The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 660, Sacrifice

Voldemort's anger that had just been extinguished was blazing again, and his scarlet eyes were almost bursting with fire.

This is not about pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey!The children in Huo Village bully me for being old and weak!It is tolerable, but what is unbearable!

The angry Dark Lord looked around, but saw no human figure, only the UFO flying towards him.Voldemort pointed his wand in an instant and listened——

Bang!Boom!A series of loud noises exploded in Diagon Alley!

The first bang was the sound of the UFO being blown up by Voldemort.The next series of rumbling sounds was the sound of Gringotts collapsing. The "riddled" white building that had been bombarded by the curse finally could no longer bear it.

With the collapse of Gringotts, Diagon Alley was instantly filled with dust, and the dust stirred up was even higher than the original height of the white building.

What's strange is that the blinding smoke is also mixed with an extremely unpleasant stench, as if Gringotts' bathroom had been bombed.

The smell made people want to die immediately, rather than continue to breathe the unbearable stench of the air.

This stench did not come from Gringotts, but from the UFO that was aimed at Voldemort. It was a concentrated dung egg produced by Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. One of them was worth five.

Coupled with the incorrect detonation method, the smell after explosion was comparable to that of biological and chemical weapons.

The smell near the center of the explosion was the strongest. Voldemort quickly waved his wand, and a glass fishbowl-like head bubble spell appeared instantly, covering his head.Even so, he still smelled the stench at that moment, his pale face wrinkled up, and his facial features were distorted.

Voldemort's face was already scary, but now it looked even more hideous, even scarier than the scariest horror movies.

He waved the yew wand with great amplitude, and his location instantly became the eye of the wind. The fierce wind blew away the unpleasant smell around him and also dispersed the smoke and dust in the sky.

With his vision restored and his sense of smell restored, Voldemort looked at the collapsed ruins of Gringotts.The big dung egg just now attracted too much of Voldemort's attention, so that he did not see the appearance of the building when it collapsed, nor did he see whether Vader escaped when he fell to the ground.

"Hey, noseless, where are you looking?"

It was the mean voice just now, and Voldemort followed it again.

First, he saw Vida Rozier, who should have been smashed under the building, but she was intact; then he saw Lola Fournier, who had been knocked down earlier, and she was retching and looking like she wanted to vomit. But they couldn't vomit it out; and finally there were the Weasley twins, who were waving their hands coquettishly, as if they were afraid that Voldemort wouldn't be able to see them.

When Voldemort walked out of Gringotts, the shopkeepers, vendors, and customers in Diagon Alley were running away, and Fred and George followed the crowd.But instead of escaping, the two of them assisted the Ministry of Magic in evacuating the crowd.

The two brothers knew their own weight very well. If they stayed in front of Gringotts, they would only become a burden and not help.Instead of doing this, it is better not to be a hero and do what you can.

After evacuating the crowd, Fred and George were still a little worried, so they quietly returned.On the way back, the two first returned to their shop and packed some gadgets.

It was precisely because of a trip back to Wizarding Wheezes that the twins returned to Gringotts at just the right time.They happened to see Voldemort show off his power and knock Vader to the ground.

With no time to think or even fear, Fred and George split into two groups and launched their rescue.

Fred was responsible for attracting Voldemort's attention. He was so courageous that he shouted "Noseless, watch your moves" and threw out the concentrated dung eggs in his pocket.

George was responsible for rescuing Vader. George first apparated to Vader's side, and then apparated her away from the falling building, thus preventing Vader from being hit by the falling building.

Next to the three of them was Laura who was retching non-stop. She was dragged over by Fred.

Unfortunately, Laura was affected by the exploding fecal egg, and she smelled a smell that she would never forget.

As for Hartman, the miserable Titi endured the unpleasant stench and crawled aside little by little, thus escaping the fate of being smoked to death.As for Scrimgeour, neither twin saw him.

After the winter of 13, Fred and George faced Voldemort again.But that time I used snowballs, and this time I used concentrated dung eggs.

The furious Voldemort took action with hatred, and a slender, black flame jumped out of the tip of the staff. The flame, carrying Voldemort's overwhelming anger and endless resentment, wrapped around Fred and George.

The twins reacted quickly. They raised their wands and prepared to resist, but someone was faster than them.Vader, who had already recovered, blocked the black flames, and the barrier formed by the convergence of magic power blocked the vicious flames.

Although the vicious flames were temporarily blocked, Vader seemed to be struggling, and her hands holding the wand were trembling.Voldemort's full blow was not so easy to catch.

"Go!" Laura shouted to the twins. She knew the lethality of the flames and the three of them had to get away immediately, otherwise they would harm Vader.Only when the three of them leave can Vader let go.

Laura and the twins ran away without hesitation, and Fred and George threw the gadgets in their pockets at Voldemort as they ran.

The Peruvian smoke bomb exploded in mid-air, and thick smoke appeared instantly; the decoy bomb made a very loud noise, which made people upset; the Weasley Swish-Boom fireworks even showed off their power!

Fire dragons, curse words, and rolling wheels composed of sparks bloomed near Voldemort.

This time it was an unexpected hit. Under the cover of smoke bombs and swish-bang fireworks, Vader, who was alone, was able to retreat calmly.

The moment the invisible smoke and gorgeous fireworks appeared, Voldemort's plan to kill Vader today was foiled.At both ends of the street, more and more Aurors ran over, and the sound of fireworks pointed them in the direction of support.

Seeing reinforcements from the Ministry of Magic arriving, Voldemort knew that he could no longer stay.Neither time nor place is the best choice for a decisive battle.

When the last sparks dissipated, Voldemort's figure had long disappeared. Also missing was the big snake named Nagini.

According to the more popular historical theory, the oldest building in Diagon Alley is Gringotts Wizarding Bank, and other shops are built around it.It can be said that Gringotts is the center of Diagon Alley.

But now, this white marble building has become a collapsed ruin, and Diagon Alley has become devastated.

And under the ruins, there were still the bodies of the victims.No one knows how many bodies there are down there, and no one knows how many can be recovered. Everyone only knows that the list of dead and missing will become very long.

To the long list of dead was added the name of Rufus Scrimgeour.Voldemort failed to kill Vader, but Nagini brutally killed Scrimgeour.

The magic explosion caused by Voldemort not only helped the surrounded Nagini escape, but also provided it with an excellent opportunity to attack.

The ferocious Nagini bit Scrimgeour's neck. The venom poured into his body made Scrimgeour unable to make a sound. He was like a pitiful rag doll, enduring Nagini's torn apart by the storm. bite.

Scrimgeour's body was torn to pieces, with horrific wounds all over his body. The Auror who found him managed to cut Scrimgeour's mutilated body through his broken gold glasses and the broken wand. Recognized.

Scrimgeour died, falling in the predawn darkness.

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