The Fat God System

Chapter 145: Duel

With his fast velocity, Hugh was able to smack the wolf into the wall with such force that broke a few bones.

"GUAAHH," the wolf pained as it felt its oxygen knocked out of its body. It was forced to open its mouth wide and let go of Hugh's body.

In succession, Hugh did not let this opportunity go to waste. He quickly grabbed the cuff of the wolf and punched it once again into the wolf.

His knuckles created an impression into the wolf's body, almost piercing through its touch skin. The wolf did not even get enough oxygen to try and endure Hugh's attack.

Like a Gatling gun, Hugh barraged the wolf's body with attacks and punches that reverberated through the room. Everybody could feel the vibrations in the ground with every punch that landed on the wolf's body.

Blood spurred all over Hugh's body, but he did not give it any heed. He kept his attacks relentlessly to finish the job as soon as possible.

However, the wolf still had some energy left in it. With one burst of energy, the wolf flexed its body and made its fur stand upright into spikes.

Hugh felt that the wolf's fur had become sharp, but it did not stop him from continuing his attacks. He punched the wolf's belly one more time, but the fur became an obstacle.

The fur did not last long under Hugh's force, but it did give enough time for the wolf to escape.

With the power of the darkness, the wolf blended into the wall that was shrouded in the night. With this skill, the wolf avoided the grasp Hugh.

Hugh looked around the room and sensed the wolf's presence. Back then, he could not fully sense the wolf's presence. However, the wolf was now injured with bloodstains, which made it easier for Hugh to sense.

Hugh looked around the room until he got a blip on his radar. He turned his head towards a certain direction and raced towards that place.

With Hugh's speed, he was able to reach the wolf's body in record time. The wolf was beyond surprised as it quickly sensed Hugh coming towards it.

However, the wolf was not anxious. It was still in the presence of the dark void, which was not accessible to the current reality.

The wolf thought that it would be safe in the void, but as Hugh got closer to it, the more his instincts wanted it to run.

With the wolf's sharp instincts, it knew better than to ignore it. As Hugh reached its position, the wolf decided to relocate to a different place just to be safe.

However, contrary to the wolf's common sense, Hugh reached out into the darkness and his arm disappeared into the night.

The wolf's red blaring eyes widened as it saw Hugh's hands grasping towards it. It did not even have enough time to be shocked as it needed to escape from Hugh's hands.

With the void being the wolf's natural habitat, it had the environmental advantage against Hugh. It was able to escape from Hugh's grasp, albeit not entirely.

Hugh's speed was still exceptional even though he was out of his natural habitat. His hands still grasped the wolf's fur before it could get away.

The result was that he was able to get a handful of fur from the wolf's body. In his hands were sharp and spiky black fur that was as sturdy as steel.

Hugh sprinkled the fur into the ground and left it there. For him, the fur was as useless as garbage. However, he did not know that the fur was the wolf's pride and joy.

Inside the void, the wolf was almost crying as it felt the cold breeze on its bald spot. It had cultivated its fur for too long of a time only for it to end up on the floor.

Hugh and the wolf continued this cat and mouse game. Hugh would chase down the wolf in the dark, but the wolf would be able to escape at the last moment.

However, in time, Hugh was getting better with his chasing skills. He was starting to get more efficient in sensing the wolf.

With every catch, Hugh would get more and more fur from the wolf. He calculated that he would need a few more tries before he could completely catch the wolf.

The wolf was both sad and angry as Hugh snatched all of its precious furs. If it was not so busy running, it would have collected the fur on the ground and try to patch it back up.

Hugh was getting better, but it was at a cost. Hugh sensed that he did not have enough time for his transformation.

With this predicament, Hugh had to look for other ways to catch the wolf. He then looked towards his three classmates and shot them a look.

"Are you guys just going to sit there?" Hugh asked as he gestured at the wolf. He needed their help in subduing the wolf before his transformation came to a close.

"I just wanted to give you a head start," said Aric with a smile on his face. With enough time, he was able to recover his energy enough to fight the wolf in a good condition.

Jane nodded towards Hugh as she understood what Hugh wanted. She had not acted before in fear of getting in Hugh's way.

"I thought you'd never ask," said Serena as she shrouded herself with pink smoke.

With their cooperation, Hugh would be able to trap the wolf into submission. He then ran towards them and gave them instructions.

"Serena, there," Hugh said as he pointed towards a corner of the room. "Aric, that," Hugh said as he pointed towards a different corner.

"I'll go there, then," said Jane as she did not even need Hugh's words.

They all nodded towards each other before they ran in their respective corners. Hugh stayed in the center of the room, the closest place with every corner.

Hugh concentrated on the ground and sensed the wolf's location. Just as expected, the wolf went towards the unmanned corner.

Hugh smiled as he ran towards the wolf. With no other place to go, the wolf was trapped in one location. The wolf knew this, so it finally showed itself in the real world.

The wolf and Hugh once again had a showoff. However, it was clear that the wolf was no longer the mighty being that it once was.

It was stripped of its natural fur and chased down like a goose. It was demeaning for a natural predator such as itself.

"GRRR…," the wolf snarled. They both knew that this was their last battle against each other to decide which one of them was the alpha.

Hugh picked up a single strand of fur in the ground and lifted it in the air. Then, he looked at the wolf as he dropped it from a high place.

They both acknowledged that they will only fight as soon as the fur hits the ground. They both waited patiently as the fur swayed in the wind.

In its final centimeters, they both held their breaths and counted.


As the fur hit the ground, Hugh and the wolf disappeared. When they reappeared, they were both on each other's throats as they struggled for greatness.

Hugh held his own against the giant wolf, as the wolf tried its best to suppress Hugh. Hugh held the wolf's jaws at bay as the wolf tried to bite him.

They disappeared again and reappeared. This time, they were in a different location and Hugh was at the offensive. Hugh punched the wolf's canine teeth, but the wolf resisted.

With their next bout, Hugh was standing still in the center while the wolf disappeared into the darkness. It would reappear repeatedly as it tried to barrage Hugh with attacks, but Hugh would successfully repel them.

Hugh closed his eyes and concentrated. He waited for the wolf to reappear once again and grab it at the most opportune moment.

Without hesitation, Hugh grabbed the empty air. His actions looked random, but it was with reason.

Just as Hugh grabbed the air, the wolf suddenly appeared right next to his hand. The wolf was surprised to see Hugh welcome it with a fist.

Hugh grabbed the wolf's canine teeth and used them as a handle to throw the wolf to the ground. With every bit of his strength, Hugh subdued the wolf into submission.

He sat on top of the wolf and started to drown it with heavy punches. The wolf could not escape away from Hugh's grasp and had to endure the pain.

With blood spurting around them, the wolf resisted less and less. It was getting less and less energized as Hugh beat it to a pulp.

Finally, the wolf stopped moving. However, Hugh knew that the wolf was still surviving by a thread. He raised his hand and pierced it into the wolf's heart.

"You were a mighty opponent," uttered Hugh as he crushed the wolf's heart. He could almost see a smile form on the wolf's face.

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