The end of the world: My black technology battleship is 100 million points strong

Chapter 420

The troops are approaching the city

Federation calendar year 235.

November 21st.

23:57 p.m.

The floating city of Okesa of Tagu civilization arrived ten kilometers away from the new Kyoto military base. Its urban functions shrank. The floating city’s ship armors rose one by one, and then opened fire. The intensive strikes turned into streaks of light that penetrated the snow curtain and fell. On the outer wall of the New Kyoto Military Base, a loud roar like thunder exploded on the ground.

This round of bombardment sounded the clarion call for war.

The sky suddenly lights up.

At the very top of the clouds, to the south of the New Kyoto Military Base, another huge fleet was traveling through the sky.

That is the fleet of the Antarctic civilization.

Their two fleets merged.

A 1,200-meter-class warship traveled through the end of the sky like a huge island, surrounded by three other slightly smaller glacier warships. Their hatches were opened, and a large number of fighter jets roared out, intertwining in the sky. Flying.

At the same moment, in another direction, a fleet of steel ships appeared simultaneously.

That is the fleet of the pioneer civilization.

A Tsunami-class warship, leading five Furious Waves-class warships, is leaping into the battlefield from a distance. They soar at an altitude of three thousand meters and appear on the top of the mountains seven kilometers away from the New Kyoto Military Base. From a distance, the scene looks like Weird religious scenes, perfect inverted pyramid spaceships towering one after another on the top of the mountains, snowflakes like sacrifices from another world.

The ground rumbled and shook at this moment.

It was the coalition of small and medium-sized revived civilizations that were passing over the ground. They were roaring and howling forward.

Their level of civilization and biological forms vary. Some rely solely on flesh and blood to participate in battles, while others also drive strange-shaped aircraft and speed across the ground.

The outer defense line of the New Kyoto military was the first to react, firing wildly. One after another, the forts erected on the fortifications of the New Kyoto military base fired chain-like strikes in the dark night, wildly strafing the ground under their feet, while digging The trenches were activated immediately.

The soldiers have been waiting in the trenches for a long time. Everyone knows that the war will begin tonight. No one dares to carry them. They are all huddled in the cold trenches, without turning on the lights or making fires. They surround the New Kyoto Military Base like a moat. The layers of trenches were once as dead and dark as tombs. Until this moment, the order was issued from the ground command center of the New Kyoto Military Base. The soldiers who had been waiting in the trenches for a long time were activated simultaneously. They held weapons in their hands and roared from the fortifications. Stretch out the muzzle of your gun and shoot at the ground troops of the revived civilization coming from the front.

They will build the strongest line of defense with their own flesh and blood.

At the same time, inside the New Kyoto Military Base, a rocket launcher array composed of twelve 40-round wheeled rocket launchers opened fire at this moment. In less than one minute and thirty seconds, twelve rocket launchers fired A total of 480 rocket launchers were ejected. They lit up the night sky, vaporized all the snowflakes near the New Kyoto Military Base, and fell towards the enemy who first launched the attack.

Less than one kilometer away from the wheeled rocket launch vehicle array, the missile launch array fired simultaneously. The missiles have a longer range and higher accuracy than the rocket launchers. Their targets are the three top missiles appearing from three directions. A fleet that revives civilization.

The dim night sky is burning orange, and the thick snow clouds in the sky are vaporizing, revealing the hook-like silver moon behind it.

The battlefield instantly entered a white-hot stage, with flashes of explosions on the ground, heavy firepower from both sides intertwined above the battle line, missiles roared, and the loud explosions were deafening.

In the ground command center of the New Kyoto Military Base, Ye Anshan is staring at the display screen in front of him.

Above, the leaders of the Targu Civilization and the Pioneer Civilization sent messages.

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They speak to humanity on behalf of all resurrected civilizations.

“You still have a chance, humans, to put down your weapons and surrender to us. We can only erase your military power, accept your surrender, and guarantee that your human fire will not become extinct in the next hundred years.” ”

Humans Commander, there is no way you can win this battle. If I were you, facing this situation, we would choose to surrender. Nothing is more important than the fire of civilization. Our commitment is effective. If you surrender today, civilization is okay. It has existed for a hundred years, but we are no longer allowed to have children or have military weapons. This is our greatest kindness to you. And now, if you stubbornly resist, you understand what the consequences will be. Not only will your military base If you are trampled, humans all over the world will suffer an unprecedented massacre. Believe me, every civilization participating in this war today will not let you go again. The hatred of civilization is terrible, and we will completely eradicate it at all costs. The fire of your civilization, even if you humans are the masters of this era, even if there are still hundreds of millions of people in the world, believe me, it is only a matter of time.” “Surrender, surrendering to us is your only

choice , this is no longer your time!”

“Submit to us and hand over everything you gained on the moon.”

“Either surrender, or die. These are your only two ways out. In the words of you humans, we are merciful The earth gives you a choice, don’t be shameless.”

The so-called civilization is guaranteed to exist within a hundred years.

That is, humans are not allowed to raise any more offspring until this generation of humans is completely dead, and humans will also be completely extinct with no offspring left.

This is another more humiliating form of genocide.

They seem to be giving options, but in fact they are speaking in a condescending tone, mocking and scorning.

They just don’t want to pay too much and want to quietly let human civilization completely disappear from this world.

“These resurrected civilizations are dreaming!”

Gao Xuan slammed the tea cup in his hand on the ground. His face, which was always good-tempered, was full of rage at this moment.

Ye Anshan also raised his head and said: “The enemy has arrived at the city, activate the half-arc shield of the New Kyoto Military Base, open fire with full force, show them the stone tablet we obtained on the moon, tell them that what they want is here, they want If you want it, then come!”

That stone tablet was not actually at the New Kyoto Military Base. After landing in the royal city, the stone tablet did stay at the New Kyoto Military Base for a period of time, but later as the situation changed, it quickly It was transferred away and transferred to a secret scientific research center deep in the mountains of the Greater Khingan Mountains for research. Experts in various fields were drawn from across the country to form a task force, and they have been studying it every day and night for a long time.

Naturally, such important things cannot be left in the center of the battlefield and storm.

But Ye Anshan is still ready to show it, and using the screen weapon technology of the tenth-level battleship in the royal city, he can perfectly present the picture of the stone tablet, and send it to these resurgent civilization fleets to make them make wrong judgments, believing that the stone tablet is in the new Kyoto military base.

Among the tsunami-class battleships of the Pioneer Civilization, Tong looked at the picture infatuatedly. He was very sure that such a mysterious and incredible object could never be built by humans. It really came from an alien civilization.

“Have you confirmed it? Is this stone tablet a real-time picture? Was it taken in this human military base? Is this stone tablet something that humans got on the back of the moon?!” Tong’s eyes were full of yearning. With a look on his face, he murmured, “Sure enough, our guess was right, Commander Min’s judgment was right, humans did get something on the back of the moon, but how did they do it? They didn’t have the key, how could they get this Plant something…”

“Report to your Excellency Commander, we have analyzed this data sent by humans, and there is a 78% possibility that it was taken on site. This stone tablet should be in the target human military base. And , although humans have coded this stele, but judging from the current analysis results, the material of this stele is very similar to the material of the mysterious ruins we obtained underground on the back of the moon. It should be confirmed that it is exactly what humans got on the back of the moon. Something!”

“Humans have coded the words on this stone tablet. Try to decipher it for me…” Tong’s face showed a fanatical look: “Very good! Very good! These humans are crazy, they actually put such an important thing into the code…” Things are left in this base that is bound to fall. They hope to use this piece of God’s wealth as a shield to make us hesitate to release heavy weapons… ”

Then as you wish, pass on the order. Without confirmation, Where exactly is that stone tablet located in this human base? Warships of all levels are not allowed to launch heavy nuclear weapons against human bases to avoid destroying our treasures… ”

Also, synchronize this information to other civilizations.”

Tong’s Stepping forward, he stared coldly at the human ground military base in the distance, and sneered: “So what if you use this stone monument to block the threat of our main guns? Your battleships can’t stand alone, and you will definitely lose this war!” ”

Its eyes gradually retracted and looked at the Antarctic civilization fleet and the Targu civilization fleet further away. It knew that once humans were defeated and the stone tablet was born, then this crusade against humans would instantly become one of many resurgent civilizations. The battle for the stone monument!

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