The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 2

Night club confusion

“Vi, Lord Wilhelm Eiblinger, you say…?


“Carol… you, how many is that… you know what I’m saying?

To Father’s confirmation, I nod.

I know a hundred things about that. Better than my ex, Master Wilhelm was an acquaintance of my grandfather, and I’ve been adored since I was a young child, too. We also know that your age is sixty-two.

Now that I’m sixteen, the age difference is forty-six, right?

“Of course, Father. And on top of that,”

“… far older than I am, my father’s age. There’s no such age difference when a duke’s wife is married.”

Father, yes, makes tannic surfaces. But look at Master Wilhelm, who is light and welcoming in that gaze.

And I sighed small.

“I’m not very agreeable…”

“But Father, there will be no more friendship for me. I can’t hope for any better luck than His Royal Highness telling me all that and getting rid of my engagement directly. You won’t be able to go to school…”

That’s the only remorse for me. Hopefully, the school wanted to graduate. Even though I still wanted to study.

But as you can see from the attitude of His Highness Rayford, me and… uh, what was his name? I forgot. I told you not to show up in front of me and Nantka, but they’re going to blame me, and I’m not going to be able to do anything about it.

Will the best course of action as it stands now be to voluntarily withdraw from the school immediately? And it would be like a quick marriage to a house that has no problems marrying me.

In that regard, I think Mr. Wilhelm is on good terms.

“But why is Carol with the Knights of Wilhelm…”

But Father opened his eyes.

And look at me, as if I understood everything. Did you also work for some sudden inspiration?

“… I see, Carol. You know what?”


“That’s my daughter, and I just want to compliment her. The moment I offered to marry Lord Wilhelm, I almost doubted my sanity.”

Cocksucking, strangely villain smiling father. I also think there is a problem that these faces look good.

But apparently, my father was positive about my marriage to Master Wilhelm. Though I can’t grasp that intention at all.

If I’d listened to your father honestly, I’d have been questioned for sanity.


“Don’t worry, Carol. I will definitely marry you and Lord Wilhelm. What, I have a note for that.”

“… ok”

Your father seems to be majestically mistaken about something, but it’s going in a convenient state for me, so let’s just say it’s good.

Apparently you don’t think I admire Master Wilhelm purely, but it doesn’t make sense where I poorly solved my father’s misunderstanding.

“Then Carol, you go back to the mansion first. Leave the rest to this father.”

“Yes, Father.”

I told you to leave it to me, so let’s leave it to grandeur.

Instead, if I pinch my mouth poorly, I’m going to say something extra. If possible, it’s best if you keep going as your father thought you would in peace. I don’t know what that thought is.

Then – and that’s when I tried to leave the night club halfway.

“Ma, stay! Carol!”

From behind, I heard a desperate voice stop me like that.

The person who summons me by my first name as “Carol” is not. Specifically, family and fiancée – no, you’re an ex-fiancée. Only His Royal Highness Rayford.

And only Father and I are attending this nightclub. Nature, I know who the Lord of that voice is.

“… what can I do for your daughter, Your Highness”

But before His Highness, who stopped me that way, a standing father.

Earlier, he said, “Don’t ever show up in front of me and Nantka again! Didn’t I just say”. Why do you come from yourself?

“Come… Duke of Ambrose, I’m in a hurry. Get Carol…”

“I wonder which mouth would say in front of the parents, unilaterally discarding their engagement to their daughter”


For some reason, yes, Your Highness, you are arguing with your father. Honestly, I have no idea why I came here like this.

Apparently, you have business for me.

“I’m sorry, Gilliam. I ordered the rest.”

But even more from behind, a heavy voice sounded.

A man of the same age as his father, but far more dignified than his father. It is not only His Royal Highness who wolves at the appearance, but also the nobility around him. Because there is a being who doesn’t stand on the same stage and just watches the night club on the throne. But Father didn’t move at all.

It’s – the king.

supreme power in the kingdom of Freakista and father of His Highness Rayford.

King – Dear Gallius El Freakista.

“Your Majesty, excuse me without saying hello.”

“Good. Earlier, I heard from this idiot the upside of things. Totally…… there is only one prince, so maybe he spoiled it a little too much. Sorry, Gilliam.”

“Apologies are fine. Because it’s already over. Besides, I don’t think the person who apologizes is the same person who apologizes.”

“… Rayford”

I can’t see any fright in your father when he says he’s dealing with the king.

Rather than, it creates an atmosphere that looks greater than that of a king, Father.

“But Father! Carol definitely took Mary……!

“Where is the proof of that? Don’t believe so easily in falsehoods that everyone will find to be lies, such as the fact that they were about to be slammed down the stairs at a night club today. I don’t care what you think, you’re nothing more than a crazy fool for a woman’s incense.”

“No! Father!

“Apologize to Miss Carol first. We’ll talk about it later.”

Guh, and His Highness Rayford bites his teeth.

As far as I’m concerned, I’ve had a lot of conversations earlier. Whether it’s an apology anymore, I don’t want to hear His Highness’s words, that’s the truth.

And this face.

Whatever you think, I’m not convinced. It’s just the agony that His Majesty the King told me that, so I have no choice but to apologize, but Pride won’t allow it.

Such an apology, where I received it, makes no sense.

“Then Father, I will return.”

“Oh, Carol. Be careful and go back.”


“Hey, hey, wait, Carol!

It’s loud, since just now.

From earlier on, Carol Carroll and I hope you don’t act like you’re still my fiancée at the call. There is also a lot to be desired.

Why don’t I just totally reject him – yes, I just thought about it a little bit, then.

“Why should His Highness apologize! You must be the bad one, Duke of Ambrose!

It’s like an angry mind, pointing a finger at me all the time.

… Uh, who was it?

I don’t know his name, but there was a girl there, to whom His Highness Rayford is obsessed.

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