The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 365: Aya's Counterattack (Part 1)

It didn't take Ayu, who was starving with gleaming eyes, to wait for long, and the maid team, who had become an inseparable part of the Apostles, delivered a delicious meal. Because of the existence of Mina, the super big stomach king, the dinner of the Apostles is not ordinary.

Moreover, under the premise of sufficient portion, the taste is absolutely superb. Before Ulysses and Aya didn't know, Mina had been completely defeated by such a sumptuous food. Now even if the little pirate leaves the group of apostles, she will not necessarily leave. After all, not everywhere can eat such a good and sufficient meal every day.

In the pirate group, although there is never a shortage of food in the ocean, it only refers to the amount. Compared with the level of cooking, the pirates of the pirate group are not the opponents of Kanai, who are proficient in various recipes and qualified to participate in the Continental Food Contest.

"Hu... Gu... The fire is still... The most proud..." Mina raised the knife and fork in her hand, bit a large lobster nearly half a meter long in her mouth, and said vaguely. what.

"Woo Gu! It's delicious!" Compared to Mina who is like a beast, Ayu's way of eating seems to be much more civilized. However, this may have something to do with the food she eats. In front of her, there was a pile of fish-carving fish that Ulysses had specially ordered the cat's ear maid to make.

Just as Ulysses imagined, when he saw these steaming fish-carving fish, Ayu's whole body fell into a frenzy, and immediately began the action to eliminate all fish-carving fish. Seeing her smiling face while biting on the hot fish, Ulysses smiled happily.

It seems that as long as it is carved fish, Ayu will definitely like it. After confirming this law, Ulysses felt that he seemed to understand this incredible girl better.

"Meow, is it really that delicious?" For Kana, who can cook well as a court chef, it is a breeze to make this kind of dessert. But seeing Ayou's uncontrollable performance, she couldn't help but wonder if what she was doing was the simplest kind of fish-carving. Could it be that there is something unusual in these improvised fish carvings?

"Meow...huh? It's normal." Kana casually took one and took a bite. The taste is really good, but it is indeed the taste of Diaoyuyao in her impression, sweet but not greasy at all. Why can this kind of thing make that Ayu so happy.

"Ayu, there are still many delicious foods, it doesn't matter if you don't have to worry about it." From the beginning to the present, Ayu seems to only eat one kind of food. In Ulysses’s impression, it was the first time someone had seen a partial eclipse to such an extent. Recalling the Dadu Emperor competition, Ayu seemed to be like this too. It seems that, in her eyes, the meaning of Diaoyusha has surpassed the concept of "food" and has become a symbol of some necessities.

"Well, this is delicious too, and this one is not bad too! Ulysses, thank you." Following Ulysses’ advice, Ayu tried some other foods and gave a high evaluation. . However, soon, she began to desperately start to eliminate the pile of carved fish, as if these carved fish had a deep hatred with her.

"Goo...Goo...Ayu is a sweets lover." Mina raised her head and swallowed most of the lobster in her mouth like a legendary python. If it weren't for Ayu who only ate one thing in the Dadu Emperor match, maybe he would become her rival like that of Karaal.

"Well, I like sweet things the most, but my favorite is Diaoyuyao!" Before I knew it, Ayu had almost wiped out the Diaoyuyao in front of him. Don't look at her eating fast, but in fact, the efficiency of destroying food is not much slower than Mina who is performing a lobster swallowing show.

"Meow! So fast, I didn't prepare so many meows!" Obviously, the speed at which Ayu killed the fish was even beyond Kana's expectations. That's enough weight for all members of the Apostles! Unexpectedly, it would be wiped out by Ayu so soon.

"Woo, so satisfying. Since that eating competition, I haven't eaten such a delicious fish carving!" After successfully eliminating the pile of cute fish carving piled in front of him, Ayu She gave a very happy smile, as if she had been satisfied.

"Ayu, don't you want to eat more things?" Ulysses at this time had just wiped out his steak in half.

"No, my appetite is actually quite ordinary!" Ayu shook his head and said embarrassedly.

"Normal?" Ulysses blinked, recalling Kia Yu's ranking in the Dadu Emperor game. If I remember correctly, he was indeed third, right. The final score seems to have completely killed a group of three-meter tall orc men who are also three-meter waist...

"Normal..." Kana stuck out his tongue. Obviously, she did not accept this statement at all. According to the calorie calculation formula, the Diaoyu Shao that Yayou ate just now can make a ten-person mercenary team active all day long.


"Of course it's ordinary, as ordinary as me!" Mina said confidently, who was unloading the roast suckling pig with a knife and fork. For her, the only criteria for judging food intake are ordinary and very small. Of course, she is an ordinary girl, so is Ayu, so is Caral, Ulysses and Arseria eat too little.

"Ordinary..." Lasputin, who had finished eating, put down the knife and fork in his hand, showing a very subtle expression. In a sense, she was very envious of Mina and Ayu. Before she left home, in order to control her weight, she did not spend much time, and even accurately completed a most suitable recipe.

You know, for aristocratic girls, how to effectively control their weight is as important as dressing. God knows how many sweets the girls who look cute have endured in order to put on those slender skirts.

Why do men like girls with **** and thin waists? This is totally inconsistent with common sense of development! In order to put on those cute skirts, countless young girls of various ages hungry together. There is nothing more unlucky than this.

"Actually, I usually only need a regular portion to eat. However, if it is Diaoyuyao, it doesn’t matter how much I eat. Because, in this world, there is nothing more delicious than Diaoyuyao! A thousand. Don't eat enough!" Yayou said intoxicated.

"Ha...this..." Ulysses had nothing to say about Ayu's logic. To be able to like a kind of food to this state, Ayu has reached a height that ordinary people can't reach. In a sense, it may be even more incredible than Mina.

"Why do you like Diaoyuyaki Meow so much?" As a chef, Kana is interested enough in the structure of Ayu's stomach. (Of course, she is also quite interested in Mina's terrifying appetite. Hydra? The body of this big snake is the kind of giant monster that can be eaten once for a hundred years. Ignore her.)

"Because the fish is delicious." Ayu's answer was as natural as "humans need air to survive."

"Yes, because it is delicious, you can eat it all the time. This is a natural thing!" Although it is not as partial as Ayu, Mina and Ayu are exactly the same in terms of food.

In their perception, this is like asking people who like to climb mountains why they risked their deaths to conquer the mountains——

Because the mountain is there!


"Ulysses, thank you so much! Woo, I can finally sleep in that big bed!" After a very hearty dinner, Ayu pulled Ulysses' hand forcefully, as if not like this Not enough to express her gratitude.

"You are welcome, you should go and thank Aya, she agreed!" Ulysses replied with a smile.

"No matter, you, master, are the head of the mercenary group and the real owner of this castle. Therefore, you don't need to ask me to decide for yourself." Aya floats on Ulysses' body. On the side, there was a strange light shining in the big purple eyes.

Although the room did not have the effect it should have, she was a little disappointed. But Ulysses would go to the room with Ayu that was not in her plan. If she knew, she would definitely not miss this good opportunity.

However, the matter has not reached the point of irreversibility. Now that Ayu chose that room with special significance, she still has a chance. For the sake of her lovely and dull master, she has to do something tonight.

Unexpectedly, Ayu asked to live there by herself... It seems that tonight will be very interesting. Let her see how far the love room designed by the lustful demon Beluda can do!

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