The Dragon Heir (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 16: A Lover’s Kiss

With my blade like claws, I clung to the wall beneath me as Stephen dangled me from the hole above. Honestly, every time I use these little beauties, a voice in my head can't help but chime in: "Blimey, those are sharp!" It's as if I've got a set of hidden knives, ready to spring into action at any moment.

Freaky, but oh, what fun!

And so, the first phase of my cunning plan commenced! I started scratching at the wall with all the frantic energy of a feral cat. My eyes flicked around, catching sight of one of the nearby spider monsters noticing my desperate antics. Perfect.

From its perspective, I probably looked like a trapped snack, all vulnerable and wriggly. What was going through its mind, I hadn't the foggiest, but it certainly scuttled towards me with the eagerness of something expecting an easy meal.

Now, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified. This was reckless, yes, but I was on a clock, and if I didn't eat soon, well, curtains for me. So, might as well go all out ….right? Right! I locked eyes with the beast as it drew closer, my claws still scratching wildly.

Closer. Closer. NOW!

The instant its ghastly face, with all eight eyes gleaming, was within reach, I struck. My claws sank into its hideous mug, and I opened my jaws as wide as they'd go before chomping down hard.

The taste was vile, bitter juices flooding my mouth, and the brittle crunch of its exoskeleton felt through my claws was... well, delightful in a grotesque sort of way. My first bite claimed nearly three of its beady little eyes—hardly enough to put it out of its misery, but just enough to send it into a proper tizzy, perhaps even drive the poor dear a bit mad. Perfect!

It shrieked, loud and raw, the sort of sound that would make a banshee reconsider its career choices, and tried to yank itself free. But my claws were dug so deep into the sides of its head that it couldn't escape without a bit of, well, self-decapitation. And it seemed just clever enough to avoid that unpleasantness. Good, I needed it nice and close.

However, its wail did the trick, as I spotted its chums skittering towards me at a speed that would make even a cheetah blush. In no time, two of them were practically on top of me. That was my cue.

"NOW!" I hollered at Stephen, and immediately, an intense force yanked at my tail. I was ready for it, of course, and as I looked the massive spider square in its many eyes, I casually yawned open my jaws and chomped down on its face.

Stephen yanked me by my tail, hoisting me upwards before the rest of the spider posse could close in. The spider's head remained firmly in my grip, and as Stephen dragged me back through the opening, the spider, just as expected, got stuck—its plump abdomen too large to follow.

Despite Stephen pulling with all his might and my claws being wedged deep in its noggin, the pesky thing wouldn't quite part ways with its body. My tail slipped from Stephen's grasp as we tumbled back into the room, but no matter—I was still latched onto the spider's enormous head.

Though it was still very much alive, the poor beast found itself well and truly wedged in the hole, too bloomin' bulky to squeeze through after us. Not that I could be bothered with it. My sharp little teeth were far too occupied making merry with the spider's juicy cranium.

The very instant I took that first nibble, I knew—oh, this was no ordinary morsel. The taste was something out of this world, like a lunatic had thrown every spice known to man into a pot and set it ablaze. My taste buds were on FIRE, and OH DEAR LORD, I wanted more, MORE, MORE!

The creature shrieked, even as most of its head had become a rather delightful mess in my gob, its spindly legs flailing about as if it still had some say in the matter. But letting go? Oh, not on your life! Dangling by my claws, I savored every last scrumptious morsel. Sinking my teeth into its still-screeching maw with all the fervor of a lover's kiss. Ohhh, that taste! Absolutely divine! Heavenly!

As I chewed, I could feel every nuance—the distinct crunch of its mandibles, those sharp little tools and their brittle texture. The bitter tang of its venom sacs, this a burst of fiery warmth that spread through my mouth like a spell of Flare! The juicy goodness of its salivary glands, the very essence of venom mingling with a strange, almost sickly sweetness. I could feel the hard structure of its pharynx crumbling under my teeth, followed by the soft, jelly-like squish of its… brain—AAAHHHH! So delicate! So rich! So buttery!

The more I chewed, the more I discovered, each bite was a revelation. Something new, something more exquisite than the last. I hardly noticed when it stopped wriggling, nor the frantic shouts behind me, or the message flashing before my eyes. The more I ate, the more I craved.

Someone dared to utter something—couldn't quite catch it. Then there was a hand—a hand!—trying to interfere. Not on my watch!

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME, YOU FUCKING WANKER!" I snarled. My jaws snapped with such a fervour that would've torn flesh and bone alike. The hand recoiled, lucky for it, because I was in no mood for interruptions. This was my kill, my food, and no one, absolutely no one, was going to take it from me.

Ah, but then, I refocused—everything else was piffle. The part I'd been dangling from my claws was now happily residing in my belly, heh, so I'd gone and stuck those claws to the wall. My serpentine neck was just the ticket for savoring every last bit of that spider. I was at the most important part after all, the juicy abdomen…


I must confess, I haven't the faintest idea when it all wrapped up.

The assorted fragments of the spider's crunchy carapace and its rather unappetizingly long legs were scattered all about me, like a buffet I couldn't be bothered to finish. Hmm… I plucked up one of those spindly skewers and gave it a thoughtful sniff—could I manage another bite? Perhaps, but no, I was quite satisfied for now.

With a bit of a shrug, I tossed the leg aside and turned my gaze towards Stephan, who had positioned himself in the farthest, most distant corner he could find, as if the very air around me might bite.

"Stephan…" I ventured, for the third time! Still nothing. I hadn't a clue what on earth had happened, but he looked well and truly spooked—and at me, no less! I mean, really, I just saved the chap's life! And, in fairness, he did save mine by not abandoning me when I keeled over. But couldn't he at least tell me what this sudden terror was all about?

Ehhm, it probably wasn't worth the headache, I turned my attention to the screen floating merrily before me.

[You have slain a Level 3 Araneus impetuosa juvenilis.]

[Experience Points acquired.]

[Level increased.]

[Skill point obtained: +1.]

[Morphogen source assimilated.]

[Morphogens acquired: +2.]

Mission accomplished.

[Reward: Survival Mission completion.]

[Triple Morphogen and Experience boost from next kill - active for 2 hours.]

Well, that was quite a haul! And more Morphogens to boot! I was just beginning to wonder where on earth I'd scrounge up another one after using the solitary one I had. I think I've got the gist now—eat. Eat these monsters like there's no tomorrow.

Right, then! I had another skill point in my pocket, in addition to the one I'd neglected earlier. Lotte had nudged me to grab a Stealth or Flight skill, and now, I had the cheeky opportunity to nab both—oh, the sheer giddiness of it all!

My insides were practically doing a jig, bouncing about like a hyperactive bunny at the mere thought. Ecstatic, I was. Positively over the moon! Staring at that screen sent bursts of serotonin through me… hmm? Hold on a tick—serotonin? What on Earth was that again?

I halted, rummaging through those hazy dream memories. Huh, something that made one feel chuffed? Well, bugger me sideways!

It wasn't the first time a bizarre term had popped up from those dreamlands, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Best to crack on with what mattered—the screen! STATUS! I commanded in my head, all proper-like.

Name: Jade
Level: 2
Species: Dragon Hatchling (I)


  • Strength: 15

  • Durability: 12

  • Intelligence: 30

  • Will: 17

  • Mana Points: 0/0

  • Stamina Points: 9/14


Species Skills:

  • Claw Swipe: Level 1 (I)

  • Tail Whip: Level 1 (I)

  • Roar: Level 1 (I)

  • Scale Harden: Level 1 (I)


Exclusive Skills:

  • Transformation: Level 1 (I)



  • Eyes: +1



  • Skill Points: 2

  • Morphogens: 2

Hmm, not much had shifted. My level had risen, but my attributes were stubbornly unchanged. Mana was still sitting at a big, fat zero—odd, that. I'd half-expected it to budge with the level-up, but no such luck. Still, if it was on the screen, surely there was some trick to increase it, right? I made a mental note to pester Lotte about that later.

Then, my eyes wandered down to the resources section. Blimey, just the idea of learning skills by spending these [skill points] seemed bonkers, but that was the deal, wasn't it? At least, that's how I reckoned it worked.

This time, I honed in on the [Resource] option, just like I'd done earlier with Morphogen.

Immediately another window opened up.

[Skill Points may be allocated to acquire new skills or enhance existing ones.]

[Morphogens may be expended to mutate physical attributes.]

[Skills available for acquisition:

Stealth: Requires 1 SP. Optimizes concealment capabilities and evasion efficiency.

Quick Dash: Requires 1 SP. Increases velocity over brief intervals at the expense of Stamina.

Crush Claw: Requires 1 SP. Augments claw precision and impact force.

Crunch: Requires 1 SP. Passive enhancement that increases bite penetration and retention.]

Select a mutation:

Eyes +2: Improve visual processing and targeting accuracy.

Wings +1: Reinforce wings to enhance flight performance.

Legs +1: Augment leg power and maneuverability.

Claws +1: Upgrade claws for increased lethality.

Scales +1: Fortify scales for superior defensive capabilities.

Fire Gland +1: Enhance fire gland for elevated internal mana input.

So. Many. Options!!

But unlike last time, both sets of choices were staring me in the face at once.

I didn't have the luxury to give them a proper gander earlier, but now? Oh, I had all the time in the world. Maybe.

Full belly, no gnawing emptiness, and, thank heavens, no death timer ticking away. Ah, sweet, sweet peace. If only dear Stephan would spill the beans on what rattled his cage so much.

Memory was a bit foggy, to be honest. One moment, he's yanking me up, and the next, I'm chowing down on that spider—then, well, things got a bit fuzzy. I did recall plopping down in a daze until everything started to click again.

Hmm... I'd just have to corner him for a little chat later.

But for now, ehehe, I let myself sink my claws into a couple of those delightful skills. These were augmentations to my own body, as bonkers as it sounded, and yet there they were, right in front of me.

I'd just tasted the power of my claws a moment ago—oh, the thrill!

Going through the options, one caught my eye immediately—Stealth. A no-brainer, really; even Lotte had given it her seal of approval. I didn't know where exactly I had landed—what lay outside this cultists' hideaway? Wilderness, perhaps? Monsters must be lurking about, no doubt.

If I wanted to slink off to safety, wherever that might have been—never mind trying to get home, I had already botched that plan for now—stealth was the ticket. It would have kept me out of unnecessary scraps and let me skulk around unseen. Survival, after all, was the name of the game!

Now, Quick Dash, eh? This one promised a sudden burst of speed over short distances, though it would sap my stamina quicker than one could say "knackered." Maybe. Probably.

Quite handy for a hasty retreat or maybe a surprise lunge, should the opportunity knocked, but I couldn't help but wonder—what if it left me gasping like a fish out of water at the worst possible moment? I had this visible tally of 14 stamina points hovering over my head, and without knowing how many of those it would gobble up, well, it felt like a risky gamble!

Speed was all well and good, sure, but what's the use if I was winded after a quick sprint? Still, the idea of darting about in the wilderness was rather tempting, especially when it came to covering ground or outmaneuvering some bothersome beastie.

Ah, but Crush Claw—ohohoho—now that was more my cup of tea! I'd already had a nibble of what my claws could do. I stared at them—sharp as a butcher's cleaver and just as strong.

I still remembered that spider monster; it was two levels above me, and yet, the moment I sank these beauties through its noggin, it was curtains for the poor sod.

And this skill would have taken things up a notch, enhancing precision and impact force—delightfully vivid!

It was like sharpening a blade that was already lethal. Every swipe, every strike would have landed with even more oomph. I could practically feel the thrill of sinking these claws into something—or, heavens forbid, someone. Ehehehehe. No, no, bad Jade! Not someone, just the monsters! One ought not to have gotten too cozy with this whole monster business!

And then, there was Crunch—a passive that would turn my bite into something truly fearsome, upping the penetration and making it near impossible for anything to wriggle free once I'd latched on.

Not that my bite wasn't already lethal—I clacked my teeth together with a satisfying snap, hehehe, and did it again for good measure.

I could have sworn I had seen Stephan shivering every time I did that, but then again, my eyesight had still been a bit dodgy, so who knew? Might have been my imagination. Probably.

Crunch might not have had the flash of the others, but there was something about the idea of a more devastating bite that resonated with me, with this new self I was growing into.

I mulled it over before deciding. Only two out of the four—that's all I could pick.

Stealth was a given—my ticket to staying out of unwanted scraps and surviving in this strange, uncertain place. But what to pair it with?

Quick Dash promised speed, but that stamina drain made me hesitate. Crush Claw would have made me deadlier in close combat, but I had a similar skill already, Claw Swipe. Then there was Crunch, which would turn my bite into an even deadlier weapon.


Strategic thinking was key here. If I paired Stealth with Crush Claw, I could become a silent assassin, striking from the shadows with a precision quite lethal. Or, Stealth with Crunch, turning into a sneaky beastie capable of targeting an enemy's weak spots with a devastating bite.

In the end, the choice became clear. Stealth was my first pick, as planned. And for the second… Crunch. It was simply too perfect to pass up—a passive boost to my bite, and I was lacking a proper biting skill anyway. Plus, I had already had Claw Swipe to help with my claws.

Yes, this was perfect. And with more skill points to be earned, I could unlock the others later on.

Decision made, I confirmed the choices.

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