The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 66

Before you go out.

It’s morning.

I didn’t end up sleeping because of it, and the sun rose as I talked a lot to Mary. I’ve dealt with Mary before, but you’ve never talked to her with your chest collar open like this.

I feel like I’m getting along with you for a percentage. Shall I tell my mother so she can accompany me on my outing? Mary would be disgusted if she was just inside the mansion, too.

And Father, Mother, and Brother, we have breakfast, we change into uniforms and we wait in the room.

I am ready so that when Master Wilhelm can come. Come on, stay anytime!

Well, it was before noon and it’s only morning now.

“I’m free…”

“Ma’am, how about knitting?

“The muffler is done”

I ended up knitting a muffler all that time because Mary got back to work and was free after the sun went up. As a result, it’s done.

It’s a larger sized muffler, just like it’s okay for someone as big as Master Wilhelm.

It’s not as cold as we need a muffler yet, but winter is coming. Let me give it to you today so that when Master Wilhelm can wind up.

Will you be happy?

Just think, your cheeks will loosen up.

“I see. May I see it?


Hand Natalia the finished muffler.

I think it’s done pretty well. I intend to knit it softly so that it feels right on my skin.

They can make dolls in yarn when they knit hard, but my arms aren’t that much, so they’re monochromatic mufflers first.

“Ma’am, it’s the first time you’ve been made, isn’t it?


“For that, it’s well done. You can give this as a gift.”

“Really? Good.”

If you can get Natalia to say that, you’re relieved.

It’s the first time I’ve made it, too, and I’ve never seen anything others have. So there was no comparison.


For one thing, I finished knitting, and I knew you were free.

Shall I read the book and wait? Think about it that way and head to the bookshelf. I haven’t even read a book lately, maybe a little bit.

And, I just took one of the appropriate books, and, hello, the door slammed.

“And if you’ll excuse me, ma’am”

“What’s up, Mary”

“Oh, uh, to the lady, there’s a customer…”

“It’s me.”

It was Lilia who came out, not from behind Mary.

I see Mary should be quite frightened by reason. I come to my house for tea once a week, but Mary is asked to serve each time. And if you have any coarse phase, be numb and careful. I don’t have to be so careful, I think, but I’m keeping Lilia because she looks like she’s having fun.

And that’s fine.

Why are you here?

“… Lilia?

“What. Have you forgotten my face?

“No, not like that…”

Exactly, I don’t think it’s possible to forget the face of my best friend who comes to my house once a week.

But today I am going out with Master Wilhelm. So I should have declined my appointment to have tea with Lilia.

That’s why I sent Natalia to the Andersons.

“Uh… today”

“Oh, I know exactly who you are. Because Natalia told me.”

“So why…?

“I told you before. I come to this house regularly for tea. [M] Otherwise, because I can’t see if Mary’s not doing a bad imitation. That’s why I came in the morning because I told you I’d be here by lunch.”

“Oh…… I see”

I mean, Lilia has to come to my house once a week to see how Mary is, so you’re thinking.

So off with my promised time, I came to show my face once and for all, I guess.

Anyway, I was free too, and enjoyed my tea with Lilia before I went, because that’s not bad.

Also, give Lilia some advice on how to behave on your outing with Master Wilhelm.

“Well, please sit down, Lilia”

“Yeah. Sorry to bother you.”

“Mary, make me some tea”

“Or, yes, I did.”

Yes, instruct Mary, and I’ll sit in front of Lilia, too.

Well, what should I start with? After all, as a lady, should I ask you to be careful when you go out?


But Lilia groaned so deeply, staring beyond Mary’s exiting door.

Is something wrong?

“What’s wrong?

“Yeah. You trust Mary a lot.”

“Well, it’s been a month.”

“It’s only a month, I’d say. I thought you wouldn’t let Mary touch your dining relationship.

“I’ve been giving permission for a few days now. I put it under Richard’s watch at first, but I work seriously, and now I’m ready to work for one person.”

“… Damn. It’s so sweet that I’m just being so vigilant.”

Ha, and Lilia sighed heavily.

I often say it’s sweet about our house before, but is it that sweet?

Mary has worked seriously for me for once, and I thought we should trust her, too.

Looks like he’s also reflecting properly.

“Oh, good. I’m not so suspicious of Mary either.”




Mary’s serious work was also properly passed on to Lilia, wasn’t it?

Maybe one day you’ll have a tea party, including Mary.

“Not naturally. All evidence of wrongdoing is held, and if you are charged, your parents will be crushed and you will be convicted of death. I don’t mean to make suspicious moves like that.”


Apparently, it’s not credibility, it’s intention.

Well, it does feel like, given Lilia’s words, it’s just useless to defy.

“Then you don’t have to be so vigilant…”

“You don’t have to keep a close eye on me as much as Carol and the Duke of Ambrose are sweet. All right? When you sweeten a human, you follow it up. If you don’t be tough on one, you’re gonna be okay.”


I don’t know, but I trust you about Lilia, so I’ll take care of it.

If I borrow Lilia’s words, I don’t know what action to take in a state where all the evidence of wrongdoing is held, and if I’m accused, my parents will be crushed and I’m certain I’m going to die. I would work seriously and try to gain some credibility.

That’s why I thought Mary was working seriously.

After that, we’ll have a drink of Mary’s brought tea for both of us, and we’ll talk about it a lot.

Lilia is still in school, so she will mainly talk about the school since I left school, etc. Well, Lilia didn’t have any friends besides me, so I’m worried she might be lonely right now.

But listening to all the school stuff, it’s still interesting.

And from me, I’ll tell you a lot about the Knights in the garrison.

I know a lot of people because I’m a proper temporary lecturer.

“Oh, speaking of which, Carol, did you hear? Talk about war.”

It’s about noon now.

It softens me to wonder when Master Wilhelm will come. Sometimes.

Because of that, Lilia’s story doesn’t even come to mind for about half of it.

“Uh… talk of war, is it?

“Yeah. That? You work in a Knights garrison right now, don’t you? I’ve only heard so much rumors, too… haven’t you heard them in the Knights?

“Yeah. I didn’t hear that.”

“Hmm…… well, you know the empire is in the middle of a war right now, right?

“Well, that’s about it”

I don’t know the details, but I’ve heard stories about neighboring countries rubbing a lot.

Flare Kista is almost like subordination to the Empire, so you’re in a hostile relationship with your neighbour, the Duchy of Estee, for once.

“I hear the Kingdom of Garland has responded to the imperial request by sending soldiers to the front line. So, Garland and Freakista are in an alliance.”

“Ha… Really?”

Even as I listen to you, I don’t like war, I can only think of as many thoughts. Should I say, somewhere, that I’m not coming?

We’ve heard stories that wars between empires and other countries have been going on for over a year, but there’s no further information.

“… well, that’s why”


“Yeah, it’s nothing.”

Yes, Lilia will shake her head.

What the hell is this all about?

Then, hello there, and the door to my room was knocked.

Excuse me, ma’am.

“What’s up, Richard”

It was Richard who opened the door and came out. As always, the pernicious habit of looking at Natalia’s chest properly and then at me, when will it heal?

Probably won’t heal until you’re dead.

“Yes, my lady has a customer”


“Commander of the Knights, it is Master Wilhelm”



Finally, Master Wilhelm, there you are -!

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