The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 157 The final game

Xu Feng was halfway there and was stunned for a moment when he looked in the direction where the generator was lit.

I guessed that the generator would be repaired soon, but this was too fast.

After hesitating for a moment, if Qiu Jinzhu went back to rescue Jiang Zhou at this time, it would be very likely that the two of them would leave together.

But if Xu Feng goes back to keep an eye on Jiang Zhou, Qiu Jinzhu will almost certainly go into the underground survival tunnel.

After a short period of judgment, Xu Feng made a decision.

Instead of returning to Jiang Zhou's side, he continued to rush towards the underground survival tunnel.

Even if the two of them escape successfully, Xu Feng's income will only be the same, and the abnormal fusion degree will not change.

Even if Jiang Zhou is defended, it will only be a 5% improvement, and he will still have to participate in a new regulator trial.

And if Qiu Jinzhu can be captured, all efforts will bear fruit.

As a complete supervisor, Xu Feng can do many things.

The red eyes indicate that Xu Feng is in a state of retention, so Xu Feng still has a chance.

Soon, Xu Feng arrived near the underground survival tunnel.

The looming perception confirmed that Xu Feng made the right choice and Qiu Jinzhu did not leave.

Looking at the underground survival passage that had not yet been opened, Xu Feng started to make arrangements directly.

Qiu Jinzhu, who was huddled in the corner, couldn't help but become nervous at this time.

This is a place close to the VIP ward of the lunatic asylum. There are small single rooms, connected in series with each other or existing independently.

Qiu Jinzhu hid in one of the rooms, carefully listening to the footsteps outside, praying that the supervisor would not find him.

Although it may still be too late to save Jiang Zhou, Qiu Jinzhu does not have Jane Eyre's ability and cannot determine the specific location of the supervisor.

If you go out recklessly, you may bump into the supervisor.

The time was still long and the gains outweighed the losses, so Qiu Jinzhu simply stayed where he was.

Time passed quickly, and the electronic synthesized sound gave a hint.

Survivor, profiler prisoner, Jiang Zhou was eliminated.

A creaking sound sounded, indicating that the blockade of the underground survival passage was opened.

Xu Feng was very familiar with this because he had heard it more than once.

Then there was that hollow echo of air blowing through a canyon.

This is to facilitate the search for survivors. Even if the location of the underground survival tunnel is hidden, as long as you pass by nearby, you can still use this sound to determine the location of the underground survival tunnel.

This is experience and a sign of maturity.

Qiu Jinzhu left the hiding place decisively. There was no need to continue hiding now.

He considered all the means Xu Feng might use, including animal traps, chains, and retention.

But now a long time has passed, and the effect of retention should have passed.

Others can only improvise, and Qiu Jinzhu doesn't have a good solution.

Fortunately, as Qiu Jinzhu expected, when the two met, the scarlet color in Xu Feng's eyes was slowly receding, becoming deep and intoxicating.

This is a symptom of the failure of retention skills.

Xu Feng had also searched nearby before, but he did not dare to go too far, so he did not find Qiu Jinzhu.

Now that there was a gap of more than ten meters between the two sides, Xu Feng did not dare to hesitate and walked forward directly.

Qiu Jinzhu roughly measured the distance and threw the starting platform hanging around his waist.

This was previously arranged to rescue Tai Shicheng, but Xu Feng forgot to destroy it, and now it has been recycled by Qiu Jinzhu for secondary use.

Xu Feng responded quickly. Seeing Qiu Jinzhu about to step onto the starting platform, Xu Feng hurriedly waved the chain in his hand.

But Qiu Jinzhu easily dodged, and his previous actions turned out to be fake.

Xu Feng's chain failed, he frowned and hurriedly continued on his way.

Qiu Jinzhu stepped onto the starting platform again and soared into the air.

The height of the room was not high, so Qiu Jinzhu opened his hang glider and used his advantage in the air to avoid Xu Feng's attack.

As long as you can float into the room where the underground survival tunnel is, there will be no problem even if there are traps such as bear traps.

Qiu Jinzhu still has some confidence even if he gets stabbed in the worst case.

Xu Feng's chain was in the cooling stage, and he was helpless against Qiu Jinzhu in the sky.

In the end, he could only follow closely behind, hoping that Qiu Jinzhu would deal enough damage when he landed.

The two of them walked one behind the other, and soon came to the door leading to the room with the underground survival passage.

This is just one of the many rooms in the lunatic asylum. Although I don't know why the underground survival passage is arranged here, it is not important anymore. Leaving is the key.

Qiu Jinzhu had already floated to the door. Regardless of whether he hit the roof just now, the distance was enough.

The most ideal situation is of course to enter the room smoothly, then cancel the portrait above the underground survival passage and enter the underground survival passage directly.

But it turned out that there was no such good thing. The space at the door was too small, and the hang glider failed to bring Qiu Jinzhu to the most ideal place.

He was forced to stop at the door, but Xu Feng was still less than two meters away and could swing his knife at any time.

Unsurprisingly, there was a bear trap at the door, tightly sealing the distance between the passage and the underground survival passage.

If he wanted to take a detour, Qiu Jinzhu would have to go a long way, and Qiu Jinzhu was not sure whether he still had that much time.

So Qiu Jinzhu stepped on it directly.

We are not going to save people now, even if we are delayed, we are not afraid.

The restriction can be lifted as long as it is attacked. Qiu Jinzhu has memorized the locations of several bear traps in the room.

In any case, the problems that Tai Shicheng encountered before could not occur, and he could not fall twice on the same bear trap.

Xu Feng had already arrived behind Qiu Jinzhu, and even Qiu Jinzhu could feel Xu Feng's slightly heavy breathing.

The attack came, and Qiu Jinzhu was shot forward.

No time was wasted in reproducing the moves used against Tai Shicheng. The space was small and it was easy for mistakes to be made.

So Xu Feng had no intention of doing this from the beginning.

Qiu Jinzhu was whipped so hard that he almost stepped on the animal trap in front of him.

Fortunately, I controlled my momentum and luckily didn't step on it.

Qiu Jinzhu, who was well prepared, took advantage of the time when Xu Feng's attack was frozen and rushed directly to a direction that seemed safer.

On the surface, this place avoids the location of other animal traps, and the distance is not very far. It is a relatively safe choice.

The underground survival passage is right in front of you. As long as you take one step forward, Qiu Jinzhu can escape smoothly.

But with a click, Qiu Jinzhu's expression changed color.

Even the feeling of pain became a little numb, and Qiu Jinzhu stared blankly at his feet.

A bear trap is hidden in the dark, similar in color to the iron gate that blocks the underground survival passage.

The door to the passage was opened, and the animal trap was laid on top of the door.

The lights were dim, and the nervous Qiu Jinzhu didn't notice it for a while.

This is a trap, a loophole left deliberately by Xu Feng.

If it is a gap between animal traps, it can be passed through with enough caution, but it is difficult to achieve a perfect blockade.

So Xu Feng deliberately left such a seemingly empty place.

Xu Feng's attack punishment was over, and his huge body squeezed into the room.

Standing in front of Qiu Jinzhu, it can be said that this trial almost did not end with a perfect ending.

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