The Demigod Guide *DRAFT*

Chapter 6: 6: TAMI

Hi. I'm Tami, daughter of Athena. I don't think Rebecca should have the babies. She's too immature for that. She doesn't even know how to support a baby. She doesn't have the money to support taxes. Heck, I don't even think she knows how to do taxes.

Getting off track. Sorry. Anyway, Austin told me something bad is supposed to happen to Rebecca. No one knows what yet. I think Turner knows. He looks… scared. I don't know what for. I need a plan…

Other than that, I wanna kill Archer. I wish she wasn't pregnant so I could have my best friend back. I wish she was back to her old self. I don't know what's gotten into her. She rushed getting pregnant, but she's too young. Yeah, I know she's 18, but still. I want her back!!!

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