The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 81: Where does the meat smell like you

Chapter 81

"I've heard this is the place couples love to come to. We can come here often in the future."

Shang Yu looked at him in surprise. She thought he was talking about work, so that's why he would come here often.

Turned out he was talking about themselves...

"This way please, Mr. Pei."

The waiter led them to a private room, respectfully bowing his head.

Shang Yu walked in. It was an exquisite small room with fine tea sets and a small row of storybooks.

She took out one of the books and sat on a small chair. On the table was a bouquet of blue iris, with warm-toned dim lighting that was just right - not oppressive, but rather creating an ambiguous atmosphere.

Pei Liechuan scanned a QR code with his phone, then handed it to Shang Yu: "See what you'd like to eat."

Shang Yu put down the book and took his phone. She looked at Pei Liechuan, who was brewing tea.

Since the weather was rather hot, he used cold water and tea leaves. The fragrance of the tea wafted out, permeating the small room.

Shang Yu ordered some shaved ice and a few cold dishes, then handed the phone back to Pei Liechuan.

Pei Liechuan passed her a cup of tea. The water was quite cold, and Shang Yu's eyes lit up after taking a sip. She took Pei Liechuan's cup and drank from it too.

"How did you brew this? It tastes very different from hot water tea."

"You don't need to learn." Pei Liechuan glanced at the dishes she ordered. "I'll brew it for you in the future. The amounts of tea leaves and water need to be just right. I know how to brew each type of tea to taste good because I drink tea often."

Listening to him, Shang Yu felt he sounded like an old cadre.

"Why did you just order these?" Pei Liechuan looked at the all-vegetable dishes with a puzzled gaze. "Don't you eat meat?"

"No, what meat can be as fragrant as you?" Shang Yu leaned back on the chair, flipping through the book. "I've killed too many people, so I have a physical aversion to meat. And I don't need to intake any nutrients, so I'm not interested in meat."

Pei Liechuan made a note of it and also ordered some vegetable dishes.

After placing the order, he brewed tea for her, thinking he'd take her to eat vegetarian food next time.

Shang Yu flipped through the storybooks, finding them quite dull.

"Pei Liechuan."

"Hm?" Pei Liechuan poured her some tea and poured some for himself too, using the cup she had just drank from.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange?"

Pei Liechuan's lips curved slightly. "What do you mean?"

"It's too bizarre. Are we really meeting for the fourth time? I feel like you're very bizarre."

"No, it is indeed our fourth meeting." Pei Liechuan raised his eyebrows slightly and handed her the tea. "Have some tea."

Shang Yu took the teacup, her eyes fixed on him.

Pei Liechuan felt a bit helpless. "Are you hungry?"

Shang Yu teased, "I'm worried you can't handle it." Pei Liechuan stretched out his hand. "You don't need to hold back. I can handle it."


Shang Yu patted his palm. "I get it, I don't want to bite right now. I'm wondering where my fifth brother went."

Pei Liechuan withdrew his hand and sipped his tea. "He's probably playing somewhere in Upper Cloud State."

Shang Yu rested her chin on one hand, lightly tapping the table with her fingers.

She was thinking, her fifth brother had just awoken, and she hoped he wasn't being tricked by anyone. That guy seemed a bit unreliable...

Knock, knock, knock.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door. The waiter brought in the dishes one by one.

They were all vegetable dishes - cold silken tofu, cold jellyfish, cold seaweed, cold...everything.

"Why don't you eat meat?" Shang Yu thought Pei Liechuan was quite silly.

It was normal for her not to eat meat, but why didn't he eat it?

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