The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 252 Precision Cooperation

If Tiancheng was treated to a healthy state, no matter how much the regulators laid a dragnet, it would be impossible to keep Tiancheng here, so the regulators took action.

The three of them were now clinging to the corner of the basement, with Xu Feng blocking the outside, protecting the two of them to a great extent.

Once the supervisor's attack hits Xu Feng, the three of them can use the time left by the supervisor's attack to create enough distance.

If the supervisors don't attack and Xu Feng's treatment continues, Tiancheng's condition will be restored sooner or later.

So the regulator handed over the attack anyway.

While Xu Feng was being stabbed, the three of them ran away and rushed toward the stairs leading to the ground.

At the corner of the stairs, Xu Feng was already ready.

Just waiting for the supervisor to show up, he fired the flare gun in his hand.

The stun time of the flare gun seems to be two or three seconds, but the supervisor's skills must have also finished cooling down.

So Xu Feng relies on another person.

Sure enough, the supervisor activated the skill at the moment of dizziness, golden flames flashed, and the supervisor continued to chase the three people with endless anger.

There is not much space in the basement and there are many corners on the stairs, so the supervisor does not have the ability to use butterfly flight.

When the supervisor finally reached the ground, the effect of the golden flame had just ended.

Seeing Tiancheng climb out of the window, the supervisor tried to throw the butterfly to save time in pursuit.

But before the waving action was completed, Juke pushed the rocket and hit it directly.

The rocket interrupted the supervisor's movements and caused the supervisor to fall into a brief dizziness.

When the supervisor finally got over the dizziness and chased out of the cabin, he only saw a trace of interruption.

The traces ended in ruins, and when the supervisor chased after him, Tian Cheng could no longer be found.

The unwilling supervisor walked around twice and ignored Xu Feng's exposed position nearby.

At the same time, Xu Feng asked about Margareta's location in the channel, thinking about asking Margareta to help delay the time, and asked about the repair progress of the generator.

Margareta responded truthfully, saying that the progress was very fast because of the previous repairs made by Juke.

It is basically guaranteed that the repairs will be completed before Xu Feng rushes over.

As for gaming with the regulators, Margaretha didn't have any objections.

Just curious, "Did you rescue the person?"

Xu Feng naturally knew where Tiancheng was hiding, but he didn't dare to say for sure yet.

Tiancheng also has a portrait in his hand. If it is really discovered, the supervisor does not have the "Excitement" skill and has one last chance to escape.

At first, Xu Feng thought of using the portrait to force the supervisor to use excitement, but after calculating the time, Tiancheng had the acceleration skill, which was enough to distance him, so he could save just enough time.

It was basically successful now. The supervisor circled twice around the place where the traces disappeared, but they still couldn't find Tiancheng's location.

Even Qiu Ke disappeared, only Xu Feng was still provoking, trying to attract the regulators away.

Xu Feng's plan finally succeeded, and the supervisors who searched to no avail could only focus on Xu Feng.

He directly threw the butterfly and chased Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was far enough away, and his location was just behind the ruins.

He easily dodged the butterfly's pursuit, and then rushed towards Margaretha's position.

The acceleration skills on his body were not used, and the barrier in this direction was still there.

So the chance is not small.

At this time, Margaretha's generator was finally repaired.

Without giving up on his promise, he came forward directly.

On the other side, Tiancheng and Qiu Ke received the prompt and walked out of the metal cabinet in the basement.

Sacrifice seats and metal cabinets are standard features in basements.

Tiancheng just suddenly slowed down in the middle area between the church and the wooden house.

Normal movement speed will leave obvious traces, but slow walking or sneaking will not.

However, the speed also decreases very slowly. If the regulator is watching, this is tantamount to giving the regulator an opportunity.

But with the restraints of Xu Feng and Qiu Ke, Tiancheng was able to gain more time.

Then he hid from the supervisor's sight and made his way back to the basement.

No trace was left, and it was impossible for regulators to directly think of it.

During the search, both Tiancheng and Qiu Ke hid in the cabinet in the basement.

Coupled with Xu Feng's provocation, the supervisors had no choice but to give up after searching to no avail.

This kind of opportunity is actually very difficult. The right time, place and people are all there.

But luckily, the two are already treating each other.

As long as Tiancheng is not exposed to the regulators, this trial will most likely be stable.

However, there is a prerequisite that Xu Feng cannot be knocked down, otherwise rescue will still be a trouble.

And Xu Feng already has a rough understanding of the supervisor's capabilities.

Keeping an eye on the supervisor's position, the supervisor's ability to fly quickly is almost useless.

But after all, he was injured, so Xu Feng didn't dare to take too many risks.

After the Regulator was frustrated using his flight ability, he quickly distanced himself through a nearby window.

Behind a barrier not far away, Margaretha was already waiting there.

The supervisor followed closely behind and was about to pass through the barrier.

But remembering the scene of being tricked before, I subconsciously became more careful, and sure enough I saw a foot behind the baffle.

It was Margareta who accidentally exposed it.

After confirming that someone was hiding behind, the supervisor did not move forward recklessly.

He suddenly stopped in front of the barrier and tentatively waved his weapon.

Poof, the sharp blade scratched her skin. Margareta took down the baffle and was attacked.

The supervisor laughed wantonly, and Margaretha could only leave with her wounds.

And when the supervisor removed the baffle, all that could be seen was Margaretha.

But it doesn't matter, both of them are injured, no matter who they catch.

Xu Feng also learned about Margaretha's injury on the channel, frowned and said, "Come to me, and I will help you hold him down."

In fact, it's the same for everyone who falls to the ground. It's the first time anyway.

But after all, it was Margareta who was attacked because she was trying to help him, and there was no penalty for Xu Feng's elimination, so Xu Feng felt that it was okay for him to take over.

But Margareta was firm and said, "It's okay, just go and do your thing. The supervisor won't be able to catch up with me in a short time."

The tone was extremely confident, but it made Xu Feng hesitate for a moment.

But now that I have said so, Xu Feng is not a hypocritical person.

Qiu Ke and Tian Cheng had finished treating each other and were heading towards the location where the generator was left behind.

Xu Feng also exhausted the durability of the mechanical doll and made up for a lot of generator progress.

But the supervisor was already behind Margaretha, and the two sides were only separated by a barrier.

The supervisor couldn't help but chuckle, another game?

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