The fairy is fierce

Chapter 50 Touching a corpse on a rainy night

Qihuang Valley was shrouded in heavy rain and thunder, and the vast power of heaven did not stop the Great Dan Dynasty monks from watching the competition between the young leaders with enthusiasm.

A ring was set up in the square outside the main hall of the sect, with lights and candles standing around it. Young monks in different clothes competed in the heavy rain and competed in skills.

However, the deadline has not yet arrived, and the competition for quota has not yet begun. Those competing in the ring are all young disciples who are capable but do not meet the conditions this time.

Seats were set up around the square, but it was not possible to build an awning for a short period of time. Most of the thousands of monks in the square were holding oil paper umbrellas to watch. Only the elders of each sect sat under the eaves of the main hall.

Wu Qingwan was the head of the alchemy room, so it was not easy for her to go back alone to repair on such an occasion. However, she had no interest in being polite and just sat on the side, watching the competition on the ring.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ⓣⓦⓚⓐⓝ.ⓒⓞⓜ]

The disciples who dared to perform on stage all had some ability; the onlookers cheered or made comments from time to time.

As a spiritual leader in the Great Dan Dynasty, Wu Qingwan was naturally immersed in it and secretly analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the disciples on stage. However, the chaotic sounds in the audience always disturbed her thoughts, especially a pair of old and young people talking nonsense:

"Lao Lu, is this just called showing off your fists and embroidering your legs?"


"It looks like..."

The disciples who appeared on the stage were already outstanding juniors from each sect. Many of them, Wu Qingwan, nodded secretly. Hearing this comment, she wanted to say: "You can do it, you can do it?", but as a sect leader, Wu Qingwan , she had to keep her composure and could only pretend she didn't hear.

But the two people below were ignorant and kept talking nonsense:

"Who is the most powerful among these people?"

"It's pretty much the same."

"I also think it's far behind me. By the way, how can a practitioner tell whether others are good or bad?"

"If the opponent doesn't show off his skills, it's generally not obvious. If you want to be wary, you can only start from the external aspects. Generally speaking, the younger the opponent is, the more talented he is; the older the opponent is, the more demonic his sword skills are." The way the two people cope is also different.”

"Oh, what do you mean by this?"

"Those with extraordinary talents must have swords that are as powerful as fire and domineering, and they must avoid being suddenly killed by the opponent; those with experience must have swords that are like shadows and unpredictable, and they must avoid fighting with them and having their flaws found..."

"Then which one do I belong to?"

"The sword is as powerful as a mad dog, unpredictable and domineering."

"Good eyesight!"

Wu Qingwan leaned on the armrest of the chair and covered her mouth with her palms. She was obviously suffocating. She wanted to concentrate on watching the ring, but the cross talk was obviously not interesting to her, and her train of thought was slowly diverted.

I don’t know how long I listened like this. The sky was completely dark. Today’s competition was about to end. Suddenly there were footsteps and a slightly anxious voice from behind:


Wu Qingwan looked back and saw disciple Xiaohua running over from the side corridor, holding a message bird in her hand, walked up to him and whispered:

"Senior Brother Zuo led a team to patrol the mountains. It looked like a powerful beast encountered in Xiong Xiazi Ridge..."

Wu Qingwan's expression suddenly changed, and she hurriedly stood up and walked towards the animal enclosure behind Qihuang Valley.

Around the arena, Zuo Yunting was commenting enthusiastically on the disciples on the stage. After talking for a long time, no one answered him. He turned around and saw that Lao Lu, who was still beside him just now, had disappeared without a trace, running away without a trace. Where did it go.

"Hey? You don't even say hello when you go to the latrine... By the way, this fellow Taoist, does the immortal want to go to the latrine?"

"I haven't become an immortal, so how do I know? But it shouldn't be necessary, otherwise when I think of the immortals above the nine heavens, I have to..."

"Then what's the use of a fairy having a butt?"

"If you don't grow a brain, it's the same as not having one."

"Fellow Taoist, please speak politely. Do you know who my master is?"


The sky was as dark as ink, and you couldn't see your fingers in the rain forest.

In the water pool that had returned to clear water, Zuo Lingquan lay flat on the bottom of the pool, holding his breath and observing the movements above the water.

The water of the five elements between the rivers and lakes is rich. As long as he keeps refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Zuo Lingquan can basically not die, but even if he is injured, he cannot last long; not to mention that Wang Rui only has the third level of refining Qi, and does not have the five elements. Being close to the water, the true energy in the body could not make ends meet. Gradually, his face began to turn red, and he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Half an hour had passed, and no one could see his fingers outside the pool, and no sound could be heard in the water. Zuo Lingquan waited quietly until a flash of lightning lit up the earth, and after the man-eating bees guarding the corpse on the surface of the pool disappeared, he suddenly stood up and rushed. Out of the pool.


Water splashed in the rain, and the moment the lightning disappeared, Zuo Lingquan soared into the sky, his eyes quickly scanning the surrounding rainforest - the surrounding area was dead silent, the man-eating bees disappeared, and except for a few corpses on the ground, there was no other movement.

After confirming that there was no danger, Zuo Lingquan fell to the ground, stumbled unsteadily, and sat down directly.

He lowered his head and looked at his body - he had just fought so hard, and his robes were already in tatters. Although the mud had been washed away in the pool, all the bruises on his skin were visible, and the aftermath of the lightning strike could clearly be seen. , the distorted texture of the skin surface.

Zuo Lingquan was struck by a shield in the middle of his back. He had already suffered internal injuries, and was finally struck by lightning. Although there was a corpse blocking it, the acupuncture points and meridians in his body were still impacted by the surging thunder, and appeared. caused damage. Now that he had calmed down, Zuo Lingquan felt tingling and burning all over his body, as if a layer of his skin had been peeled off.


Soon, there was another sound of water coming out from behind. Wang Rui climbed out of the pool and lay directly on the ground.

Wang Rui still felt a little unbelievable after surviving the disaster. Seeing Zuo Lingquan sitting next to him, he panted and said:

"Zuo...Zuo Senior Brother, you are really amazing...I never thought I could come out alive today."

"Don't be too happy too soon. If one of them escapes, he will die even if he brings reinforcements."

Zuo Lingquan rested for a while. Fearing that the enemy would return, he dared not stay any longer. He propped himself up with his sword and walked out:

"Pack up your things and leave here first."

Wang Rui also felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. He quickly got up and helped to clean up the things on the ground.

Man-eating bees were like locusts passing through. There was no living thing left around the pool where they had just fought.

Zuo Lingquan looked down at the corpse. Under the black cloak, except for the clothes and fabric, there were only bones and hair, not even a bit of meat left.

Although they had been chasing and fighting for a long time, Zuo Lingquan did not know the identities of these people. He only vaguely heard a few names. As for their faces, except for the wandering sorcerer with white hair and beard, no one else could see clearly.

Unable to find out the details for the time being, Zuo Lingquan did not dare to stay for long. He did not investigate carefully and picked up the bronze mirror that fell on the ground as soon as possible.

The fight just now, even the earth-shattering thunder method at the end, left a deeper impression on Zuo Lingquan than this bronze mirror.

He now always understood why Jiang Yi was so angry after calculating Jiang Yi.

Because it was really infuriating.

The shameless old man just now, with a sentence of "look here" and a flash of light, made Zuo Lingquan so angry that he wanted to kill his mother.

But being angry is being angry, as he said to Jiang Yi, being tricked can only mean that his Taoism is not enough, and he can't always call the opponent shameless. Learning from each failure is the way that people in practice should deal with it.

At this time, he finally killed his opponent. With Zuo Lingquan's style, he naturally had to... treasure such an extremely insidious object.

Zuo Lingquan picked up the bronze mirror, and after making sure it was not damaged, he wiped it carefully with his sleeves and wrapped it with the rags of his black cloak.

Zuo Lingquan didn't know if there were things like storage bags in this world, but cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage certainly didn't have them.

Therefore, even if it was a wild cultivator, it was impossible to carry all the family assets on his back. Generally, he would only carry the necessities with him. As for where the family assets were hidden, most Taoist immortal masters would leave them in the sect, and wild cultivators probably dug a hole in a place where no one knew.

In addition to the bronze mirror, this wandering sorcerer only had three white jade coins and some elixirs. His clothes looked good. Zuo Lingquan deliberately beheaded him without damaging them, and now he took off his clothes.

After touching a corpse, Zuo Lingquan picked up the talisman folder that fell on the ground.

The first time Zuo Lingquan used the Worry-Free Talisman, he understood how useful the talisman was, and it was worthy of the name "Worry-Free Talisman".

He opened the talisman folder and took a look. There was a golden pen and a thick stack of no less than twenty talismans, most of which were straw-yellow talisman paper, which looked low-grade. There were only three white talismans, but there was the emblem of Fulong Mountain on the back, so it must be a good thing.

Zuo Lingquan picked up the talisman folder and put it away. Because his clothes had been pierced, he did not pick up the rags and went to touch the next corpse; although he was dizzy and uncomfortable, he really felt a little pleasure of "killing people and taking treasures" while touching, and even the pain was relieved a little.

Wang Rui was beside him, and naturally he was not idle either. He started to touch from the other end with Zuo Lingquan. Zuo Lingquan only touched objects related to cultivation, and did not want worldly money, but Wang Rui wanted to touch all the bones back, and he would touch them a second time after Zuo Lingquan finished.

Although the two searched carefully, they moved quickly due to time constraints.

After one trip, in addition to what they had just found, they also found thirteen white jade coins, a sword, a ruler, some elixirs, and some unnamed sundries; the iron mace was a vulgar item so they didn't take it, and the shield looked like a good thing, but it was broken, so they didn't take it either.

After packing up the spoils, Zuo Lingquan was carrying a pile of items and was ready to leave. Wang Rui, who was still searching for bones behind him, suddenly said:

"Brother Zuo, I think I found a treasure."


Zuo Lingquan was very weak, but when he heard this, his eyes lit up; he walked up to look down and saw Wang Rui holding the punctured robe of the talisman master and rubbing the sleeve:

"This place is thicker than other places, it should be sewn with a layer, there must be good things inside."

Zuo Lingquan quickly squatted down and cut open the sleeve with a sword. The robe was extremely tough. He used all his strength to strike with his sword without true energy, but only poked a small hole. It took him a long time to cut the sleeve of the robe open, revealing two pages of paper.

The paper was white, and if it wasn't too thin, it would look like jade, but there was no text on it. There was only an emblem in the corner of the paper, which looked like the symbol of the sect.

All the sects in the southern part of Yuyaozhou can be traced back to the nine sects in the south, and the nine sects are allies, so the format of the items used by the major immortal sects is basically the same. The "Yangqi Jue" in Qihuang Valley is of this style.

Although Zuo Lingquan couldn't tell what it was, he could guess through association that it was a skill, a magic skill, a pill recipe, a talisman, etc. The value of these items is almost unlimited. Even if it is lower, judging from the quality of the paper, the things on it are more valuable than the "Yangqi Jue".

Zuo Lingquan blocked the rain, carefully put away the two pieces of white paper, and turned around to touch all the corpses like Wang Rui, but unfortunately, he didn't find anything special this time.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the two men did not dare to stay any longer and quickly disappeared into the depths of the rainforest.


The night rain never stopped, and only five skeletons were left by the pond in the deep mountains and old forests.

It was unknown how much time had passed, and Zuo Lingquan, who had made a lot of gains, had already gone far away. Suddenly, a thunderbolt sounded in the sky, illuminating the mess on the ground in the rain forest.

In the flash of lightning, a figure wearing a bamboo hat appeared by the pond for no reason. He had just appeared, but it seemed to have been standing there all the time.

Old Lu walked past the five corpses with his hands behind his back, with a smile in his deep eyes; looking at his appearance, he should have remembered the scene of his first fight with someone - the process of the fight had long been forgotten, but after the fight, he touched the treasure and wanted to turn the ground over again, which was still in his heart.

"Oh, it's really clean..."

The scope of the fight was not large, and Old Lu only took a glance and took in the surroundings. His eyes finally stopped on Tu Yang's skeleton.

There was a sword mark on the sternum and spine of the skeleton, although it was small, it was very clear.

Old Lu didn't even need to detect the remaining spiritual energy to tell who left it - because the sword marks were too regular, and he could even see that only one side was sharp, and there was probably only one person in the Great Dan Dynasty who used a single-edged sword.

Old Lu squatted down and stroked the sword marks on the bones with his fingers. After a long time, he sighed softly:

"No matter how many magic spells and magical powers you have, I have a sword that is enough. A good sword... I can't teach you even if you want..."


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