The Eunuch’s Consort Rules the World

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Xiliang Dan

At night, the candlelight was faint, and Bai Rui hesitated and asked while calling the network: “Miss, the four young ladies have always loved you and can’t get through with you. You plan to do so. Why on earth is it better to go to the county lord? TXT download (summary) The Story of the Snake!”

Xiliang Mo, while grinding the petals with graphite, said lightly: “Xiliang Immortal looks like a soft side, but in fact it is the most thoughtful, with needles hidden in the cotton. It’s not as good as Xiliang Dan’s bright surface and spicy but easier to deal with. It’s easier to adjust your mind.”

Bai Rui looked at Xi Liang Mo’s expression, but her uneasy heart slowly fell silent.

Maybe the eldest lady is really right.

—Boundary Line—

On this day, the residence of the Prince Yasukuni was very busy, and the whole house was full of joy, especially the unmarried young ladies who were old and dressed carefully. It turned out that the Prince Yasukuni invited several lords and wives who were officials of the same dynasty to bring their sons. Come as a guest.

But everyone knows that this is a second visit, in fact, is to negotiate for the family’s daughters of the right age.

This is the so-called-look at the small feast.

And on this day, under Xiliang Mo’s “Wonderful Rejuvenation” and clever hand makeup, Xiliang Dan’s face is not only smooth and smooth, but also more bright and moving.

Early in the morning, in the Xiangxue Pavilion, the third Miss Xi Liangshuang and the fifth Miss Xi Liangyue, born of Aunt Yun and Aunt Liu, were smiling and praising the protagonist Xiliang Dan, who was the protagonist of today’s marriage negotiation.

“The makeup of the fourth sister today is so beautiful, it’s even more beautiful than Princess Lingrong.”

“Yes, that is, the number one beauty in the capital should be the fourth sister.”

The Xiangxue Pavilion is decorated with pear-shaped ornaments everywhere, with heavy curtains and tents. A few maidservants stand respectfully. The north wall is a Ning-style mahogany bed with light yellow octopus tents. The double fish red gold tent hooks are hung with engraved silk. Bainiao Jin mattress. On the east wall are two vertical cabinets with huanghuali, and on the west wall is a table with a heart-shaped cinnamon inlaid heart. On the upper side is an incense burner that burns the precious scent of goose’e agarwood. A three-color double fish bottle is filled with seasonal flowers. It is a precious thing, it can be seen that Xiliang Dan is no less favored than Xiliangxian.

Xiliangdan is now sitting lazily in front of the rosewood pear-carved tangled lotus dressing mirror, and said with a smile: “Where, the lord of Lingrong was the chief of the lotus banquet of the last empress empress. I heard that she is both talented and beautiful. Absolutely.”

Today, she is wearing a long purple caged yarn dress, her arms are gradually dyed with white beads, and her hair is loosely rolled into a bun of hope. She hangs a few strands of hair with rice beads on her chest. There are not many beads on her head, only one. A big peony with white petals and yellow buds is slanted in a bun, and a long fringed hairpin with east beads and emeralds, with long beads hanging down to the chest, and rice beads on the center of the eyebrows, the face is like hibiscus, and the vermilion lips are dripping, revealing This is a different kind of romance that transcends age.

“That’s because my sister hadn’t had time last year, so I let others be more beautiful.” The third lady, Xi Liangshuang, smiled and complimented, and suddenly looked at Xi Liangdan’s lips with envy: “By the way, on my sister’s lips. It is a fragrant honey peony jelly. It is really a rare thing. I heard that Sister Mo has only obtained three small boxes after studying for more than half a month. Can you give her a box?”

Xiliang Dan’s rhombohedral lips smeared with flower jelly is really tender and bright, very attractive.

Xiliang Dan had a meal, and then sneered: “Yes, the third sister also knows that the girl is lazy, and she only had three small boxes. Now I have one box here and the county master’s sister has one box. I gave a box to my mother, do you think Who do you want? Do you deserve it?”

This woman relied on Su Ri to flatter herself in front of her. She gave her two more good looks, and she even dared to reach out and ask her for something. This rare peony jelly was also used by her abusive concubine!

Xi Liangshuang was stabbed by her, her face looked embarrassed, and she quickly smiled: “Yes, yes, such a rare jelly is naturally not suitable for us. It is only suitable for my sister and the county owner to be a national color.”

Miss Fifth, Xi Liangyue kept silent, and glanced at Xi Liangshuang somewhat contemptuously, only to think that this was greedy and wink.

The two stood there for a while, and Xi Liang Dan ignored it. After a while, Lv Qiao opened the curtain and came in and said, “Miss Si, the county lord is here.”

The three young ladies in the room quickly got up, with a rare sincere smile on Xiliangdan’s face, and greeted the Xiliangxian who had just entered the door, and hugged his sister’s arm like a baby: “Sister, is Dan’er looking good today? ”

“The county owner.” Xi Liangshuang and Xi Liangyue saluted.

Xiliangxian looked at his sister’s pretty face, and couldn’t help showing a little bit of surprise. He pointed to her head with Koodan, and said affectionately: “Girl, dress like this, watch out for the mad bees and butterflies.”

“Sister, you’ll make fun of me.” Xi Liangdan pouted nonsensely.

“It seems that there is no serious problem on your face. Sister Mo helped you take care of this makeup.” Xi Liangxian smiled, seemingly unaware that there are two other sisters in the room, Xi Liangshuang and Xi Liangshuang. Liangyue had to stand awkwardly.

Xi Liangdan snorted proudly: “That mean girl dare to be cured, so I will peel off her face so that she won’t be able to see anyone in her life. How does my sister know that she helped take care of this?”

Xiliangxian pursed his lips and said: “I don’t know what the people around you have? By the way, she can still be disciplined with you. Didn’t it hurt your hair?”

Everyone knows that Xiliang Mo cringes on weekdays and can’t get on the stage. It’s worse than a big girl. When he gets nervous, he often does wrong things. He breaks a cup or other things. I don’t know what to do in Xiliang Dan these days. But this craft is really better than the dressing aunt she found from the palace, if you take her with you when you enter the palace…

Xiliangxian’s mind became more active.

“Hmph, she dared to make me hurt, so I used my brother’s riding whip to whip her. This is not so cute. Come here, call that girl over and overturn the pail in the clean room.” Xi Liang Xian triumphantly, pointed to Lvqiao and went out to call people.

Xi Liangyue hurriedly joined in the fun and said: “It really is the fourth sister who will train people.”

Xiliang Mo was steaming the jasmine flower water, and asked her to wash the toilet downside down. Her heart suddenly sneered, Xiliangxian, you don’t plan to want this Xiangxue Pavilion, are you?

After entering the room, she was hesitant after Xiliangxian’s order. Before Xiliangxian could speak, she saw Xi Liangshuang speak first: “Why, what the fourth sister said, you don’t want to follow it? ”

Xiliangshuang has always been used to helping Xiliang Dan to practice others, and Xiliang Dan just gave her a face, and at this moment she naturally wants to find it back from others.

Xiliang Mo smiled softly at Xiliangshuang when he heard the words, “Sister Shuang, I’m helping Miss Si make Jasmine’s mouth fat. If this is touching the toilet… Sister Shuang might help her sister and can do things for Miss Si. But it’s all a blessing to our sisters, isn’t it?.”

Her appearance was extremely sincere, and her voice was so soft that people couldn’t bear to refuse, not to mention that she also took the Fourth Miss Xiliang Dan by the way.

Xi Liangshuang sneered subconsciously: “You little hoof dare to instruct my dignified third lady to fill the toilet?”

As soon as the words were spoken, she knew that she had said the wrong thing. Xi Liangmo immediately wondered: “Why, does Sister Shuang have the same reason why I can’t do it? I don’t care, but this mouth fat is applied to my lips. Up….”

Xi Liang Dan immediately glanced at Xi Liangshuang with a sneered eyebrow and sneered: “Why, do things for me humiliate you?” Yes, Xi Liang Mo’s hand is about to touch the precious powder she used. If she touches the urine bucket, she thinks I think it’s disgusting.

Xi Liangshuang’s face became stiff, and she hurriedly laughed: “Where, it’s just…”

“It’s just what, huh?” Xi Liangdan’s smile had a hint of coldness, and the little prostitute would dare to resist her!

Xiliangshuang originally wanted to fight for reasons, but was dragged by Xiliangyue. Suddenly he remembered that today was a small banquet. If she offends Xiliangdan, Mrs. Han will definitely not give her good fruit, so she has to force her. A pale and twisted smile appeared: “Okay.”

After that, he walked into the clean room with difficulty, pinched his nose and took a deep breath, took a deep breath, took the toilet out, and hurriedly walked outside the door with the eyes of the people in the room or gloating or pitying.

Xi Liang Mo’s eyes flashed slightly, and she quietly stretched out her foot to step on the hem of the other party’s skirt.

Xi Liangshuang’s body suddenly tilted, and when the commode in his hand was sent to the right, he splashed the triumphant Xi Liang Dan sitting on the side, and a puff of urine filled the room.

The air suddenly condensed, and everyone stared blankly at the embarrassed and dirty Xi Liang Dan.

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