The Evil Scientist is Too Competent

Chapter 70

Hah- hah…!”

Gasping for breath.

Hani realized for the first time that swinging a sword could be so exhausting. Even the seemingly endless stamina of beastkins had its limits.

“What’s wrong? Are you tired already?”

“You won’t be able to take me down that easily.”

“This is boring. I’d rather play with this guy instead of you.”

Eight, who clearly claimed to be powerless, appeared from all directions, multiplying endlessly like a bad magic trick. Is he some kind of clone master or something? What does he mean by powerless…?!

One of the Eights crept up on Levitan in a shady manner. Seeing that, Hani’s head filled with rage. The moment the number of Eights multiplied, Levitan, who had been moving so lively, seemed to freeze up.

She looked like a doll, showing no movement or reaction at all. Watching that, Hani became convinced of her thoughts. The Evil Organization must’ve brainwashed Levitan, no doubt about it!

“You sneaky villain… Justice will never forgive you!”

What’s he babbling about?
Is that even a line?
If you ask me…

But it seemed like justice had a different opinion. The three clones each chimed in a letter, further confusing Hani’s brain. Meanwhile, their words were so clear, it felt downright eerie.

Feeling sickened by the clones, Hani whipped her sword, then closed her eyes to gather all her focus onto the sword hilt. Moments later, her entire body, sword, and sheath began to resonate.

Her awakened superpower was Resonance. Hani could output a strength beyond what her muscles were capable of, slicing through everything the blade touched, and even kick faster than sound itself.

Yet, all of that meant nothing against Eight. How could one sword defeat an undying existence that doesn’t die no matter what?

In the end, Hani chose her last resort. All or nothing. Destroy everything nearby and grab Levitan to escape…

“—Oops, not that.”

Just as Hani was about to swing her sword, Eight swung his hand, and the ground suddenly burst up, hitting her chin.


In that moment, struck by a strong blow, she fell and groaned as she watched Eight slowly walking toward her.

Would she lose another precious ally? Was she destined to be brainwashed and turned into a test subject, just like when Z City imprisoned her?

‘…I can’t let that happen-!’

Indomitable will.

The spirit of a hero.

A miracle happened that words could hardly describe. Stumbling, Hani rose, gazing at Eight with eyes filled with determination to resist until the very end.

Surprised by her gaze, Eight’s eyes sparkled with astonishment.

“Impressive. You’re already up?”

“I will… never give up-!”

“Can I really use this…? I guess I added it for a reason in the data?”

Saying something incomprehensible, Eight’s body began to rise higher into the sky. Reaching the clouds, he lifted his hand.

Suddenly, the surrounding space opened up, revealing gigantic battleships.

—According to UN international law, this planet is scheduled for disposal…
—The residents of this planet are urged to evacuate immediately.

“…What the heck?”

Hani blinked at the sight of the aerial battleship, something she had never seen on TV or the internet. Was she really seeing this in reality?

Before she could ponder further, Eight lowered his hand.


In the next moment, Hani’s world was filled with a blinding white light.



As Hani fell to the ground, I gestured toward Levitan.

“Come on, Levitan. Pick her up.”


“Should I carry her? Even if she’s our foe, she’s a woman, and I don’t have the strength to carry an adult woman around!”

Someone worked hard researching and putting it into practice, and I’m supposed to do the heavy lifting while she sits around?

When I looked at Levitan with that thought in my eyes, she nodded as if she understood, then picked up the fallen Hani.

The moment she did, her chest jiggled considerably.

Trying my best to look away from that sight, I returned to the hotel room with the two of them. After returning to the hotel, we used Arima’s help to head to the Evil Organization’s headquarters.

Vacation and back to work… what a real black company.

I sighed inwardly as I laid Hani on the device inside the laboratory. It was the same device used when Levitan underwent surgery before.

Apparently recalling that time, Levitan frowned, clearly showing her discomfort.

“Ugh… is this the one? The one Levitan was naked in?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“Then does this one need to be undressed too?”

“That person is fine. It’s a machine that can work without undressing to begin with.”

“…Then why did Levitan take off her clothes?”

Because you tore your outfit to shreds while transforming, duh!

Feeling too lazy to answer, I remained silent, but Levitan looked at me with a gaze as if I were a renegade. The pervert who ripped clothes on the street is on your side!

“And this person isn’t meant to be turned back into a human like Levitan, but rather to be punished. So, there’s really no need to undress her.”

The reason I brought this person to the lab was to punish her. For daring to tarnish the name of the Evil Organization. For framing us and ruining the fun vacation.

To make her pay for that, there was no reason to struggle, manipulating her DNA piece by piece to revert her into a human.

Realizing that belatedly, Levitan looked at Hani with a bittersweet expression. Her eyes slowly filled with compassion as she gazed at her former ally, who was a fellow experiment subject.

“Um… Eight?”

“No mercy. This is a command from the boss.”


“But, well….”


Normally, this would require hefty punishment for daring to bite against the Evil Organization— but does life always go according to principle?

When a criminal is related to a judge, they often receive lighter sentences, and even if they cause an accident that wrecks a car, it’s just laughed off if they’re family.

This situation was no different. The principle says to break them until they can’t recover, but if the reason is to save Levitan and Levitan herself says she doesn’t want punishment…

“Changing the direction is fine, right?”

“…Is that really okay?”

“It’s not okay. So, this will be a secret from the boss?”

As I smirked while slightly modifying the software entered into the device, Levitan’s gloomy expression relaxed a bit. I’m not that cruel of a person. I preferred to resolve matters amicably if possible.

Would there be any benefit in scrubbing Hani’s brain and turning her into a fool right here? No. It would simply undermine the prestige of the Evil Organization. They’d just think we were rotten like other villains out there.

‘Then let’s read her memories first….’

If villains or people fear getting punished by our Evil Organization, they shouldn’t just feel a regular fear. They had to develop a completely different kind of horror.

One that would make them not even think about touching us in the first place.

They needed to realize that touching us would be the worst choice they could make.


When Hani opened her eyes again, she stood naked in a completely white space. While she blankly looked around, a system window appeared right before her eyes.

[Welcome. User Hani.]

“…What is this?”

[I am ‘Goldy,’ the AI in charge of the ‘Good Kid Development Project.’]

“No, where exactly is this—”

Before Hani could finish her question, the world suddenly flipped, and she found herself dressed in some kindergarten uniform. The outfit, clearly not meant for an adult, was so tight it looked like it would burst at any moment.

As she pressed down on the clothing that constricted her chest and hips, Hani glared fiercely at the system window before her.

[I am designed with the purpose of making user Hani into a good kid, and I will spare no means to achieve this.]

“What are you doing to me…?!”

[First, we’ll begin moral education. User Hani, do you know what you must do when borrowing something from someone?]

“…Thrust a sword at them?”

[Incorrect. The correct answer is to kindly ask for it.]

Wrong answer penalty! Now entering 100 hours of hands-on borrowing experience.

In that instance, the world flipped again. Suddenly, Hani found herself in the middle of the city’s streets, wearing that ridiculous kindergarten outfit, looking around in shock.

As she sat there stunned, people started to mock her in her kindergarten uniform.

“What’s with this grown woman…?”

“What a sight…”

“We should call the police—”

“A, ahh….”

Feeling the shame from the incoming gazes, Hani ran off to escape the crowd. However, that action was also wrong.

[Incorrect. Extending the time.]

Hani fell back into view in front of the crowd, dragging her clothes down and blushing as she tried to speak to them. Obviously, no one was interested in listening to the words of someone dressed like a kindergartener.

She was so humiliated and flustered that she didn’t even notice how exposed she was.

Ultimately, she managed to pass her first assignment only after 300 hours had passed.



In reality, Hani was suddenly smiling.

Seeing that, Levitan asked with a worried voice.

“Hey Eight? She’s smiling…”

“Leave her be. She must be having a good dream or something.”

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