The Eunuch’s Consort Rules the World

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Xiliang Dan falls into the water

Arriving in the imperial city, the imperial prison in the palace and the maid came out to lead the relatives into the house. With Bai Rui’s support, Xi Liang Mo steadily dropped the carriage and dragged a few meters behind the second lady and the mother and daughter, quietly Looking at the magnificent palace city with the red walls of the blue tiles and the overhead arches, the water of the Qujiang River was diverted into the palace, and Jin Wuwei held the Jinwu Yuxuan standing high in front of the palace gate, and the white marble twists and turns back to the bridge and winds straight across the water. Entering the deep palace city, all show that this forbidden palace is the highest place of power in the world.

“Miss, please come with the servant girl.” A beautiful court lady smiled, Xi Liang Mo politely blessed her, and followed her to the imperial garden with Bai Rui.

At the edge of Huanbi Lake in the Royal Garden, the ladies and the ladies of the families who knew each other greeted each other and chatted in twos and threes, just waiting to board the boat to the island in the lake. The beauties competed for beauty, just like a brocade by the pool. Cluster flowers.

Xiliangxian had a high status and decided to be a show girl, and Xiliangdan, the sister of the future princess, was surrounded by girls from various prefectures who were acquainted with each other early. Congratulations and fun.

Xiliang Mo Liangliang glanced at it, and simply looked for a quiet rose flower stand to avoid waiting to board the boat. It also saved people from making trouble. He just sat down and tidied the skirt, but he saw an elegant and beautiful appearance of azure and white. The robe was set in front of her. Although she wanted to pretend not to see, the other person seemed to stand in front of her. For a while, she was helpless and blessed: “Little prince.”

Although she had some other thoughts on him, she didn’t plan to become another woman’s target because of this man.

Si Liufeng smiled politely: “Miss Mo, please sit down. My king is just free to stroll around. You don’t have to be so polite.”

Si Liufeng looked at the girl in front of her. She was dressed in a pale white dress with wide sleeves embroidered with green begonias and a pleated skirt with light green pendant crystal beads, which set off her grace and tranquility, and her skin was like jade, just like a flower on the side of the canal. White hibiscus.

He had seen a lot of women like this in his life, but…

“Miss Mo, Xiao Wang heard that you had refused to marry in front of the Duke. If you want to marry Xiao Wang, you would rather hit the pole?”

This question is abrupt and sharp. It shouldn’t be a polite man who should ask an unmarried girl who has never met.

Xi Liang Mo looked at him, seemingly surprised, and then turned away to look at Qiangwei beside him: “Little Prince, don’t you think your question is too abrupt?”

Si Liufeng didn’t answer her question, but just stared at the girl in front of him: “Xiao Wang just wants to know why?”

Why do all women have to react like bees to honey when they see you?

Xiliang Mo actually wanted to ask this, but she just lowered her head and pulled a rose and sniffed: “Little Prince is very good, but Mo’er doesn’t want to ruin her life for no reason for the sake of the so-called ethereal future.”

While talking, a wind shuttled past Huanbi Lake, bringing down countless rose petals, like a gorgeous rain.

The girl standing in the flowers wins snow in white clothes, her face is as cold as snow, crystal clear, her red lips are more beautiful than the rose on her face, and her beautiful eyes with light tails look at him like a smile but not a smile, and the tails of her eyes are stained. A blood-colored petal, which was originally just an ordinary feminine and timid complexion, turned out to be so beautiful at this moment.

Si Liufeng was startled, his eyes couldn’t leave her face.

If she said that she did not want to compete with her fellow sisters, or had no intention of wealth and glory, he would feel that she was no different from those noble girls who were hypocritical and tender and intended to approach her, but she confessed that her life was naturally more important than his marriage contract. .

After going through the things on the long street today, he naturally knew that his marriage was to her and caused a lot of murder, and he was inexplicably more guilty in his heart that used Xi Liangmo to play the game.

Xi Liang Mo glanced at him, and just used his index finger to play with the rose on his cheek, and said casually: “Little Prince doesn’t have to go to his heart, Xi Liang Mo is very good.”

Si Liufeng was startled and looked at the girl in front of him, like a rose under her jade fingertips. The petals are soft and easy to destroy, but under the delicate petals there are faintly small thorns, which are mysterious and strong under the softness.

Yes, she is very good, and she still has a good life in the treacherous environment of the Guogong Mansion.

Si Liufeng didn’t know what he thought of, but he looked at Xi Liang Mo’s seemingly gentle but cold eyes, really softened, and he smiled like clouds rolling in the sky: “Yes, Xi Liang Mo, you are fine.”

Roses were scattered like fragrant rain, and the petals that fell on the sideburns and cheeks of Xiliang Mo made her white and tender face more and more stained with red flower fat. Si Liufeng couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to give her a touch. .

The man’s slender and warm fingers flicked across his hair and brought a faint incense, which made Xi Liang Mo seem surprised. He turned slightly to the beginning, his face was faintly crimson, like haze flowing, and Si Liufeng was stunned.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

What Si Liufeng didn’t see was the light flowing in Xi Liang Mo’s eyes, which was very strange.

I don’t know how long, a woman’s charming laugh suddenly sounded behind them: “Little Prince, it’s time to get on the boat.”

It turned out that it was Xiliang Dan and three or five ladies from the noble family’s family who were approaching gracefully. The contemptuous eyes of the noble ladies all cast their contemptuous eyes on Xiliang Mo, but she didn’t realize it.

“Yeah.” Si Liufeng looked at the beautiful Xiliang Dan, nodded faintly, then looked around, and said to Xiliang Mo Wen, “It’s time to get on the boat. The time to enjoy the lotus feast is coming. This should be the time. The last boat.”

Xi Liang Mo originally didn’t want to be in the middle of right and wrong with Si Liufeng, but seeing the contemptuous eyes of Xi Liang Dan, he simply ignored Xi Liang Dan’s angry look, and only smiled softly at Si Liufeng: “Little Lord, please.”

The daughters of Xiliangdan had to feel sad, and followed them to the vermilion ferry that stopped at Huanbi Lake.

When he arrived at the boat, Xi Liang Mo was squeezed away by other girls or the maids around them whenever he wanted to get on the boat. She simply stepped aside and waited for the others to get on the boat before preparing to move.

However, she saw Liu Wan’er, the maid of Ning Hou’s family concubine, stretched out her hand to her, and said unceremoniously: “I’m sorry, Miss Mo, the **** in charge said that the ship is full, so I can’t get on anybody, so I’ll trouble you to wait. Class one.”

Xi Liang Mo gave a cold glance. She clearly saw that there were still vacant seats on the boat. Bai Rui also saw it, and said with a cold face: “This is the last ordinary boat. When entering the palace, you didn’t hear the consul aunt in the palace say anything. If you miss the hour, you will be accused by the nobles!”

If it is not a major accident, whoever dares to be late is a big disrespect to the empress.

“Then we can’t take care of it. If it affects the safety of a ship’s people, can you afford it?” Xi Liangdan sneered and walked over with Liu Wan’er.

“Yes, this boat is a pure and noble person. If the fox who loves to hook up and play four times on the boat, wouldn’t it be very filthy?” Liu Wan’er has always been similar in temperament to Xiliang Dan, and the two are boudoirs. Handing the handkerchief, there is no scruples when talking, just to make people unhappy.

The approaching ladies covered their lips and laughed.

Xi Liang Mo’s eyes swept across the rippling lake beside the boat, her eyes were as cold as a pool. She turned her eyes back to Xi Liang Dan, stepped forward and forced him to face Xi Liang Dan, and chuckled softly: “What, Dan Sister, are you afraid that the little prince will be snatched away by me? Sooner or later, you will lose to me.”

Liu Wan’er looked at Xi Liang Mo in amazement. How could this woman be so bold and presumptuous?

Xi Liang Dan’s suppressed anger on the long street, he saw Xi Liang Mo and Si Liufeng whispering on the side, as if the rising up behind the scene of the love of the concubine finally couldn’t help it anymore, and shouted angrily: ” What nonsense, you bitch!”

Having said that, Xi Liang Dan pushed her hard towards Xi Liang Mo as soon as he raised his hand, just trying to push her down the lake, no longer seeing the provocative face, drowning and falling down!

But somehow, she had clearly touched Xi Liang Mo, but she felt that the person in front of her disappeared in a flash, and her belt sank, and then she fell into the water with an uncontrollable’plop’. .


Everyone was shocked by the accident, but Si Liufeng was the first to react. He rushed down the stairs and saw Xi Liang Mo dangerously hanging by the side of the boat with his hands hanging on the railing, wide sleeves blown by the wind. Blocking her face, she could only hear her crying for help mournfully and weakly: “Help…”

But she didn’t know, she was looking down at Xiliang Dan, who was screaming like a duck in the water, and showed a nasty smile, silently and authentically—Congratulations, Simei, the hero has come to save the United States!

I don’t know if the hero to save you is… a bear.

------Off-topic ------

It’s difficult I have no recommendation I will increase 25 collections today, I will add more

By the way, how about changing my name to my prose—poisonous wife?

The editor said that this name is better After changing the name, would you accidentally… delete me?

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