The Evil Scientist is Too Competent

Chapter 59

“Today, we have Dr. Shira, who has garnered significant attention for proving the Existence of Soul, joining us for an interview…”



“It’s Shira, you idiot. I mean, how could you mess up my name when you’re here for an interview? And you dare call yourself a journalist…─.”

“Exclusive! ABC Award nominee Dr. Shira throws verbal abuse at reporters… It’s revealed that many graduate students have been subjected to her verbal abuse and swearing…”

“Dr. Harmon, ABC Award winner, claims, “You can’t trust research from an Inhuman like that.” He insists he discovered the Soul first─”

“Is Dr. Eight, recorded as a co-author, even a real person!?” 21 truths about Dr. Eight

* * *

“What a mess.”

“You think so too, right?”

The news was abuzz every day with talks of the discovery of the Soul. The world’s enemy narrative that had dominated headlines had vanished without a trace. Not that surprising, really. The traits of the world’s enemy made them perfect for a few Power Holders to Treat like slaves and manipulate the masses for their benefit.

Those who have the power to influence the news would naturally wish for the populace to forget about the world’s enemy. They might have been negotiating behind closed doors, but they certainly wouldn’t want the public to be cautious by openly discussing the traits of the world’s enemy.

Proving the Existence of Soul was just the distraction needed to divert the public’s Interest. Wasn’t it the mystery everyone in the long history of humanity wanted to unravel? If the existence of the Soul is proven, it might also reveal the existence of heaven or hell spoken of by various religions.

“So? What do you plan to do?”

“Hmm… It might be about time I reveal my face.”

“That’s not a bad idea.”

Humans are creatures bound to explore Secrets. It’s an instinct as humans. Humanity discovered the secret of fire to conquer the darkness, unraveled the secrets of farming to birth civilization, and unearthed the mysteries of the world to create what we know as science.

Humans are such creatures that can’t let Secrets remain unturned. They are more curious than cats. Given this, trying to hide my identity until the end could reveal that my background is fabricated.

And that wouldn’t do.

“If people find out that you’re working under me. Meaning, if they learn you’re a researcher at Evilus Corporation, this uproar might calm down a bit.”

“Probably. I might even get a Degree while at it.”

“Right. The board has been complaining about paying someone without a Degree too much… If it’s revealed that you’re a nominee who might win the ABC Award, those complaints might quiet down.”

Thus, I decided to reveal my true identity. I would unveil the identity of the genius scientist Evilus Corporation had kept hidden from the world.

When my true identity was revealed, when it became known that I, who doesn’t even hold a doctoral Degree, was the partner of a genius scientist who marked his name in the fields of biology…

The public was set ablaze.

* * *

“Mysterious genius scientist revealed to be a researcher at Evilus Corporation…”

“Reports suggest that many unreported results of Evilus Corporation belong to this scientist’s research…”

“Does Evilus Corporation have real aliens with them?”

─A guy who doesn’t even hold a doctorate created all that? Does that make sense?

─Looks like Evilus Corporation decided to create a hero

─LOL, if that’s possible, then I must be a hero with a holy sword instead of an unemployed nerd.

After Eight’s identity was revealed, distrust was the immediate reaction from the public. How could a researcher with nothing more than a bachelor’s Degree have produced so many Results?

Even the contents of Theses, which were beyond the understanding of those with doctoral Degrees, as well as creations like the anti-gravity device and ultra-small circuits were claimed to be made by a mere bachelor. How could that not sound utterly unbelievable?

Amidst all the slander directed at Evilus Corporation and Eight, Eight himself remained unbothered.

“Eight. Are you okay?”

“Sorry? With what?”

“I mean, everyone seems to be badmouthing you.”

Hearing Vira’s words, Eight snickered. Why was someone supposedly worried about him spreading around gossip like that? It was absurd for a moment, but Eight shrugged as if to say it didn’t matter.

“Didn’t the boss and I manipulate public opinion to think that way?”

“Are you saying that was your doing?”

“Yes. What would have happened if the news only sang my praises? If they were hyping me as a genius scientist who emerges once a century?”

“I wonder…?”

Vira tilted her head in curiosity, but indeed, if the news had spoken of me in such high regard it wouldn’t have been a good thing. Sure, it would feel gratifying, but that’s it.

People would show excessive Interest in me as a genius of the century, and in this world, too much attention is synonymous with danger. In a world where villains with supernatural powers exist, aren’t there?

Being a member of the Scholar organization, numerous companies and city governments, and even military forces would offer me protection… but their shield might avenge me, but they wouldn’t deter attacks from villains.

“It would be problematic. More would target me, wouldn’t they? Every step outside would mean an attack by villains… Not even having you around would be pleasant.”

“Is that so…?”

“Yes, that’s right. Besides, my salary isn’t paid by those badmouthing me, but by the boss, so why should I care about public opinion? Evilus’s market monopoly is so extensive… even with calls for Boycott, it wouldn’t impact sales.”

Even if citizens harbor disdain toward Evilus Corporation and attempt a Boycott due to recent events. Would that even be possible? Simply put, it’d be impossible.

This remains true even without considering E City, which Evilus monopolizes. With Eight’s Technology, Evilus Corporation dominated numerous markets. Even if citizens choose not to buy, businesses certainly couldn’t refrain.

“It still doesn’t feel good to be badmouthed.”

“There’ll always be people who’ll talk bad about you, even if things go well. At any rate, people who want to badmouth will do so.”

“If you say so, I suppose it doesn’t matter then…”

“Moreover- I’m a villain, aren’t I? Villains shouldn’t fear getting badmouthed.”

“Oh, right, you are.”

She exclaimed with realization, seemingly forgetting she was a villain. Quite oblivious, really. Even if it’s an organization of villains that doesn’t fit the mold, how can one forget such a fundamental identity?

“Anyway, I have to attend the Scholar meeting today. Rest well.”

“Oh, again today?”


“You’re quite busy these days? When will you be back?”

“…I’ll call before I come home.”


Leaving behind Vira, delighted like she’s got a holiday, Eight boarded the vehicle sent by Scholar once more.

Upon arriving in Scholar, as if it were his own Research Facility, familiar faces emerged as usual.

“─Oh, Divine One. Please, accept my Prayer first.”

“What, again…?”

Upon entering, Eight, receiving a deep bow from Dr. Kuroid, scanned the surroundings to ensure no one witnessed this absurdity.

Being bowed to by a middle-aged man was prone to cause a massive misunderstanding. No matter how many times it happened, he couldn’t get accustomed to this scene. Knowing that Dr. Kuroid wasn’t bowing for any wrongdoing but purely out of reverence made it more perplexing.

Helping him to his feet, Eight asked why his ardent Faith had flared once more, only to be met with Dr. Kuroid seemingly puzzled at the question.

“The Thesis you published. I’ve read it. People might think it was Dr. Shira’s Result, but to this humble man’s eyes, it was clear it had your touch.”

“And so? What does that have to do with this?”

“I’ve read the Thesis. The equation you used to illustrate the Existence of Soul is somewhat familiar to me. As I dared to interpret it, it seems akin to the Grace you granted to Lucia before…”

“…Sorry? What does that mean?”

Hearing that, Eight couldn’t hide his confusion. The circuits he implanted in his android, Lucia, resembling the Soul’s appearance? This was entirely new to him.

He promptly analyzed the image of Lucia’s internal circuits against the portrayal of the Soul he described. At first glance, they didn’t resemble each other. But what if you simplified the circuits and equations and interpreted them through topology?

Oh… he realized that the circuits he had designed bore a striking resemblance to the Soul.

“What in the world.”

The implication was simple.

It meant he had unknowingly created an entity that possessed a Soul.

No wonder Dr. Kuroid had such an overwhelming reaction of reverence upon discovering this fact.

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