The Demigod Guide *DRAFT*

Chapter 19: 19: JOSHUA

I don't know what I'm doing-

Um, hi. I'm Joshua Finnagin , son of Athena.

This will sound super weird, but you have to trust me.

Rebecca is planning something, I don't know what, but I know it has something to do with the babies and "the Queen".

Wait… she didn't tell you about "the Queen", did she?

A few hundred years after Greek myths were created a new, more popular religion was adopted.


In Christianity, there's one God and one Devil, God and Lucifer.

God created a man and a woman, Adam and Lilith. Their marriage didn't last long because she was a ruthless woman. Adam remarried to Eve.

So God banished her to rule Hell with Lucifer, more commonly known as the Devil.

Now, she's back on Earth and searching for four very important people, one being Rebecca, who would be War in the Four Horsemen since she's Ares's daughter. Lilith still has to find a son of Thanatos, a daughter of Persephone, and a son of Mars.

You've been warned. Good luck.

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