The Demigod Guide *DRAFT*

Chapter 10: 10: REBECCA

Hi. Hold on, getting yelled at Zoë when I knew she knew the entire time. I ask her when she gets done,

"Is that it?"

She could only nod her head.

"Did you know the whole time?"

"Duh! Of course I did! I just… didn't know who it was coming from… you or Yelena or me…"

"Why would it be you? You haven't done anything like that….."

"Yeah, I have. Come on, Joshua is picking people for his quest."

"Ok. Right behind you." I said, though I was, in my head, begging all the gods for him not to pick me. I heard my dad say, "And why not, kid?" And I answered with

"Because your lover, Aphrodite herself, came to Earth and now I'm pregnant."

His voice disappeared after that. I went to the dining pavilion, where Joshua was picking his quest members. Then, he said,

"First… Zoë."

She scowled as she walked up. Then, he said my worst nightmare.

"Next… Armani."

I couldn't tell if I had cried or not, but seeing that Austin ran from somewhere in the crowd to come hold me and carry me to her cabin, I probably did.

After that, Chiron made Joshua pick someone different, which I was eternally grateful for. He ended up picking Katelyn Zhang, daughter of Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang. It was a good pick. I'll miss her. I wish I could take her place, but you know… I can't. That would be bad for Dani and Parker.

Gotta go. See ya later. Dueces.

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