The fairy is fierce

Chapter 59: Teaching by Words and Deeds

The next day.

The strong wind and heavy rain turned into light rain, but the sky remained gloomy.

The square in front of the palace in Qihuang Valley was crowded with people. The monks, big and small, gathered around the ring to watch a disciple of Qingchi Jianzhuang compete with Li Yingjia of Fuqi Mountain.

Big raindrops hit the oil paper umbrella, making a crackling sound, but it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the onlookers.

Zuo Lingquan, dressed in black and carrying a sword, came to the outside of the square and was also observing the action on the ring.

This morning, when Zuo Lingquan woke up from his trance, Jiang Yi had already returned to the capital for a morning meeting; she left without saying goodbye, presumably still sulking over his dishonest behavior yesterday. After Wu Qingwan saw off Jiang Yi, she went to the main hall of the sect to get busy with business.

The news of the ambush yesterday has been reported back to the valley. But because he suddenly reached the twelfth level of Qi Refining, leaking the news might cause unnecessary trouble. Wu Qingwan did not report everything to the senior brothers in charge. He only said that he was ambushed by an unknown opponent in the Evergreen Mountains. It was a blessing in disguise. Several acupoints did not mention the specific cultivation levels of Zuo Lingquan and his opponent.

As for the trophies harvested yesterday, they would naturally not be handed over to the sect. Zuo Lingquan asked Wu Qingwan to take them and study them privately. Of course, he did not forget to ask Wu Qingwan to leave a few good things for Wang Rui. After all, they were both included. Live and die together.

After concentrating on refining his energy for a night, Zuo Lingquan's internal energy could probably fill up two acupoints. Although it was still slow, it was faster than expected. The injuries on her body were treated by Wu Qingwan. Although she still felt pain, it was no longer harmful.

Zuo Lingquan watched for a moment outside the square, seeing green chickens pecking each other, but it was not interesting, so he wandered around the square. Before he walked around, he saw Wu Qingwan in black walking from the main hall of the sect. come out.

Zuo Lingquan had just entered the twelfth level of Qi refining, and was about to ask Wu Qingwan for advice on cultivation matters. He quickly walked to the corridor and shouted:

"Senior Wu."

At the other end of the corridor, Wu Qingwan was holding a book in her hand, and she was actually going to find Zuo Lingquan.

Yesterday's turmoil has temporarily subsided. After Wu Qingwan's initial shock and ecstasy, her mind slowly calmed down.

As an 'old man' who has been practicing for decades, Wu Qingwan knows how a monk should arrange his practice plan. Cultivation is a matter of seizing the day. Now that Zuo Lingquan has developed his true energy, he must prepare for the next promotion.

Moreover, Wu Qingwan also had some thoughts of her own - there is no one person in Qihuang Valley who is responsible for the situation. If Zuo Linquan can establish himself in the practice as soon as possible, he might be able to help Qihuang Valley overcome the current crisis.

Wu Qingwan understood Zuo Lingquan's character and would not abandon the people around her. Even if she didn't care about Qihuang Valley, at least she would not abandon her and Jiang Yi.

Of course, she would not slow down Zuo Lingquan's cultivation pace and begged Zuo Lingquan to stay in Qihuang Valley and be a little leader. As long as Zuo Lingquan has the intention to protect Qihuang Valley, with his exaggerated talent, even if he goes thousands of miles away, the entire Great Dan Dynasty and even the surrounding monks will be afraid of the day he comes back, that is enough.

However, all of this still has to be based on Zuo Lingquan recovering from his injuries as soon as possible and getting on the right track.

Wu Qingwan saw Zuo Lingquan in the verandah, walked quickly to him, and said softly:

"Why did you come here? Is your injury okay?"

"The injury is almost healed. I'm still not used to sitting for too long. Come out and walk around."

Zuo Lingquan and Wu Qingwan walked side by side to the alchemy room. The two quickly walked out of the verandah. He opened the oil paper umbrella and covered their heads.

The two held an umbrella together and were very close to each other.

Wu Qingwan did not shy away from this, and even came closer, with her sleeves almost touching Zuo Lingquan, picked up the book in her hand and said:

"You now have a good level of cultivation, and your Taoism is similar to mine, but your level has risen too fast, and you haven't kept up in other aspects. I still have to teach you some things, and you have to study hard..."

Wu Qingwan was about the same height as Zuo Lingquan's lips. As she got so close, a light fragrance drifted over her.

Zuo Lingquan was not distracted, he just moved the umbrella further over Wu Qingwan's head to prevent the rain from getting the skirt under Wu Qingwan's waist wet, and said with a smile:

"Senior Wu just treats me as his disciple, and you don't have to be polite. No matter how high my cultivation level is, Senior Wu is also my teacher. If he is willing to teach me, I can only ask for it."

"Hmph~ Your mouth is quite sweet..."

When Wu Qingwan said this, her eyelashes suddenly moved, she licked the corners of her lips, and said no more words.

Zuo Lingquan didn't notice this subtle difference. He looked at the book in Wu Qingwan's hand - although the bulging skirt of his clothes obscured half of the book, he could still see a few small words on it - Hidden Sword Jue.

In addition, Zuo Lingquan also noticed that Wu Qingwan's clothes were trembling up and down very slightly as he walked, as if they had lost their restraints, and were slightly different from the past.

But Zuo Lingquan couldn't observe this detail carefully, so he quickly looked away and asked:

"Senior Wu, is this a sword manual?"

"This is the sword manual that the Imperial Master brought back from Jing Terrace. It records three sword skills, which are the special skills of our Qihuang Valley, 'Liu Feng Hui Xue', 'Zhen Feng Ling Yu' and 'Yuxia Cheng Qi'. "Hidden Sword Jue" originally had seven swords, but the master only learned three of them. If he wanted to learn the rest, he could only go to Jingtai to become a disciple."

Zuo Lingquan nodded lightly: "The name is quite nice."

Wu Qingwan knew that Zuo Lingquan was a master of swordsmanship, so she would definitely disdain this most basic thing. She raised her eyes and looked at Zuo Lingquan:

"In my opinion, these three sword skills are still a far cry from your sword, but you can't just use that one sword. When practicing a path, it's inevitable that you will encounter tit-for-tat situations. If the opponent's cultivation is neither good nor bad, you can't beat him without martial arts, and using that sword will consume a lot of energy and expose your best weapons. You can't just run away, right?"

After hearing what Wu Qingwan said, Zuo Lingquan really thought it was true:

"I see, hiding the edge."

Wu Qingwan nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and said:

"By the way, what is your sword move called? It's always 'that sword, that sword', which is not convenient to say."

Zuo Lingquan has practiced sword for so many years, and he has practiced the 'Zhongping Sword' in secular martial arts. Hearing this, he shook his head and said:

"My move is the 'Zhongping Sword', and there is no special name."

Wu Qingwan knew what the Zhongping Sword was, and she frowned slightly: "Your move has long been beyond the ordinary and holy, how can it be called the 'Zhongping Sword' directly? It will mislead the students if it is spread out. Well... Let me think, when you swung your sword that day, the sound of the sword was like a dragon's roar, and the sword energy was like a dragon walking in the wild. The five elements belong to water, so why not call it 'Shuilongyin'?"

Zuo Lingquan knew that 'Shuilongyin' was the name of a secular song. Anyway, he was not going to shout out the name of the move during a fight, so he nodded slightly:

"Senior Wu thinks it is suitable, so I naturally have no objection."

While chatting, the two came to the main building of the Danqi Room.

Qihuang Valley is about five miles in radius. As one of the five rooms, the Danqi Room is still very large. The Danqi Room looks like a round building from the outside, with more than a hundred rooms of different sizes, and various equipment is placed inside.

At this time, there were many disciples in the alchemy room who did not go to the square to watch the excitement. They were boiling medicine and polishing utensils in their respective rooms. The sound sounded like a large pharmacy.

Zuo Lingquan put away his umbrella and followed Wu Qingwan to the large room behind the round building. The room was where Wu Qingwan was busy on weekdays. There were several tables inside, on which various utensils were placed, and there was also an alchemy furnace. However, the alchemy furnace was just an ordinary object, not the alchemy furnace used by alchemists, and could only refine some very basic medicines.

It was raining outside, so the only choice for teaching sword skills was indoors.

After Wu Qingwan entered the room, she took two wooden sticks from the table and threw one to Zuo Lingquan:

"I will demonstrate it to you first. You can learn the specific sword tactics by yourself. With your talent, you should be able to learn it quickly."

Zuo Lingquan put down his belongings, stood opposite Wu Qingwan with the wooden stick, and stood straight:


After both parties stood still, Wu Qingwan also became serious, using the wooden stick as a sword, pointing it obliquely to the ground, and her slim white dress also stopped at the same time.

She looked very serious and said:

"The key to the Hidden Sword Art is the word 'hidden'. When fighting, it is important to 'take the enemy by surprise and be real in the empty'. The first move 'Flowing Wind Returning Snow' is a backhand move. Now you attack me with your sword."

Zuo Lingquan looked equally serious and was about to draw his sword. Wu Qingwan in front of him suddenly took a step back and added:

"Don't use your true energy. Just stab me properly."

Say this, obviously afraid that Zuo Lingquan, who had just entered the twelfth level of Qi Refining, would be reckless and abuse her, the master.

But Zuo Lingquan certainly couldn't bear to hit Wanwan. Without any reminder, he raised the wooden stick and slowly stabbed Wu Qingwan at the speed of an ordinary warrior.

Wu Qingwan did not raise the sword to counter, but turned around and ran with the wooden stick in hand.

Zuo Lingquan knew that 'Flowing Wind Returning Snow' was a move to counter the opponent, so he was not surprised. He continued to attack and went straight to Wu Qingwan's back.

Just when the stick in Zuo Lingquan's hand was about to touch Wu Qingwan's back, a stick suddenly jumped out from under Wu Qingwan's sleeve.

Wu Qingwan's body was still running forward, and the stick in her hand stabbed back from under her armpit, with an extremely tricky angle, and it stabbed Zuo Lingquan's chest in the blink of an eye.


Zuo Lingquan stopped naturally after being hit in the chest, and nodded slightly:

"Show the enemy weakness and attack when it is unprepared. Not bad, but it's a bit... um..."

Wu Qingwan knew that Zuo Lingquan wanted to say 'a bit insidious', she put away her sword and stood up, saying seriously:

"In a life-and-death fight, it's okay as long as the moves are useful. This is just one way to use Liufeng Huixue. In actual fighting, you have to learn and use it flexibly. Once you learn the trick of luck, the power is still not to be underestimated."

After practicing the first move, Wu Qingwan demonstrated 'Yuxia Chengqi'. Zuo Lingquan had personally experienced this move, so there was nothing to say.

When it came to the third move, ‘Shock the Wind and Rain’, Wu Qingwan held the stick horizontally in her hand and explained:

“This move is the ‘Shock Sword Technique’, which is used to push back the enemy and create distance. Try stabbing me with a sword.”

Zuo Lingquan nodded seriously, and just like before, he stabbed Wu Qingwan in the heart with a sword at the speed of an ordinary warrior.

Wu Qingwan held the stick horizontally and blocked the stabbing stick with the ‘sword spine’, and then used the sword technique, and the stick trembled violently.


Zuo Lingquan only felt a huge thrust coming from the stick in Wu Qingwan’s hand, and the whole person was directly shaken back several steps.

This move is a move to create distance from the enemy, and Wu Qingwan herself was also shaken back. The two separated in an instant and retreated to the walls on both sides of the room.

Zuo Lingquan focused on the sword skills and didn’t care about other things. But when Wu Qingwan used this move, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Wu Qingwan, wearing a white dress, flew backwards, her long white dress fluttering in the wind, and her breasts were also shaken by the wind, with waves of flesh visible.

When she landed and stood still, she bounced up and down twice.


Such a ‘thrilling’ scene almost made Zuo Lingquan lose his balance when he landed.

Wu Qingwan didn’t wear a chest wrap, so this kind of move to repel the enemy and me would have such an effect. She also noticed it after landing, but there was no abnormality on her face. After she put away her sword smoothly, she squinted at Zuo Lingquan who was looking at the wrong place, meaning something like - where did you look at you, you little brat?

Zuo Lingquan knew that his eyes were a bit rude just now, but he didn’t mean it. In that scene just now, any man couldn’t control his eyes. He quickly put away his sword and stood still, saying seriously:

"Hmm... good swordsmanship, thank you for your guidance, Senior Wu."

Wu Qingwan did not blame Zuo Lingquan. After putting the wooden stick on the table, she turned around and began to study the several magic weapons she had collected yesterday, and said softly:

"Go back and practice well after reading it. You need to be calm when you meditate and refine your qi, and don't run around for no reason."


Zuo Lingquan felt that Wu Qingwan seemed a little dissatisfied. He wanted to apologize, but felt that it would be more embarrassing. After thinking about it, he didn't say much. After picking up the sword formula from the table, he bowed and said goodbye.

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