The Esper Who Loves Me

Chapter 1.2 - Hidden Esper (2)

Finally convinced the Esper was asleep, Eunseok collapsed, utterly exhausted. As they lay there, blood kept rising in their throat, escaping with their coughs.“It worked… wow… it actually worked,” they thought, dazed. Turning their head weakly, they saw Junwoo and Jimin still frozen in their embrace.Right, now for them. Having revealed their mental ability, they had to erase their memories.They’d never done this before and weren’t sure if it would work. What if they messed it up and turned them both into vegetables? Groaning, Eunseok struggled to their feet. Unable to walk, they crawled on their knees, only to be stopped by a pair of polished shoes.Following the spotless, matte shoes and sharply creased trousers, their gaze traveled upwards. A black cashmere coat, emitting a pleasant scent, billowed before them.A familiar, handsome face looked down at them. The beautiful man they’d admired earlier frowned upon meeting their eyes.“Who are you?” Moon Seungwon asked.⊹ ࣪ ˖“No, I don’t think we’ll need the suppression team. Esper Kim Yohan has been secured. He’s stable, albeit temporarily. We can transport him directly to the Center.”A pleasant voice.Hidden under Moon Seungwon’s coat, Eunseok strained to hear the conversation.“A mental Esper?”Finding Kim Yohan asleep like a baby, and Cha Eunseok, covered in blood, crawling nearby, Moon Seungwon had been speechless. His lips twitched, but he remained silent, his mind racing.His conclusion, when he finally spoke, was accurate. Eunseok simply nodded.“Stay quiet if you want to live.”Moon Seungwon removed his coat and draped it over Eunseok, plunging them into darkness.Staying still was easy enough. They were too exhausted to move anyway.Despite the throbbing pain, the cashmere coat was warm and comforting. The scent of a cool, musky cologne, with a hint of sandalwood, clung to the fabric, perfectly suited to its owner.“We have injured Espers on site. We’ll need a healer. Yes, one unconscious, two with minor injuries, and…”The polished shoes reappeared before Eunseok’s eyes. A low voice resonated directly above them.“…one Esper with serious injuries. Presumed to be mental.”The scene erupted into chaos.Moon Seungwon’s brief report had sent the Esper Management Center into a frenzy. More personnel than initially requested arrived, including high-ranking officials who rarely visited incident sites. Their faces pale, they clustered around Moon Seungwon, lamenting the situation. Cameras flashed, documenting the scene. Eunseok’s broken glasses were tagged as “Evidence Exhibit A.”Center employees pulled out an array of handcuffs from black security bags – restraints designed to suppress Esper abilities.Section Chief Kwak, who had thankfully sustained only minor injuries, was transported to the hospital along with Section Chief Jimin and Junwoo. The rogue Esper and Eunseok were isolated.The sleeping Esper’s hands and feet were restrained.Cha Eunseok’s hands, feet, eyes, and mouth were all bound.They felt like they were being treated as the more dangerous one.But protesting was pointless. They’d anticipated this possibility the moment they intervened.They just wished they could remove the gag. The saliva dripping down their chin was disgusting.Once their abilities were confirmed to be suppressed, the healing began. A healing Esper must have been in the transport vehicle.This was their first experience with Esper healing. A cool sensation, like menthol balm, spread through their body, soothing the burning pain.“This must hurt. If Esper Kim Yohan were available, he could have healed this completely, but with him experiencing a surge… You’ll receive more thorough treatment back at the Center. Just hang in there.”“So that was him,” Eunseok thought. “That bastard. I’ll make him pay for this.”Unable to speak or see, they simply nodded in the direction of the voice.The kind healer gently cleaned their face, caked with dried blood. They seemed to pity Eunseok’s sorry state.“What’s going to happen to me now…?”They sighed, their future uncertain. As the pain receded, exhaustion washed over them. They drifted off to sleep.Yohan and Eunseok arrived at the Esper Management Center together, but their paths diverged. Kim Yohan, still asleep but with unstable energy, was taken to the Guiding Center. Cha Eunseok was taken to the research lab.They underwent a battery of tests: physical examination, blood tests, energy wavelength analysis, brainwave scans.The lab director and every researcher specializing in ability assessment were summoned to examine Cha Eunseok.Mental Espers, classified as Special Type, were placed under individual supervision by the Center, regardless of their rank. Their abilities, however insignificant, were considered valuable assets.And now, a previously unknown mental Esper had appeared. One who had already manifested as a C-rank telekinetic six years prior and had been working as a non-combat Esper in a public institution.The discovery of a mental Esper was exciting enough, but the manifestation of a second ability added fuel to the fire.They couldn’t simply sweep this under the rug. Cha Eunseok’s mental ability was at least A-rank.“Yes, confirmed A-rank mental. Two abilities detected. We also reconfirmed their existing telekinetic wavelength, which remains C-rank, as registered.”The lab director began the briefing, clutching the thick stack of test results, already dog-eared and wrinkled from repeated handling.“Specifically, they can control neural pathways. Their primary abilities are mind control and emotional manipulation: brainwashing, suggestion, hypnosis… With enough effort, potentially full mental domination. They can also manipulate emotions and induce sleep. In the case of Esper Kim Yohan’s surge, they used sleep induction to resolve the situation. He apparently slept soundly and even had dreams.”“Wow…”“A mind controller?”“How could this go undetected? Is the Center’s Esper management system that lax? We’re already struggling with rogue Espers, and now we have this loophole! How are we supposed to report this to the VIPs?”“In this case, the second ability manifested after the initial one. There’s no way to know unless they report it themselves. To prevent this from happening again, we need to add mandatory regular ability reassessments to the Esper regulations…”The room buzzed with opinions, everyone clamoring to be heard. The meeting descended into a shouting match.Where did the system fail? Who missed what? Instead of finding solutions, they were busy shifting blame.“First,” Moon Seungwon said quietly from the end of the table, where he’d been reviewing a separate document. The room fell silent.He tapped a file on the table. He’d already memorized its contents.The report summarized Cha Eunseok’s 23 years of life: background, education, employment history at the Facilities Management Team, personal relationships. Moon Seungwon flicked the attached ID photo.“Let’s hear their side of the story.”⊹ ࣪ ˖Cha Eunseok remained confined in the lab, still bound by restraints. They were getting used to the position, but the blindfold was unnerving.How much time had passed? What day was it? Was it day or night?Had the news spread? Could they skip work now? They should have used up their vacation days.Their mind wandered aimlessly. There was nothing else to do but think. The repetitive tests were tedious, but they tried to remain calm, knowing it would eventually end.But the gnawing anxiety persisted.No one had explained the situation, and with their eyes and mouth covered, they were completely isolated. Their chest felt tight, their breath constricted.Then, a familiar scent reached them. Their heightened senses picked up on it immediately.The fresh, gentle musk scent.The same scent as the coat that had covered them.The owner of the scent approached, their polished shoes clicking softly against the floor.“Esper Cha Eunseok,” a familiar, low, clear voice called.“I am Moon Seungwon, Team Leader of Special Team 1.”The voice, initially coming from above, lowered as Moon Seungwon apparently sat down to meet Eunseok at eye level. The scent of his cologne grew stronger.“Present in this room are the Director of the Esper Management Center, the Director of the Research Lab, the Director of the National Intelligence Service, and two mental Espers. We will remove the gag, but can you promise to remain calm?”Moon Seungwon’s voice, firm yet gentle, was even warmer than Eunseok remembered.Their eyes welled up unexpectedly. They nodded vigorously, hoping he understood.“I’ll remove it now.”Cold fingers brushed against their cheek. They flinched involuntarily, and the fingers paused momentarily before carefully unbuckling the gag.“Ha… ah…”Freed from the restraint, their jaw felt stiff. They took a few deep breaths, waiting for the feeling to return.It was a small thing, but the removal of the gag eased their anxiety.“It might be difficult to speak right away, but I have a few questions,” Moon Seungwon said after a brief pause.“When did your mental ability manifest?”“Th-three… three years ago.”“That’s correct.”A third voice, not Moon Seungwon’s, spoke. Eunseok’s head turned towards the sound. Moon Seungwon explained, “As I mentioned, there are several people present. That was a mental Esper, confirming the truth of your statements.”Two mental Espers were indeed in the room with Moon Seungwon, while the other officials observed from behind the glass wall.One Esper could read minds, and the other could detect lies. They felt a mixture of pity and camaraderie for Cha Eunseok, treated like a lab rat, but also hoped they wouldn’t do anything rash.“Why didn’t you report it to the Center?”“It was… too much trouble.”“Too much trouble?”Moon Seungwon’s voice rose slightly in disbelief. He glanced at the other Espers, who both nodded.“Correct. Truthful.”Eunseok, oblivious to their reactions, continued, speaking slowly but firmly.“Mental abilities are Special Type, and mine was a rare secondary manifestation. I figured there would be a lot of tests, a lot of work… I just… wanted to live quietly, like before… I thought it would be best to keep it to myself.”“Have you ever used your ability on anyone else?”“In the beginning… maybe. I wasn’t aware of it then, so it happened unintentionally… But after I realized what it was, I never used it again. I swear!”“How do you perceive your ability?”“When I make eye contact and speak, it seems to trigger the suggestion. Physical contact makes it stronger. That’s why I wore glasses.”“The glasses…”Moon Seungwon recalled the thick glasses found at the scene. The report mentioned Cha Eunseok always wore them.“They hid it with that? What a crude method,” he thought, a smirk playing on his lips.“According to our records, you went out last Friday night without your glasses. You were at a club in Itaewon, ‘The Pleasure,’ for approximately two hours and thirty minutes…”“What?”“Did you have any physical contact with anyone during those two and a half hours?”“How do you…? Is it… is it even legal to monitor civilians like that?”“Esper Cha Eunseok, I’ll ask again. Did you have any physical contact with anyone during that time? You stated that you lose control of your ability when you make eye contact without your glasses.”“No! I really didn’t use my ability!”“We have the CCTV footage.”“Well, I didn’t exactly avoid all human contact…”Cha Eunseok’s voice trailed off, their ears turning red. Embarrassed or flustered, it was hard to tell.“I… bought a piercing…”“A piercing?”“A crocoite piercing, made from the same material as the restraints. I got the stone on the black market… But I used my own savings to have it made! The material might be illegal, but I paid for it!”“A pierc… So you’re saying you suppressed your ability with a piercing?”“Yes…”Moon Seungwon ran a hand through his hair, looking bewildered. “What am I even hearing?” he thought. The mental Espers behind him confirmed, “Team Leader, it’s true. They want to die of embarrassment right now.”He chuckled in disbelief. What was going on in that little head of theirs?Looking down at Eunseok’s crimson face, he regained his composure.“We’ll investigate the piercing and its acquisition. And…”Was that it? Eunseok braced themself for the gag to be reapplied, but it wasn’t.“For now, please remain here. We’ll inform you of our decision regarding your situation shortly.”Moon Seungwon visited Eunseok every day after that.The visits rarely exceeded 30 minutes, and he always brought the mental Espers, but those brief encounters became the highlight of Eunseok’s day.Moon Seungwon was their only source of information. He explained the test results, the discussions among the Center’s leadership (which, according to him, were less productive than a middle school class meeting), and occasionally relayed news about Jimin, Junwoo, and Section Chief Kwak.He also asked questions. Wanting to be helpful, Eunseok answered as truthfully as possible, but Moon Seungwon would often respond with a serious “Is that so, Esper Cha Eunseok?” or a sigh and a muttered “What were you thinking?”Each time, Eunseok’s heart would sink. They had to carefully consider their answers, fearing he might decide to lock them up permanently.⊹ ࣪ ˖Six days into Cha Eunseok’s detainment, Moon Seungwon visited the research lab once again.The sprawling 20-story building, befitting its status as the most well-funded institution in the country, boasted state-of-the-art facilities.Located near the Center’s main building, the Esper Ability Research Lab was primarily occupied by researchers and government officials, and rarely visited by Espers.Yet, he’d been coming here every day for the past six days.The drawn-out meetings regarding Cha Eunseok’s fate had finally concluded, and the VIP had given their final approval that morning.Cha Eunseok was officially released from detainment.Truthfully, the past six days had been excruciating for Moon Seungwon as well. In hindsight, he wondered why he’d gone to such lengths. He’d attended endless meetings with the higher-ups he usually avoided, and taken responsibility for an Esper he barely knew.He’d just returned from the Blue House, where he’d explained the plan and received the president’s approval.Dressed in his formal uniform instead of his usual suit, Moon Seungwon looked even more striking than usual. A crisp white shirt, a dark green tie with diagonal stripes, and a navy blue jacket adorned with gold Mugunghwa emblems and gleaming badges. His long legs, encased in tailored trousers, carried him swiftly through the lab’s lobby.The lab staff, usually confined to their workspaces, emerged like moles, drawn by the sight of Moon Seungwon in his unusually dignified uniform.Ignoring their stares, he waited for the elevator, his mind racing as he watched the descending numbers. His efforts had better be worth it.His pale finger pressed the button for the 20th floor. The elevator ascended directly to the top floor without stopping.He scanned his fingerprint and entered the interrogation room, the Esper on guard duty scrambling to attention. His face was puffy with sleep, having clearly been on overnight duty.“You’re early, Team Leader.”“Anything unusual?”“No, everything’s been quiet.”Despite its name, the room where Cha Eunseok was held was bright and sunny. While not exactly comfortable, it was far from the bleak, sterile environment of a typical interrogation room.Cha Eunseok sat alone, bathed in sunlight, having somehow found the brightest spot in the room. If not for the shackles on their ankles, the cuffs on their wrists, and the blindfold, they could have been mistaken for someone simply relaxing.Despite the strict confinement, they’d held up remarkably well, maintaining their composure and even managing to piece together their situation from the bits of information Moon Seungwon had dropped.Cha Eunseok was smarter than they seemed.That’s how they’d managed to hide their ability for three years. The piercing and the glasses, initially dismissed as absurd, were actually quite ingenious in their own way.Moon Seungwon found himself drawn to this audacious Esper. Their resilience, their intelligence, their resourcefulness. And the unprecedented nature of their dual abilities was fascinating.After six days of deliberation, he was certain. He wanted Cha Eunseok on his team.“Esper Cha Eunseok.”His voice, though brusque, held a hint of warmth. Eunseok, already facing his direction, smiled brightly. Their heightened senses had alerted them to his arrival. Like a baby bird tracking its mother, their small face followed his every movement.“Oh, you’re alone today?”They noticed the absence of the mental Espers who usually accompanied him. Approaching Eunseok, Moon Seungwon knelt before them, the pristine fabric of his trousers brushing against the floor, the medals on his chest gleaming in the sunlight.He pulled a small key from his jacket pocket.“I’m here to remove your restraints.”Despite having longed for this moment, the unexpected announcement felt surreal.“Now? Just like that? Without any preparation?”Seemingly sensing their confusion, he said calmly, “Your release has just been authorized. Let’s remove these first, then we can talk.”“But I don’t have my piercing… I can’t control my ability yet!”“As I said before, your ability doesn’t affect higher-ranked Espers. Don’t worry.”Eunseok’s ability was exceptional, even among mental Espers. Its ability to control neural pathways had limitless potential, capable of neutralizing most Espers.But it wasn’t foolproof. It didn’t work on Espers of a higher rank. Currently, only Moon Seungwon, an S-rank, was immune.The shackles on their ankles and the cuffs on their wrists were unlocked, the heavy metal clattering to the floor. As the blindfold remained, the last restraint, Eunseok swallowed nervously.Moon Seungwon’s left hand cupped the back of their neck, his long fingers parting their brown hair. The knot of the blindfold loosened.“You can open your eyes now.”The fabric slipped away.Freed from the restraints, a surge of energy coursed through Eunseok’s body. They clenched their fists, invigorated.Their eyes, long accustomed to darkness, struggled to adjust. They blinked repeatedly, slowly acclimating to the light. A face came into focus.Dark, deep-set eyes, framed by long, thick lashes, gazed back at them.“Hello,” Eunseok said softly.“Hello,” Moon Seungwon replied, a beautiful smile gracing his lips.While blindfolded, they’d felt a sense of intimacy, but now, face to face, they felt strangely shy.They sat facing each other on a sofa they hadn’t noticed before, acutely aware of his presence. His unusually formal attire made them feel self-conscious. They stared at his knees.Moon Seungwon calmly explained their situation.Firstly, concealing their ability was a serious offense, but considering they hadn’t harmed anyone or used it for personal gain, they wouldn’t be held accountable.Secondly, their secondary manifestation as an A-rank Esper automatically classified them as combat personnel, transferring them from the Facilities Management Team to Special Team 1.Finally, Moon Seungwon would be responsible for their supervision and guidance. As the team leader of Special Team 1 and the only S-rank Esper immune to their ability, he was the only viable option.Lost in thought, they barely registered his words.“Pay attention now. This is important,” he said, tapping the table.“The Center still doesn’t fully trust you, Esper Cha Eunseok. Nor do I. Until we establish trust, you’ll be required to have a biochip implanted, in addition to the monitoring watch.”He leaned forward, closer now. Taking Eunseok’s right wrist, he turned it over, tracing a line about a centimeter long on their pale forearm with his index finger.“It will be inserted here.”The biochip would detect any use of their ability, sending an immediate alert to Moon Seungwon.“It doesn’t suppress your ability. It’s purely for monitoring. And it’s not optional.”“…”“This is the condition for your release.”Releasing their wrist, he leaned back, the distance between them widening.Eunseok looked at their arm. The spot he’d touched was red and slightly swollen. They rubbed it gently with their thumb.“A biochip… that’s not so bad.”They’d expected confinement or constant surveillance. This was far better than they’d anticipated.“So, what will I be doing now?”“Ah, about that.”This wasn’t a decree, but a choice. Moon Seungwon held up two fingers.He folded one down.“One option is to train in combat and ability control, then engage in Esper activities independently.”“…”He folded the other finger.“The other option involves medication, relinquishing your personal will, and operating under the government’s control. Which do you prefer?”“…”“Are my explanations unclear?”“No, it’s just… those options seem rather extreme.”Moon Seungwon, his long legs crossed, raised an eyebrow, as if questioning Eunseok’s hesitation.With a serious expression, Eunseok muttered, “The way you describe it, the second option is clearly disadvantageous… but you’re asking me to choose. Is there something I should know about the first option?”“Sharp as ever,” Moon Seungwon thought, hiding his amusement by stroking his chin. After a moment, he added, “The training period is only one month.”“What?”“One month? Is that even possible?”“Sending you into the field in your current state would be suicide. The work Special Team 1 does is often life-threatening. With inadequate training, you’d be dead within a day.”“…”“In one month, I will turn you into a fully capable combat Esper. One that everyone will recognize as mine.”He leaned forward, his gaze intense. “Can you do it?”No one would refuse such an offer, especially from him. Eunseok nodded, and Moon Seungwon smiled approvingly.“Be warned, the training will be brutal. You might wish you’d chosen the mind alteration instead.”⊹ ࣪ ˖Eunseok returned to their apartment to pack.Although they’d only been gone a week, the dust-covered studio apartment felt deserted.As a member of Special Team 1, they were required to live with the team. They didn’t understand why, especially considering how well-paid they were.Having lived alone since turning 20, the prospect of sharing a living space filled them with dread. But they weren’t in a position to refuse. If Moon Seungwon said jump, they jumped.They packed a few clothes, underwear, and valuables, quickly filling a small carry-on suitcase. Before leaving, they took one last look around, bidding farewell to their familiar home and their mundane routine. It was truly over.They touched the spot on their arm where the biochip had been implanted.Healed by an Esper before leaving the lab, there was no visible scar, not even any discomfort. It almost felt like a dream.“The training will be brutal. You might wish you’d chosen the mind alteration instead.”Moon Seungwon’s words echoed in their mind.“Just how hard could it be? Would it be too late to change my mind?”They’d been captivated by his presence, clearly. Regret washed over them, but it was too late now.Wiping their dry palms on their pants, they stepped out the door.“Cha Eunseok! Over here!”A man waiting in a car parked in front of the building waved at them.In his mid-30s, of average height and appearance, he approached with a friendly smile, taking their suitcase and placing it in the back seat.Secretary Kim had been Moon Seungwon’s personal secretary for six years. Although an ordinary person, his secretarial skills were legendary.And to have survived working for the demanding Moon Seungwon for so long, he must have had an exceptional temperament. He was here today to help Eunseok move in.“Is this all your luggage? I was expecting a lot more.”He’d even brought heavy-duty gloves, but their belongings amounted to a single carry-on suitcase. He looked around, wondering if there was more.“Yes, I just packed the essentials. I don’t own much.”“I see… well, it doesn’t matter. The house is fully furnished! You can always buy anything you need. People usually get rid of their old stuff and buy new things when they move anyway!”His smooth, reassuring response was like a well-oiled machine. He was a master of social skills.“Alright, let’s go!” he said cheerfully, opening the driver’s side door.“How’s your arm? Is it still sore?”“No, it feels fine.”“That’s good. It looked painful. No phantom pains?”He asked while driving, glancing at them when stopped at a red light. He’d been looking after Eunseok since they’d met at the lab, treating them like a younger sibling.“Team Leader Moon entrusted me with your care. Don’t hesitate to ask for anything you need! We might have an age gap, but think of me as an older brother.”“Where’s… Team Leader Moon?”The title still felt awkward on their tongue. It was hard to believe they were now part of Special Team 1. Moon Seungwon had disappeared after introducing them to Secretary Kim at the lab.“Team Leader Moon is swamped with work, so I’ve confined him to the Center. He’s neglected so many things while dealing with your situation. I won’t let him out until he’s caught up. I even had to clear his schedule for the next month, which caused me immense stress… but that’s a secret for now.”“…”Secretary Kim winked, smoothly changing the subject. Eunseok was curious about Moon Seungwon but decided not to pry. Secretary Kim’s effortless chatter filled the silence, quickly dissolving the awkwardness.“The house… it’s huge.”The car stopped in front of a detached house.A house of this size in such an expensive neighborhood… Eunseok was speechless. They’d imagined an apartment.It wasn’t just a house, but a work of art. A three-story modern structure with white walls, large windows, and maple wood accents, it resembled a museum.Entering through the gate, they were greeted by a sprawling, manicured lawn. “This is too much,” they thought, overwhelmed by the opulence.“Isn’t it magnificent? It was designed by a renowned architect, exactly to Team Leader Moon’s specifications.”So, it was Moon Seungwon’s house. It certainly reflected his taste.“What do you think? Do you like it?”“Yes, it’s beautiful, but the thought of living here is a bit suffocating.”“You’re an honest one,” Secretary Kim chuckled, then proceeded to tell them the house’s market value and how much it had appreciated in the past year.Eunseok tuned him out, a sense of dread settling in as they realized there was no turning back now.⊹ ࣪ ˖Have you ever felt suffocated by awkwardness?That’s exactly how Cha Eunseok felt. They’d never experienced such acute discomfort in their life.Secretary Kim had suddenly received a phone call and, claiming an urgent matter, abandoned them at the front door, ringing the bell and shoving them inside before disappearing.Waiting inside Moon Seungwon’s house, sans Moon Seungwon, were the members of Special Team 1.“Waiting” might be too strong a word.They weren’t exactly welcoming. Although aware of their arrival, they stood silently in the foyer, offering no greetings or introductions.Thus began a prolonged, excruciatingly awkward standoff.“They’re probably just socially inept,” Eunseok thought, channeling their three years of workplace experience. They decided to break the ice.“Hello, I’m Cha Eunseok.”“…”“…”“…”“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to working with you.”“…”“…”“…”The silence stretched, suffocating.“These bastards are ignoring me! Say something!” Eunseok screamed internally, maintaining a strained, polite smile.It wasn’t that they were completely unresponsive.Kim Yohan, standing on the far left, crossed his arms and pulled the Guide beside him closer, a clear sign of hostility. He was supposedly the same age as Eunseok, 23, but acted like a child.Park Jaemin, on the right, remained silent but observed Eunseok with interest, slowly scanning them from head to toe before smirking.And then…“Hello, Cha Eunseok. I look forward to working with you,” a timid voice finally addressed them.Seo Jiwoo, the Team Guide, small and pale, extended a hand for a handshake.“No! No handshakes! Don’t touch him! Hey! Don’t you dare touch our Jiwoo!” Kim Yohan, who’d been glaring at Eunseok, erupted like a volcano, snatching Jiwoo’s hand away and pulling him protectively into his arms. Jiwoo blinked, his large eyes widening in surprise.While Eunseok understood the Espers’ possessiveness over their Guide, being treated like a lecherous pervert still stung, especially coming from Kim Yohan, the rogue Esper they’d subdued.“Ungrateful bastard. I shouldn’t have saved him,” Eunseok thought, their expression hardening. Kim Yohan noticed and pointed at them.“Jiwoo, see? Look at their eyes! Be careful around them. They’re a sneaky mind controller. Don’t make eye contact, and don’t touch them! Got it?”“O-okay.”“Yohan, that’s enough.”If Park Jaemin hadn’t intervened, Eunseok might have ripped out their piercing and punched the blond Esper. “Patience is a virtue,” they thought. “I’ve been patient once. Two more times, and I can kill him.”Taking a deep breath, they forced a smile, softening their gaze and turning it towards Jiwoo. They even gave him a rare eye-smile.“It’s okay when I’m wearing the piercing. It acts like a restraint. I’ll always wear it at home, so don’t worry.”“Oh, okay!” Jiwoo replied quickly, his face flushing. He seemed embarrassed for having been so easily swayed by Yohan’s words.Hoping for a more mature response, Eunseok turned to Park Jaemin.“So, can I unpack my things? Which room should I use?”⊹ ࣪ ˖The interior of the house was as impressive as its exterior.A four-story structure, with a basement level, Team Leader Moon occupied the first floor, while the rest of the team used the second floor.Park Jaemin gave them a tour. He was surprisingly friendly, unlike his initial aloofness. A year older than Eunseok, at 24, he encouraged them to call him “hyung,” which felt unexpectedly comfortable.Their conversation flowed easily.“Why do you all live together?” Eunseok asked while unpacking. It was something they’d been wondering about. Each member seemed to have their own separate missions.“Because of guiding,” Park Jaemin replied casually. “Living with the Team Guide is more convenient, time-wise.”“Oh.”“Other teams also share housing, but they mostly use Center-provided shared houses. Our team is an exception.”“Why…?”“Because Seungwon hyung is… particular. He refused to live in a shared house.”So, Moon Seungwon had offered up his own house to avoid sharing. While “particular” was an understatement, it was hard to imagine him living in a communal setting.Ultimately, the reason for living together boiled down to sex. “Being a Guide is a job,” Eunseok thought. “Shouldn’t they have set working hours? And it’s not like there are multiple Espers. Even the Guiding Center has shifts.”They shook their head, and Park Jaemin chuckled.“Is this your first time with a Team Guide?”“Yes.”“It’s different from the Guiding Center. There’s no need for reservations or anything. As long as Jiwoo is okay with it, you can have guiding anytime. And if it’s urgent, just let me know. I don’t mind sharing.”He made a suggestive gesture with his hand.“…Thank you for letting me know.”“I have a question too.”“Yes?”“Can I see the piercing?”He pointed to his own earlobe, clearly curious about the restraint piercing. Such accessories were rare, and even rarer to see someone wearing one voluntarily.Eunseok explained that they couldn’t remove it yet, as they still couldn’t control their ability. Jaemin said it was fine to see it as it was. Eunseok turned their head, tilting their chin up slightly.A warm hand brushed against their earlobe as Jaemin gently touched the piercing.“Interesting. I didn’t know they could be made like this.”“It’s expensive.”“How much?”“100 million won.”“Wow.” Jaemin’s surprise seemed genuine. Eunseok chuckled at his reaction.He stared at their face, then gently cupped their chin, turning it to face him directly. Their eyes met.“Are you sure you can’t use your ability while wearing this?”“Yes. I’m wearing it now, and it’s not working.”“How do you know it’s not working?”“I’m trying to tell you to let go of my face.”He grinned and released their chin, casually putting his hand in his pocket.“Well, unpack and relax. And welcome to the team.”He gave them a friendly nod and left, closing the door behind him. Eunseok rubbed their chin thoughtfully.Pushing the suitcase aside, they collapsed onto the bed, staring at the white silk wallpaper. Section Chief Jimin’s words came to mind.“Section Chief, you said you wanted to be Team 1’s Guide in your next life? Sorry, but that fantasy is ruined. One’s a jerk, and the other’s obsessed with sex. There’s not a single normal one among them.”⊹ ࣪ ˖Moon Seungwon finally appeared the next morning.His suit was wrinkled, and his usually slicked-back hair was disheveled from what must have been a long night of work. Yet, he looked as fresh as ever, his skin impeccably smooth.Eunseok, heading downstairs for a glass of water, ran into him in the hallway.Too startled to react, they simply froze. Moon Seungwon scanned them from head to toe, then walked past them without a word, disappearing into his room.“Should I have said something?” they wondered, feeling awkward.Wandering through the unfamiliar house, they found the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Looking around, they noticed a breakfast spread laid out on the table: freshly baked bread, fruit, milk, cereal. The refrigerator was also stocked with ready-made meals. Someone was clearly taking care of the household.The house, though luxurious, still felt like someone else’s home, and they weren’t comfortable enough to help themselves to the food.Leaving the breakfast untouched, they returned to the living room. It was only 8:30 a.m.They had no plans, no schedule, and having lost their phone, there was nothing to do but wait.Surely Moon Seungwon, as their supervisor, would give them some instructions. They decided to stay in the living room, where they could keep an eye on his door.After some time, they heard a noise from behind the closed door. The sound was faint, but they were alert, rising to their feet.Moon Seungwon emerged, having changed his clothes. A perfectly fitted white shirt, a thin silk tie, dark charcoal trousers, and his hair neatly styled back. He looked impeccable.As they approached to greet him, a figure suddenly materialized before them, startling them.“Team Leader, you’re back?” a soft voice greeted him.It was Seo Jiwoo, the Team Guide.“Where did he come from?” Eunseok wondered. The living room had been empty just moments ago. There hadn’t been any sounds from the second floor either. He’d appeared out of nowhere, as agile as a combat Esper.Jiwoo blocked Moon Seungwon’s path, gently tugging on his sleeve.Moon Seungwon looked down at his arm, his expression unreadable.“Are you leaving again?”“Yes.”“Aren’t you going to get guided? It’s been over a month.”

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