The Fat God System

Chapter 179: Life

Hugh and Serena could not help but stare at the helpless baby on the floor. It was a living human baby, not an object, which made it much harder to ignore.

Hugh looked at Serena and he could tell that she wanted to save the baby.

Her whole body was itching to rush towards the body, but she still hesitated. Hugh knew that this was nothing more than a trap, so he decided not to fall for it.

However, he did not know if Serena could resist her urges. From what he could tell, Serena was the kind of person that would help everyone if she could.

It might be naive to have this kind of mindset, but Serena still persevered with it. Hugh respected her for that.

However, this situation was different. They did not know what was going to happen once they fell into the trap. Would they be punished, rewarded, or killed?

Hugh saw Serena move, and he turned to stop her, but it was too late. Serena rushed towards the crying baby with all her might.

As Serena took a step back, Hugh looked at the devilish face in the ceiling. It seemed to have smiled even harder as it saw Serena backtrack towards the baby.

Then, Hugh saw a bright white light in front of him. When he focused his eyes, he saw that it was a door to the outside.

They had finally reached the outside. Hugh would have been overjoyed at this finding, but there was still a problem left.

"Serena!" Hugh shouted towards her. However, she did not seem to hear anything Hugh said. "SERENA!"

Even when he screamed at the top of his lungs, Serena did not hear him. All she did was rush towards the baby.

Hugh had two choices. Leave Serena here, or bring her back.

For some reason, he had a hunch that the exit would be gone as soon as he took a step back. This left him in a predicament.

Hugh looked towards the door and Serena. It was at that moment that Hugh made a decision.

Hugh turned his body back and rushed towards Serena and the baby. He did not want to leave a friend behind.

Unbeknownst to Hugh and Serena, the devilish face smiled even harder. Then, it opened its mouth to speak.

"Enjoy your life…," it said with an ominous voice.



With that, Hugh was snapped out of his dreams. When he looked up, he saw a beautiful blonde student with her half-moon eyes.

Other students might have found her to be too beautiful, but Hugh never saw her like that. For him, she was always just a childhood friend.

"Oh, Serena. What's up?" Hugh asked.

Then, Serena tilted her head as she looked at Hugh.

"You seem like you had a bad dream. You were just staring out into the field," Serena said as she looked towards the windows of the classroom.

Outside, they could both see a wide field that was being used by soccer students. It was sundown, which gave them the liberty to play however they wanted.

"Yeah. I just…I had this weird dream where we were trapped inside this dungeon," Hugh said as he tried to recall his dream.

Serena seemed intrigued by Hugh's dream. She smiled and sat on the seat in front of Hugh as she put her head on her chin.

"We were chased by this face, this large evil face. Oh, and we had powers! Can you believe that?" Hugh said as he told Serena the story he dreamed about.

"Hoh? You have such an imaginative mind. You always have…," Serena said with a blush on her cheeks.

However, Hugh did not notice the blush. He kept trying to remember that dream. It felt so real. It was a weird thing to experience.

It was as if he lived a whole lifetime in that dream. He had never experienced this before.

*snap* "Hey! Hey! Earth to Hugh!" Serena said as she tried to grab Hugh's attention.

"Oh, sorry," Hugh said as he shook his head to try and get rid of that feeling in his head.

"What are we going to eat tonight?" Serena asked with puppy eyes.

"Again?" Hugh complained. "We have been eating together for the last two weeks already."

Serena pouted.

"I'm just worried about your reputation. What if the guy you like will think that I'm your boyfriend?" Hugh asked in a teasing fashion.

However, Serena's cheeks blushed even harder. She turned her head away from embarrassment.

"What guy?" Serena said. "It's you, idiot…," she whispered.

"What?" Hugh said as he couldn't hear what she said at the last part.

"Whatever!" Serena shouted as she hit Hugh in the head. Then, she turned around to leave the classroom.

Hugh rubbed his head in pain. Then, he saw flashes of his dreams again. It felt so real and so true. It was like it was his memories from his previous life.

"Are you coming or not?" Serena said as she peeked out from the door.

"Yeah, yeah…," Hugh said as he shook his head.


"I can't believe we graduated already," Serena said as she sipped beer from a can. "Where did the time go?"

"Yeah…," Hugh uttered as he looked at the night sky full of stars.

They were at the rooftop of the school they had just graduated from. It was their last hurrah before their went off to college and said goodbye to this school where they spent most of their life.

"Why aren't you drinking?" Serena asked as she downed another beer can.

"I can't," Hugh said as he turned his head away.

"Come on, you coward!" Serena said as she shoved a cold beer can in Hugh's face.

Serena's face was redder than red. She was drunk, and she could barely contain herself.

However, Hugh still refused the beer. He did not want to get intoxicated for some reason.

"Come on!" Serena said as she grabbed Hugh's arm and hung on to it.

"Stop it!" Hugh said as he tried to push her off the body.

"Why?" Serena asked with a drunken tone.

"I won't be able to stop myself," Hugh uttered as he turned his head away.

Silence reigned in that rooftop. They could only feel the cold breeze of the wind, followed by the bright show of constellations in the sky.

"Idiot! Just drink when I tell you to drink!" Serena said as she tried to force Hugh to drink.

However, Hugh would not let it. They wrestled and struggled until Hugh overpowered Serena and got on top of her.

They were silent as they looked at each other's eyes. they could feel each other's breath, the only source of heat at this hour of the night.

Serena was wide-eyed. This moment had sobered her up completely.

This was the closest they had ever been since they were kids. It was what she wanted the most.

Letting go of her fear, Serena moved her head upwards and put her lips on Hugh's.

Hugh was taken aback, but he did not refuse. It was as if something had broken inside him.

All those suppressed emotions ran amok as soon as Serena kissed him. At this moment, he could not, will not stop himself.

Hugh put his lips next to hers as he kissed her with passion. Their bodies intertwined as they were both at the moment, living in it, and cherishing it.

That night was a night full of passion. It was that night where they broke down a barrier and got closer than ever.


"AAAHHHH!" Serena shouted as sweat poured from her face.

Next to her were doctors as they tried to make Serena relax her body.

"Ok good, Serena. Push." the doctor said.

"It's okay. I'm here…," Hugh said as he held her hand and supported her.

Hugh and Serena both looked at each other. Even after the surprise pregnancy, they still supported and loved each other.

"AAAAHHHH!!" Serena shouted.

After that was silence in the delivery room. Serena felt like a large burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

"Uwaah! Uwaah!" a baby cried.

After all those months of pain, those first few cries left Serena speechless.

When she opened her eyes, Hugh was holding their beautiful blonde baby boy in his hands. She shed tears of happiness.


"Luci!" Serena shouted as she looked up the wooden stairs at a house they had lived in for all these years.

Even after eating for minutes, nobody responded to her. Then, she heard a clatter from the kitchen.


Serena moved towards a kitchen and saw her beautiful blond boy looking through the utensils.

"Luci, what are you doing there?"

Luci was five years old and he had inherited his mother's beautiful eyes. He was currently rummaging through the kitchen.

Serena smiled as she shook her head. Then she picked him up.

"You want to be a chef like your father?" Serena asked as she picked up Luci.

Luci seemed disappointed that he did not find any knives in the cabinet.

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