The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 90 - The Garden of Death

A figure clad in a bardic uniform storms onto the scene, huffing and puffing and screaming.

“There has been a murder! Countess Cassidy is dead!”

The adventurers barely let their surprise show as the face of Simon turns towards the crowd and exclaims loudly.

“A dagger in her back, and her prized jewelry gone! I witnessed her body with mine own eyes! Guards! Guards! We need guards!”

After shouting, the bard deflates and begins to inhale long, shuddering breaths, simultaneously recovering from their shock and exhaustion.

It takes only a few seconds for another figure to enter onto the scene from the right, heavy metal clanking with every measured step the towering person takes.

No helmet covers the face of the armored figure as Astrid’s double elicits a surprised grunt from her.

“Sirs, Lady, I heard screaming. What seems to be the problem?”

“Ah, Guard.” Father Fandrel answers swiftly. “This man here has been screaming about a murder!”

The Father is doing his best to remain calm and collected, but his distress still makes itself plainly visible on his face as he indicates towards the bard.

The guard slowly turns to face the indicated figure.

“Sir, what has occurred, and where?”

“Murder! A murder has occurred, right over there! The Countess Cassidy lies dead around that corner! Here, I’ll show you!” The Bard makes to move off the stage to the left, and the Guard follows swiftly, leaving only two people on stage.

“Wha- what should we do, Father? What if the assailant is still out and about?” Allea asks with a tremor of fear in her voice. “Should we go get help?”

“I believe it is best if we let the guard handle the situation and stay right here. If there is a murderer about, the last thing we want is to run into them and be attacked. The guard is right over there, so I think it's safest here.” the Father responds and puts a calming hand on her shoulder, though it too briefly trembles.

After the two of them stand there for a bit, the guard and a shivering bard returns.

“I have verified this man’s claims.” the guard announces. “A murder has indeed occurred. Everyone, remain calm, at the moment the situation is under control. General Corbin has been notified and ordered that no guest may leave the grounds until the responsible party is found. Please assemble in the sitting room and prepare to give your testimony of the recent occurrences, my lady, Father.”

With a shaking nod both of the addressed figures assent and together, everyone leaves the stage as the curtain falls.

The adventures applaud as the first scene comes to a close and the mannequins backstage get to work preparing for the second scene.

The audience uses the break to discuss what just occurred though they keep their voice hushed as they exclaim towards one another.

“Why do they look like us?”

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