The Evil Scientist is Too Competent

Chapter 67

“Ahahaha! A brave citizen, huh!”

In the private bar of Ocean Hotel, the highest-rated hotel in Ocean City, Levitan cackled while holding the Brave Citizen Award received from the city hall.

“This is a villain over here!”

Maybe it was the drink, but Levitan’s mouth was way too light. It was already as light as a rabbit’s behind, but now it felt as if it could float away like a balloon.

Seeing Levitan ranting, Regalia frowned slightly and spoke up.

“Levitan. Even though we’re villains, let’s not downplay the Brave Citizen Award we received. If it helps our evil organization, then that’s a good thing.”

“Ah, got it, boss!”

“Right. Drink in moderation. As an executive of the evil organization, we mustn’t act disgracefully.”

In response, Levitan nodded as if she understood, then gulped down her wine glass in one go. Next to her, Galm couldn’t lose and began to play a victory tune.

The drunken tussle between the two ruffians commenced, and Regalia sighed while shaking her head.

While shaking her head, Regalia yawned cutely and checked the time.

“I’m off to bed now. It’s time.”

“Miss, shall we go together?”

“Vira, you can stay and drink more here?”

“I can’t do that as your escort, can I? If you fall, it defeats the purpose of our shared room.”

“Hmm, in that case…”

With that, Vira and Regalia headed back to their room.

Once the two restraints vanished, the mayhem of the beasts intensified even further.


“Bwahahaha! Not bad!”

“What’s up? Scared?”

“Bwahahaha! This time I’m going for this!”

As they slammed down a drink that was either over 60 proof liquor or pure ethanol, Arima laughed heartily while casually sipping his wine.

The only ones not joining the party were the two antisocial folks: me, who doesn’t like alcohol, and Ayle, who can’t drink.

“Ayle. Isn’t it boring?”


“Should we head back?”

“Sh-should we?”

Hearing the suggestion, Ayle slowly got up from her seat, clearly unable to help it. The two introverts who despised booze and parties slipped away from the bar.

Not one bit worried about the three drunkards potentially getting into trouble. Who were these folks here? S-class villains and the top combatants of the evil organization. They could conquer Ocean City in one night if they put their minds to it…

Just because they were drunk didn’t mean they’d be in danger. I thought so as I pressed the button for the floor with the guest rooms in the elevator.

“─E-Excuse me, Scientist!”


Just then, while pressing the guest room button, Ayle suddenly canceled her floor selection and pressed the button heading to the lobby. I cocked my head, wondering what was up when Ayle timidly spoke.

“U-Um, how about we go see the night sea…?”


“Yes, yes! The night sea is said to be so beautiful! They say it glows if you splash the water….”

Seeing Ayle mumbling, I understood her feelings and nodded. She was asking me out on a date.

How could I trample on the heart of a young girl? Nodding, I gave a light smile and replied.

“Sure, let’s go catch some breeze.”

By the way, when the sea glows at night, it’s due to bioluminescent plankton, and when I explained this, Ayle’s expression started to sour.

I don’t know why.

* * *


Just in time, the tide rolled in, pushing up to the beach. The night sky was overcast with dark clouds, and the stars and moon were barely visible, yet, ironically, that made the sea shine even more beautifully.


Even though I knew the night sea glowed, it was my first time actually seeing it, and Ayle kept exclaiming with wonder. I felt the same way.

The translucent emerald beach, which was gorgeous in the morning, sparkled with emerald hues at night. It certainly lived up to its name, day or night.

“It’s beautiful…”

“It really is.”

“Why did I not know about this until now…?”

Ayle sighed out those words with a bitter smile. It was a self-deprecating laugh, a mockery of her family for not bringing her to such a place, and pity for herself being born into a family like that.

As she grew downcast with sorrow, I gently comforted her. Her head leaned against my shoulder, and I gently petted her head…


Then, the moment that thought crossed my mind—was it right to be doing this with a minor? A figure with long rabbit ears was approaching from afar. Ayle seemed to notice the shadow too and flinched, pulling away from me.

I hadn’t seen anyone else with such long rabbit ears besides Levitan. No matter how famous a tourist spot this was, it’d be quite the rarity to have two people with such long ears. Ayle, seemingly thinking the same, cautiously spoke up.

“Levitan unni…?”


At the sound of that name, the figure suddenly stopped.

Then, she walked toward us.

Clap- clap- clap-.

Accompanied by a peculiar sound I’d heard before.

Silently, she just walked.

‘…Something’s off.’

Feeling a chill down my spine from the eerie atmosphere, the long-eared figure finally revealed herself right in front of us. The moment I saw her face up close, I realized she looked too much like Levitan.

But it wasn’t Levitan. Levitan wouldn’t wander around with her eyes closed like that or wearing a sword at her waist while holding castanets in one hand.

“─Did you just say Levitan?”

Clap- clap- clap-.

I finally realized the source of the bizarre sound.

I initially thought she was clapping some kind of wooden instrument, but she was actually banging those castanets.

Ayle and I quietly stood up, slowly stepping back from the woman. We kept our footsteps aligned with the clapping, so our sounds naturally faded.

However, the woman followed us one step at a time.

“Where are you going? Ah, are you running away, thinking I can’t see since I’m blind? Unfortunately, I’m afraid you won’t be able to escape. This.”

Clap- clap- clap-.

The woman struck her castanets a few more times, pointed to her ears, and spoke.

“Since I can’t see, I hear well. And above all─ it’s not that I can’t see at all.”

Saying this, the woman opened her eyes. They were lightless and murky, yet they gleamed slightly with a hint of blue, not completely devoid of light.

Seeing those eyes, I cautiously spoke up.

“What’s your relation to Levitan?”

“A friend… no, acquaintance… no, perhaps a colleague?”

“You can’t guide someone you don’t even know─.”

Just as I was about to speak…

The world flashed brightly.

With an explosion and noise, Ayle suddenly transformed into a magical girl, blocking my path. I casually rolled my eyes and noticed the woman was holding a Japanese sword that I had no idea when she brought out.

“Oh? You’re going to stop that?”

“What are you doing?”

“As I said earlier, I’m a colleague of Levitan.”

No way.

Knowing Levitan’s history, I let out a chuckle. Levitan has no friends, family, or anyone she knows except the fellow members of the evil organization and police.

And here comes someone claiming to be Levitan’s colleague? Ridiculous.

“You come at us first while wanting to know about Levitan’s identity. Did you expect us to tell you everything willingly?”

“Usually, if you hold a knife to someone’s neck, they’ll spill everything.”

“…That’s true.”

Clearing my throat, I casually glanced back toward the hotel. The distance to the hotel from here wasn’t that far. The executives were probably still guzzling drinks, right? It sure felt like they were just getting started when we were leaving.

If that’s the case, it’s possible. I fiddled with my wristwatch and brushed past Ayle.

“You want to meet Levitan?”

“Yes. Will you let me meet her?”

“I’ll arrange that. However—”

It wouldn’t just be a meeting with Levitan.

“The evil organization.”


At that word, a loud noise and bright light erupted from the wristwatch.

The same went for the wristwatch on Ayle’s wrist.

With both watches spewing light and sound, a gigantic figure burst into the shattered window of the hotel.

Boom-! A tiger beastman landed on the beach with both feet, and a space behind him opened up, allowing Arima and Levitan to slowly walk out.

“What’s the matter? Scientist.”

“─Whoa, what’s going on? I just got a call from Eight♠”

“…If you’re coming by teleportation, why not bring Galm along?”

“He just jumped in!”

And thus, the executives of the evil organization gathered in one place.

As I said earlier, a force capable of toppling an entire city with ease.

No matter who appeared as an enemy, it wasn’t particularly scary…

“Ah! Scientist! That woman is escaping!”


“I’ll chase her!”

Then the mysterious blind swordswoman turned and started to flee as soon as Galm revealed himself.

As Ayle and Galm pursued her, I returned to the safe hotel with the remaining two. After returning, I glanced at Levitan.

Sure enough, Levitan began muttering to herself, seemingly having some thoughts about the woman who had just visited.

“…No way, it can’t be. Right?”

“Do you have an inkling of what’s going on? Speak up, don’t just mumble to yourself.”

“…She was my former teammate.”

“Teammate? Before the evil organization, where were you?”

“Uh, to be precise, I should say a fellow researcher…”

Levitan wore a bitter smile as she gazed at the place where that woman had been just moments ago.

That smile was filled with nostalgia and surprise.

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