The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 113 - Give chase

The audience erupts into murmuring as the curtain falls upon the previous scene.

“Is there another participation segment?”, “I thought the play would be ending soon.” and similar notions are voiced, and it brings me great joy to see they seem to be enthusiastic about the prospect. It is not quite what they are expecting, of course, but I hope they will appreciate it nonetheless.

The stage crew gets to work behind the covers of the curtains to bring about another transformation to the background. The interior is dragged away, partially hobbling away on its own, like Chester, who chose the stage as his napping spot and had been swiftly integrated into the background by my ingenious monsters, and finally deigned to awaken and move himself to the delight of the mannequin that would have had to lift him otherwise.

I watch on as the appearance of the stage is once again transformed into a garden, our best approximation of an outdoors area using plants and props and a hint of illusion magic. But unlike the last time, a section of the back wall of the stage is unveiled, revealing a grand gate, and decorated with walls that lend the appearance of a grand manor entrance.

While the crew finishes the decorations, the actors get ready on the stage. The priest and the real Allea position themselves in front of the gate, along with a guard. When the preparations are completed the curtain rises once more and the Investigator and the Guard Captain make their way onto the stage from the side, nodding towards the gathered people, before speaking.

“It seems our suspects have chosen to flee custody rather than have their plots revealed. The count is under the medical care of the magister and some trusted guards, but it would be folly for us to give chase under these situations. Instead, I would like to task you two,” the Investigator says towards the duo of Lady Lander and Father Fandrel, “with organizing a search party and trying to follow them. They are likely fleeing for the nearby forest, if I had to venture a guess. Take my assistant investigators, and visit Fort Forestward. The Commander there is a friend of the guard captain’s and shall lend you assistance. That is, as long as the assistant investigators are prepared to lend their aid?”

They turn towards the audience with a challenging gaze.

“We are.” Simon speaks up for the delvers and the rest of their group nod along.

“Then, prepare yourselves. Grand challenge lies beyond this gate. You will need to bring to bear all you can muster.”

“Wait!” the voice of Ellie rings out. “Take me along! The Count is recovering well, I can do no more for him, but I can help them!”

The investigator looks at the group and finally at Allea and the doppelganger standing on stage.

“Would you take her along?” they ask.

Allea nods briefly in response, and the Father looks at Simon who seems ready to speak up.

“There is still time to converse beyond the gate, and space to get ready. If you wish to talk to one another privately, it may be the best opportunity.”

“If that is all, let’s open the gate!” the Investigator speaks up once more, and dramatically, the door swings open, to reveal a pitch black corridor beyond.

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