The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 240 Rewards from the Source of Nightmares

Others also had their own responses, and most of them were still safe. After all, Lan Chen blocked most of the attacks.

For those who were not strong enough, other supervisors took action and cut off the tentacles one after another before they were dragged to the Octopus by those tentacles.

The battle rhythm has slowed down a lot, and large swaths of nightmare turned into black mist and reintegrated into the Octopus' body.

Lan Chen also felt a little more relaxed. He noticed Xu Feng's approach and asked casually, "Where is Tang Yulong?"

Xu Feng was a little embarrassed, "There was some trouble in the manor, and he has already rushed back."

Lan Chen frowned slightly and ignored why Tang Yulong could penetrate the black mist.

The biggest trouble has been solved. As long as they defeat the Octopus in front of them, they will win this battle.

Without Tang Yulong, they still have a chance to get the best loot.

He stopped talking nonsense and said, "I will limit his tentacles, and you will attack with all your strength."

"By taking him down, our manor will not have to worry about the threat of the source of nightmares for at least two years."

Suddenly, the countless stacked power grids were victorious, distinguishing between red and blue light.

There was a crackling sound at the light connection, and the octopus also roared in pain.

But the battle was not over, and the Octopus's tentacles were gradually blocked by the expanding electric grid.

The remaining supervisors unleashed all their firepower unscrupulously.

This is a collision of rules and rules. The manor represents order and the nightmare world represents chaos.

The source of nightmares is the absolute source of chaos, and this time, order has prevailed.

After the bombardment lasted for more than ten minutes, the octopus's body began to shrink.

Finally, with a wailing sound, the octopus exploded into a black mist.

A final poignant declaration resounded in all directions, "I...the Lord in Yellow...will come back..."

No one cares what the so-called Lord in Yellow means, as long as they know that they won this battle, it is enough.

Countless black mist spread, and there seemed to be countless souls escaping from it.

Noisy sounds rang in everyone's ears, as if these souls were recounting their sufferings.

Among the countless dissipating fogs, a few rays of light were particularly obvious, rushing towards the bodies of several nearby supervisors.

Lan Chen was taking a breather after the battle, but he noticed something was wrong the moment he saw the light appear.

I tried to stop more, but the speed of these lights was so fast that I couldn't stop them at all.

But in the end, only five or six people got Guangliang's attention.

Most people only got one, including Lan Chen. Only Xu Feng got two.

"Congratulations on getting the props, manor seeds. You can use them alone, or you can donate them to your manor to improve the manor's level."

"Congratulations on getting the temporary coordinates, Lakeview Village. You can explore here at any time, the number of uses is 1/1."

"Friendly reminder, Lakeview Village is related to the secret of the evil god. Please do not use it lightly until you are fully prepared."

There were only two props, but Xu Feng knew the weight of them.

The manor seeds alone are worth millions of echoes, not to mention that Xu Feng used this to obtain the second level authority of the manor.

It can be seen from the special permissions in the trial field that this second-level permission is definitely not as simple as it seems.

There are also temporary coordinates. The last temporary coordinate was not difficult at all, but it allowed Xu Feng to obtain a manor seed.

This time there is an extra friendly reminder, informing Xu Feng about the difficulty of Lakeview Village. Xu Feng will not explore it in the short term, but no matter what the reason, he still has to go there.

While Xu Feng was still thinking about this, Ye Qingchen's voice suddenly sounded, a little sour.

"Why can you get two rewards? Even our boss only got one."

Ye Qingchen did not receive a reward, but Gu Haochen did have one, and he did not know what the criteria for distributing the rewards were.

People from several factions gathered together, and Li Wanying, Wu Liang and others were already approaching.

Although the individual strength is not as strong as Lan Chen, with five complete supervisor identities, the overall strength is definitely not bad.

Although they were not familiar with Xu Feng, Li Wanying and the others also knew the importance.

No matter what the reward is, you can rest assured that it is in your own hands.

Furniture store owner Shu Wenbo said, "The distribution of rewards is arranged by the manor. Xu Feng has his own reasons for getting it. Your doubts are a bit unreasonable."

Ye Qingchen snorted and said nothing. Inexplicably, after this trial, he disliked Xu Feng even more.

Before Lan Chen could speak, the alliance formed by several small estates also became sour.

"Boss Tang is not here, but you guys got the most rewards. It's a bit unfair to Boss Lan Chen."

All of them together only received one reward, which was not only small, but also illegal.

The encounter at the trial ground caused some estrangement between several people, but in this case, they still had to stand together.

Fatty Wu Liang suddenly said in a cold voice, "Why, you still want to get a share of the pie?"

No one dared to provoke anymore and just looked at Lan Chen.

As the strongest person here, Lan Chen is the most qualified person to make the decision.

Although Xu Feng may not necessarily just listen.

But Lan Chen listened to Gu Haochen's whisper and looked at Xu Feng with a strange look.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Whoever gets the reward belongs to that family. This trip is over. I will stay here for a few more days to prevent the source of nightmares from resurrecting."

"As for everyone, please go back to your homes."

Staying here is not only to prevent the source of nightmares from resurrecting, but also to search for wealth that others cannot detect.

Lan Chen has this strength, so he has this qualification.

Li Wanying wanted to seize the opportunity, but Xu Feng stopped her with his hand.

Although they are older than Xu Feng, Xu Feng is a popular person around Tang Yucheng, and with the different rewards this time, they will give Xu Feng some face.

He didn't ask for the reason, but just heard Xu Feng say, "Then it's all thanks to Boss Lan, we'll withdraw first. If you have any problems, please contact us as soon as possible."

Lan Chen didn't say anything, but just signaled that Xu Feng could leave.

Xu Feng didn't show any pretense and led a group of people towards the distance.

Those in the small estates saw little chance, so they had to give up in the end. The most important thing was that they still had to decide who would own their share of the spoils.

Soon, Xu Feng and his party were far enough away.

Li Wanying finally couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you try for it? Maybe we can find some other things."

"Also, where is Tang Yulong? I remember that you two were together in the end, right?"

Xu Feng's expression became serious and he said, "The manor is under siege and the situation is very dangerous. Boss Tang will go back to help first."

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