The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 4: Can’t You Leave Me

Chapter 4

"Will you miss me?" Shang Yu looked at him, kissing his blood-stained lips once more, "I will come find you again."

She smiled slightly, her eyes looking up at the helicopter that had arrived: "Goodbye, my blood servant."

Her figure quickly headed towards the forest, disappearing from their sight in an instant.

Pei Liechuan looked at her retreating back, his thin lips pressed together lightly.

Someone handed him a coat which he took and put on.

Lin Nan watched as the woman's figure completely vanished: "Boss! We should've kept her, otherwise that hundred million-"

He stopped abruptly.

The helicopter had landed, it was their people.

"Liechuan, are you alright?!" The people getting off the helicopter hurried over to help the injured.

Huo Qi looked at Liechuan, his eyes full of worry: "Why is your mouth bleeding too! Did you injure your mouth too?!"

"Let's leave this place first." Pei Liechuan clenched the bullet in his hand tightly, his dark eyes profound as he glanced at the coffin: "Bring that too."


Huo Qi hurriedly arranged for people to clean up the aftermath, but they had to leave quickly, reinforcements would definitely arrive soon.

Pei Liechuan boarded the plane, his eyes looking towards the forest, just who was she?

"Boss..." Lin Nan sat next to him, very awkward: "Today's report..."

He was in charge of this area, it was his first time encountering such a situation, he didn't know if he should write it directly.

"I'll write it." Pei Liechuan saw everyone was on board, his voice cold but carried a warning: "Keep this matter strictly confidential, I will get to the bottom of this! If our superiors ask, I will handle it."


They always only listened to their boss, of course they wouldn't say anything out of line.

After Huo Qi had arranged everything, he boarded the plane and the doctor came to treat Liechuan. "Why are you so reckless? You've returned home to inherit the family business, yet you still take on these jobs."

Seeing that he had been shot twice, Huo Qi felt worried, after all they were good friends, he didn't want anything to happen to him.

Pei Liechuan's thin lips were pressed in a straight line, when the doctor tried to check his wounds, he grabbed the doctor's arm.

"I've had my dressings changed, look at theirs." He felt his wounds burning hot, as if they didn't hurt anymore.

He looked out of the window, the forest getting further and further away. He glanced at his shoulder, there was only a bite mark and a small hole that had scabbed over.

He clenched the bullet tightly in his fist, she had said she would come find him again.


Shang Yu had now recovered most of her power. As she walked on the road wearing these clothes that made her very uncomfortable.

Previously, she had always lived in the Ancient Jade, and also found out everything about this world.

Now, surviving with her own body, it did feel a little unfamiliar.

This place was relatively remote, but her speed was extremely fast. In a short while, she arrived in the city.

This was an unfamiliar country, she didn't really like it here, she still wanted to go back to Xia Country.

There weren't many people on the streets this late into the night. She secretly snuck into someone's yard and took the clothes hanging by the door.

She pried a bead off her crown and left it on the windowsill before disappearing swiftly.

"Isn't this considered theft?" Yu Yuan covered her mouth and laughed.

After Shang Yu had changed into the clothes, she held her previous outfit in her arms, also taking off her crown.

"Yu Lord, this is quite valuable."

Yu Yuan looked at the prosperous city not far away: "Should be enough to exchange for a building right."

Shang Yu didn't speak, staring at the prosperous city in the distance, thinking about how to get back home.

She didn't have an ID card. Suddenly, she remembered something - she did have an identity.

What's more, coincidentally, that person was also in this city.

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