The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 250 A chance to escape

Qiu Ke has already started to take action. With the rocket in hand, it doesn't mean that there is no chance.

The regulator's control skills will most likely not recover that quickly, so the first rescue can be delayed for some time.

But if you want to escape, you must have at least two control skills and be able to connect them.

Xu Feng didn't have high expectations, he just thought it would be better if he cooperated during the second rescue.

In the channel, Xu Feng and Qiu Ke exchanged their understandings.

For regulators, there are several main points to note.

One is the location of the butterfly. The probability of the butterfly's appearance is related to the supervisor's mobility. This ability does not seem to be limited by distance.

Another is that after being entangled by a butterfly, you should pay attention to the position of the supervisor frequently.

When the butterfly appeared for the first time, it was Xu Feng's turning back that stopped the supervisor halfway.

If this rule can be determined, then there will be ways to deal with regulators in the future.

Supervisors are generally powerful, but they also have weaknesses. This is the fairness of the manor.

At the same time, Xu Feng had found a box.

In the current situation, there are two ways to restore health, namely medical kits and mechanical dolls.

One is a professional treatment tool and the other is an auxiliary means.

Although the treatment speed of the mechanical doll is slightly slower, it is more maneuverable.

There happened to be a generator nearby. After Xu Feng healed himself, he could use the mechanical doll to repair the progress of the generator.

Durability consumption will be faster, but it will also cause some interference to the supervisor.

Because the mechanical doll's abilities are unstable, it will break down frequently.

Every time a failure occurs, the supervisor will receive a warning. If it occurs too frequently, the supervisor will also be annoyed.

On the other side, Qiu Ke had already arrived near Tiancheng.

There was some confusion in his heart, because just now Tiancheng reminded him that the supervisor had flown into the sky.

Because of Xu Feng's reminder, Qiu Ke could almost guess what the supervisor was thinking.

He was already more alert in his heart and carefully avoided the supervisor's sight.

From far away, I saw the female ghost flying in the sky. The way she opened her teeth and claws made it impossible for people to connect it with the image of the victim.

But it doesn't matter. All supervisors suffered some hardships before transformation.

To really compare, Qiu Ke may not be much worse than the supervisor in front of him.

There was no burden in his heart. When he saw that the time was almost up, he immediately exposed his body and rushed towards Tian Cheng.

The moment Qiu Ke was exposed, the supervisor observing from the sky also directly threw out a butterfly.

But he didn't focus on the survivor's position like before. After all, the distance was so far, and the butterfly's position could easily be deviated.

Therefore, the regulator's butterfly was thrown in front of Jiu Ke's path. As long as the regulator landed along this trajectory, he could attack just before Jiu Ke arrived at Tiancheng's position.

The distance was very far, and if you were lucky enough to wait until a skill cooled down, you might have a chance to strike a second blow before Jiuke saved the person.

But Qiu Ke had roughly guessed the regulator's plan, so he directly pushed the rocket in his hand the moment the butterfly appeared.

Aiming in Tiancheng's direction, there was no need to turn in the middle.

Taking advantage of the extra acceleration opportunity, after the supervisor landed, Qiu Ke had already arrived near Tiancheng.

The supervisor was a little annoyed, and when he turned back to chase him, Qiu Ke had already rescued Tiancheng from the sacrificial chair.

Tiancheng was very grateful, said "thank you" and fled away from the supervisor.

Qiu Ke ran for a while, trying to defend Tiancheng from the next attack.

This was learned from Xu Feng and others during the trial at the Source of Nightmares.

Protect the people who have been on the sacrificial seat as much as possible, and only then will you have a chance to win the entire trial.

But the supervisor behind him had already caught up, and while there was still some distance, he threw a butterfly directly towards the position of the two of them.

Qiu Ke stood behind and was naturally easily entangled by the butterfly.

Of course, you can continue to carry the knife for Tiancheng at this time, but knowing the effect of butterflies, continuing to escort will only allow the supervisor to close the distance.

So Qiu Ke decisively gave up on Tiancheng and moved sideways.

However, because of the distance that was created before, the supervisor is now not very close to Tiancheng, which can be regarded as creating some opportunities for Tiancheng.

Tiancheng ran away with his head covered all the way, so naturally he didn't know what Qiu Ke had done.

But it's enough. A mistake made me lose face before. Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to delay it as much as possible.

It just so happened that the skill of personality profiling came into play.

Tiancheng directly took out the drawing board on his back and started drawing strokes one by one.

He had memorized the supervisor's appearance during several meetings, and Tiancheng's skill was to paint the supervisor's image on the canvas.

After being placed, it will attract the attention of the supervisor. This is a mandatory skill. As long as the supervisor sees it, he has to observe it carefully.

Juke's transfer deprived the supervisors of the opportunity to quickly close the distance.

However, there were still excess butterflies accumulated on the body. After a short cooling period, the second butterfly appeared, and the supervisor still used this to close the distance.

But Qiu Ke didn't care because he had already taken over the machine Tiancheng left behind.

Tiancheng used the distance he created to escape to a safe location, so he didn't have to worry about being caught up for the time being.

At this time Xu Feng had also completed preparations and had a signal gun in his hand.

But there is only one control prop.

The official trial has limited the number of props. Now you can only get one signal gun, and Xu Feng has no choice.

And the rugby ball, which Xu Feng had always regarded as an escape weapon, has now fallen from the altar.

The source of nightmares has already learned its lesson. In front of supervisors with the ability to move quickly, this rugby game can actually be quite tricky at times.

So Xu Feng did not open more props for the time being. Instead, he asked Qiu Ke and Tiancheng on the channel while rushing towards the generator.

I originally thought that Tian Cheng would fall to the ground soon after being rescued, but unexpectedly he managed to survive.

Of course, Qiu Ke's contribution is due, but the main reason is Tianchen's own ability.

There are a lot of ruins near the Red Church, and I don’t know what their original layout was.

Although the supervisor has the ability to move quickly, it is still a bit troublesome to catch up with Tiancheng in such complex terrain.

The two of them moved in tandem, and Tiancheng managed to delay time by using the large number of barriers arranged.

Of course, you can play games behind the baffle, and if you hit the regulator, you can delay a lot of time.

But Tiancheng was in a half-health state, and he would fall to the ground if he failed in the game.

Therefore, Tiancheng was cautious enough and did not choose a confrontation rashly.

However, the nearby baffles had been completely removed, and Tiancheng also waited for a chance to escape.

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