The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 232 Ultra-Long Distance Rescue

According to the standard value, before the fish girl unlocks the second stage of skills, the formation of a water vapor closed area will bring a 30% moisture superposition to the survivor.

Survivors appearing within the water vapor range will also increase the moisture level at a fixed rate, basically an ultra-high rate of 10% per second.

In addition, Fisher Girl can cause the water vapor area to close twice in a very short period of time.

The first time was the movement range of the regulator itself. Because Wei Yubo was briefly controlled, the formation of this closed area was almost impossible to dodge.

The second time was a weapon. After discovering Wei Yubo's location, the fisher girl threw the weapon.

The skill unlocked in the first stage is a mid-range sprint. If a survivor is hit during the sprint, 30% of the moisture will be superimposed.

Wei Yubo, who was controlled by the inspector, obviously did not have enough position to avoid this sprint.

Even if they escaped, the supervisor was able to close the distance and complete the circle in a very short period of time.

When the first closed area is formed, if you retract the weapon and adjust the direction appropriately, the second closed area will appear instantly.

After this operation, the moisture on the survivor's body will easily break through the peak, causing the first damage.

Then Wei Yubo briefly regained his ability to move, but the supervisor's weapon had been withdrawn, and the second attack was launched, and Wei Yubo fell to the ground.

There is almost no suspense.

The prompt sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone became surprised, too fast.

Less than a few minutes had passed since Wei Yubo confidently said that there would be no problems until his blood volume was directly cleared after three injuries.

Xu Feng was still on the way to find the box, and originally wanted to find a life-saving prop for Wei Yubo. At least a signal gun could also play a lot of roles.

It's a pity that the person is already gone.

But fortunately, there was still a chance for rescue. While the supervisor was taking Wei Yubo to sacrifice the seat, Wei Yubo also talked about his experience on the channel.

In short, it was a dog's nightmare, but Xu Feng was no stranger to this feeling.

After all, the inspectors use a lot of them.

At the same time, Xu Feng also thought of a rough solution. If this happens, the best way is to stick to the wall so that the regulator's water vapor cannot close it.

As long as the supervisor cannot restrain himself from wielding his weapon, the survivors will inevitably bear the attack, but they can also take the opportunity to break away from the shackles of the patroller and escape from the current range while the supervisor's attack is frozen.

But Xu Feng is not a person who has experienced it personally, and it is hard to say that his method is really effective.

Anyway, it's time to plan a rescue.

Xu Feng reminded on the channel, "Bring him a prop. Someone should be able to buy the rugby ball. I can have a flare gun and someone can cooperate with me."

The atmosphere was a bit silent, no one wanted to contribute their points at this time.

Because rescuing people meant being chased by supervisors, they had some confidence before, but Wei Yubo's immediate fall to the ground made everyone feel a little more gloomy.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. He really didn't expect that none of the allies in these small estates were going to offer help at this time.

He could only act as the villain and said coldly, "If no one comes to help, when he is eliminated, will you still be far away?"

Such threats are actually of little use, after all, things may not necessarily affect him.

But eventually some people relented, whether out of sympathy for their own people or out of fear of the possible consequences.

Wu Yiting hesitated, "I can open a long-distance passage and let Wei Yubo come in directly. I don't think the supervisor will have enough time to pass through the entire trial ground."

After chasing the regulator, Wu Yiting entered the ship and began to repair the generator on the ship.

There is a phone booth nearby, but Wu Yiting does not need to buy props.

Long-distance passages are her way of saving people. The only risk she needs to take is that after opening the passage, she will appear near the exit.

Naturally, Xu Feng was the one who accepted the invitation and decided the location of the exit.

Instead of making a decision in a hurry, he waited for Wei Yubo's protection time to pass before choosing to summon Wu Yiting's skills from a slightly further distance.

It’s not too far, but it does require the supervisor to walk for a while.

If the supervisor interrupts the passage, Xu Feng can save the person without injury.

The flare gun that was fired just now can be saved.

If the supervisor continues to defend Wei Yubo, Xu Feng will rescue the person and give him a shot, and then escort Wei Yubo into the transmission channel.

The supervisors indeed ignored the emergence of the transmission channel and just drew a huge closed area in place.

This range is large enough for Xu Feng to accumulate a large amount of water vapor when he walks over.

As long as a proper closed range is formed, Xu Feng can be harmed once.

Xu Feng did not dare to waste time. He made sure that the passage was already connected and rushed towards Wei Yubo's position.

Ignoring the rapidly increasing water vapor, he rescued the person while the supervisor retracted his weapon.

The superposition of moisture and the supervisor's attack also caused Xu Feng to lose two bars of blood. Fortunately, Wei Yubo was also successfully rescued and rushed towards the passage.

Xu Feng waited for a moment, and after the regulator's attack ended, he fired the signal gun in his hand, and then started to run away frantically regardless of the outcome.

Waiting for the attack punishment time to end was to delay more time, but Xu Feng's body also accumulated a lot of moisture.

If the supervisors gave up on Wei Yubo and pursued Xu Feng, Xu Feng probably wouldn't have a chance to escape.

But the good thing is that regulators all have a common problem: they don’t want to give up every opportunity to eliminate their opponents.

So the supervisor chose Wei Yubo, who was far away.

At this time, Wu Yiting did not leave Wei Yubo alone and escorted Wei Yubo all the way until Wei Yubo entered the transmission channel.

But this is not the end. Long-distance teleportation channels will leave afterimages of all users except the caster at the entrance of the channel.

The supervisor's attack afterimage will also allow the user to withstand sufficient attacks.

Therefore, Wei Yubo, who entered the passage with residual blood, was knocked down directly. Wu Yiting escaped smoothly and quickly started treating Wei Yubo.

The supervisor frowned slightly. He could see the position of the exit of the passage in his field of vision, and at the same time, he could briefly see the position of Wei Yubo who was knocked down.

It was just that the distance was a bit far away. The supervisor glanced hesitantly at the direction Xu Feng had just left and found that Xu Feng had already left without leaving any trace.

He simply threw away the weapon and tried to get to the vicinity before Wei Yubo was treated, and continued the sacrifice to Wei Yubo.

But Wu Yiting is also experienced and has accurately calculated the time when the regulator will appear.

After pulling Wei Yubo up, he took Wei Yubo away from the current location.

The regulators were destined to fail, and at this time Xu Feng also lit up the generator left by Wei Yubo before.

At the same time, he talked to Gu Haochen in the channel, trying to let Gu Haochen continue to be responsible for containing the actions of the regulator.

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