearby all the time.

As long as the portrait is put down, people can leave without risking discovery by regulators.

The reason why Xu Feng did this was that there would be no punishment for failure anyway, and he planned to prioritize ensuring that the other three people could leave smoothly.

When there is only one person left, try your best to leave. If you can, you can leave. If you can't, you will be eliminated.

The generator had been pressed down to the last second, and Xu Feng was ready to fall to the ground.

As the supervisor launched his attack, Xu Feng fell to the ground unexpectedly.

But then the generator was lit, and Xu Feng climbed up from the ground.

The skill is Reflection, which is standard equipment for most survivors.

By the time the supervisor finished his attack, Xu Feng had already distanced himself sufficiently.

Don't walk in a straight line, use ruins to prevent the supervisor from using skills to distance yourself.

But instead of directly using the portrait Tiancheng placed, he used the last bit of the flashlight's durability to try to delay time.

The door is already open, and the supervisor is hesitant.

But now you may not be able to catch someone if you go to the door, and you may lose Xu Feng in front of you.

So after much hesitation, he finally chose to continue the pursuit.

With the ability to move quickly, he quickly arrived behind Xu Feng.

But as the sounds of people leaving the trial field started to sound, the supervisor's mood became worse and worse.

Seeing Xu Feng right in front of him, the moment the supervisor brandished his weapon, his attention was attracted by the portrait in the distance.

Under the influence of the rules, the supervisor walked directly towards the portrait.

Then Tiancheng also left the trial site.

Only Xu Feng and the supervisor were left in the entire training ground.

When the regulator's control ended and Xu Feng was found again, Xu Feng was already standing at the entrance of the underground survival tunnel.

But Xu Feng was not in a hurry to leave, but instead became very interested in the supervisor.

In fact, I felt that the supervisor looked familiar at first, and then I finally remembered it.

It's Li Wanying, the grocery store owner in the manor, who also looks similar to the supervisor here.

However, Xu Feng was very sure that the supervisor of this trial could not be her, because although they were similar, there were still some differences, perhaps because of their skin.

But the reason why Xu Feng stayed was not just that, because this was the third time Xu Feng had seen such an image.

Once with Li Wanying, once now, and once again, in Yongmian Town in the nightmare world.

There was a lake next to the town. In the center of the lake, Xu Feng had seen a similar figure before, albeit only for a moment.

Xu Feng was curious about whether the supervisor had any impression of Yongmian Town, because according to the plan, Xu Feng would most likely go to Yongmian Town.

Not only to see what happened to the survivors of Jing Qizheng's disaster, but also to find out the truth about the anomaly in Yongmian Town.

There are nightmares everywhere, only in Eversleep Town, there are them, but very few.

I've bumped into it a few times occasionally, but it seems like I accidentally wandered past.

The supervisor was still a little angry when he saw Xu Feng stop, and rushed forward with his teeth bared.

Even if Xu Feng could jump into the tunnel right away, the supervisor wouldn't mind coming up and launching an attack to vent his anger.

But before the supervisor could get closer, Xu Feng had already interrupted the opponent's attack, "Can we talk about the memory of the identity you play..."

The supervisor froze immediately, but then he confirmed the identity of Xu Feng, who was also playing the role of a supervisor.

He said angrily, "Are you here to make fun of me?"

There are no such people. Even if it is not for fun, it is really embarrassing to behave like this in a trial in front of a supervisor.

Although the supervisors also performed some outstanding operations during the trial, they still lost in the end, and they lost so completely.

Of course, Xu Feng didn't mean to tease the supervisor. He explained, "I have no malice. I just want to ask you about your memory about the supervisor's identity."

Every actor who plays a regulator will carry a copy of this memory until the abnormal fusion degree is cleared and the identity of the regulator is completely lost.

The supervisor was silent for a moment and asked in confusion, "Why do you ask this?"

Xu Feng said, "Of course it's for the truth. Don't you have any curiosity about this world?"

The supervisor frowned slightly and did not rush to answer.

I once had the same curiosity as Xu Feng, but as I lived in the nightmare world, my curiosity was gradually worn away.

Regulators haven't had a problem with the world in a long time.

Somewhat disdainful, because the experience was too futile.

But there was inevitably some expectation. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "What do you want to ask?"

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