The Dreamer's POV

Chapter 132: Plan Of Attack

[00 Months: 14 Days: 15 Hours]

As I watched Kendrick retreat to his companions, a thoughtful expression settled on my face.

Today's skirmish had played out differently from what I had initially expected.

What was supposed to be a duel for leadership had quickly transformed into a mutual understanding.

It was clear from the onset that Kendrick was outmatched, and yet, he had given his all. I had to admire his determination, at the very least.

Yet, I couldn't afford to seriously injure him or undermine him before the mission.

The last thing I needed was discontent brewing amongst the troops, and further fracturing of our unity.

'Plus, injuries will only get in the way of our task… especially since we have limited potions available.'

His challenge, though stemming from a place of ego and misunderstanding, had been a blessing in disguise. His concession to my leadership had cemented my position, not just amongst his team, but also among the other Adventurers and the Lyma Family militia.

'I thought I would have to do something, but he did most of the work for me…'

I let out a small sigh, feeling a weight lifting off my shoulders. Kendrick's words rang in my head, his newfound respect for me clear in his voice. Stay tuned to M V L

"Leader," he had called me.

That simple change in title held a world of meaning. It wasn't just a moniker, but a symbol of the troops' faith in me.

With the support and respect of the troops behind me, I could look towards the challenges of the coming day with renewed vigor.

'All that's left now is to take care of the so-called bandits…'

As the camp settled down for the night, I looked up at the starlit sky, a sense of determination coursing through me.

Kendrick's challenge had paved the way for a stronger unity amongst us, and for that, I found myself grateful.

As the leader, I had one goal now - to lead my troops to victory and ensure their safe return.

'We're going to win.'


[00 Months: 14 Days: 22 Hours]

The eerie chorus of the morning birds woke us all up long before dawn.

Under the pale sky, we hastily dismantled the camp, carefully packing away our tents and supplies. There was a palpable tension in the air as we prepared to set off, our destination looming large in our minds.

The horses whinnied nervously, sensing our collective anticipation.

With the first light of dawn, we began our journey, the soft morning light creeping through the dense canopy of the forest.

The path we traversed was worn, probably by the passing of countless bandits over the years. The forest gradually gave way to expansive plains that stretched out to the horizon, interrupted by rolling hills and dense clusters of shrubbery.

After traversing the vast plains, we reached rocky paths that marked the beginning of the mountain range. The winding paths posed a challenge, but nothing we couldn't handle.

Our horses, trained for such terrains, navigated the rocky paths with ease, carrying us swiftly towards our destination.

By the time evening fell, we found ourselves dangerously close to the base. We had to be more cautious now, every move we made could alert the bandits.

We decided to abandon the horses a little distance away, advancing on foot from there. The last rays of the setting sun painted the sky a deep crimson, an eerie backdrop for our mission.

We gathered around in a small clearing, our forms shrouded in shadows as we discussed our next move.

I could see the determined looks on the faces of the Adventurers and the militia, a testament to their readiness for the battle ahead.

'Alright, it seems we'll be revising the plan, considering the terrain is a bit different from what we inferred.'

As we huddled in the clearing, the crickets chirping in the background and the moonlight filtering through the trees above us, Drius broke the silence first.

"I suggest we make a camp here, close to the base," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "We'll attack them at the break of dawn. They know this terrain better than we do and they might be expecting an attack."

I could see heads nodding in agreement, the faint moonlight catching the determined glint in their eyes.

Bernard was next to speak.

"Drius is right," he said, supporting his fellow's strategy. "Not many of us are equipped for a night attack, and the terrain will only add to our disadvantages. The bandits have the home advantage. It's wiser to wait till dawn."

Their words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of decision. Most Adventurers would agree with the decision, and frankly speaking, everyone was exhausted from the journey we just had.

The current consensus seemed like the right choice to make.

I let them sink in, taking a moment to analyze their suggestions.

Then, I felt all eyes on me. As their leader, the final call was mine to make.

I let a slow grin spread across my face. "I appreciate your suggestions," I said, meeting their gazes one by one.

"They're sound strategies and under normal circumstances, I'd agree with you."

I paused for dramatic effect, letting the anticipation build.

"However," I continued, "tonight is not a night for caution. It's a night for victory."

'Sure… what they're saying makes sense. Strategically speaking, that is indeed the right choice. However…'

I let my words sink in before adding, "By the end of this night, these lands will be free of bandits."

I could see shocked faces. Even Benard and Drius looked at me with disbelief.

Why was I making such a rash, dangerous, and insensitive move?

Surely, I could read the room and see the smartest way to resolve the current issue.

'Of course. But, I don't see a need for all that. After all… the one who will be fighting… IS ME!'

With a wide grin, I widened my eyes in excitement.

"We attack now."





This should be fun... hehe! Looks like it's the end of the month too.

Thanks for reading.


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