chapter 39 - I Like You Too, You Know
Delicious food wasn’t always expensive, but expensive food… was usually delicious!
Especially in a fancy restaurant like this!
Adele, ensconced in the privacy of a luxurious VIP room, indulged in the exquisite cuisine before her, savoring every bite with unrestrained gusto. No need for pretense, no need for table manners, no need to maintain the image of the refined, elegant lady she usually projected in public.
She was free to be herself, her appetite unrestrained, her enjoyment unfiltered.
Celeste, watching her, her heart melting with a fondness that surprised even her, couldn’t help but smile. In her memories, Adele had always been a delicate flower, a pristine lotus blooming amidst the mud and grime of her circumstances. Even in the most unfavorable environments, she had maintained her grace, her composure, her elegance.
But the Adele before her now… well, she was far from elegant. But perhaps… perhaps it was a case of “beauty being in the eye of the beholder.”
Because the more Celeste watched her, the more she adored her, the more she was captivated by her natural charm, her unfiltered joy.
She forgot her own hunger, her food untouched, her gaze fixed on Adele, her heart overflowing with a warmth that chased away the shadows.
Adele, tearing into a succulent piece of beef, looked up at Celeste, her brow furrowed with concern.
“Why aren’t you eating?” she asked, her voice laced with a playful impatience. “Hurry up and finish your food.”
“I want to go shopping. I need new clothes, new shoes, new… everything.”
“And if we don’t hurry, we’ll be late for class. I want to go back to my dorm and take a nap.”
When they were alone, Adele could order Celeste around as she pleased. And Celeste, her mind and body bound by the magic crest, had no desire to resist. She embraced her servitude, her every thought, her every action, now devoted to fulfilling Adele’s desires.
Celeste, accustomed to using cutlery, her movements usually precise and elegant, reached for her silver knife and fork, intending to savor her meal, to appreciate the subtle flavors, the delicate textures…
But then, something shifted within her. She abandoned the cutlery, her hands reaching for the steak, her fingers sinking into the warm, juicy flesh. She took a bite, tearing into it with a ferocity that surprised even her.
It felt… liberating. Exhilarating.
It was something she would never have done before, not in public, not in front of… anyone.
But with Adele… with her Master… it was… allowed.
Adele, watching her, her eyes widening in surprise, couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Interesting,” she murmured, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Maybe I should get you a… dog bowl next time~”
“…Thank you, Master,” Celeste said, her cheeks flushing, her heart pounding with a mixture of shame and… pleasure?
Adele’s smile widened, her gaze lingering on Celeste’s face, her fingers tapping a playful rhythm against the tablecloth.
They finished their meal, Celeste’s appetite returning as she mirrored Adele’s unrestrained enthusiasm, her enjoyment amplified by the knowledge that… she was pleasing her Master.
Celeste excused herself to use the restroom, and when she returned, she found Adele standing in front of the self-serve ice cream machine, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
She had two waffle cones in hand, and as she pressed the button, a swirl of soft-serve ice cream flowed into the cones.
Adele, mimicking the techniques she had seen countless times at bubble tea shops, expertly twirled the cones, creating perfect swirls of strawberry and dark chocolate ice cream.
“Here,” she said, handing Celeste the dark chocolate cone.
Celeste’s heart melted, a wave of gratitude washing over her. She wanted to thank Adele, but she remembered her role, the facade she had to maintain in public.
“Hmm,” she said, her voice cool and nonchalant. “You remembered that I like dark chocolate.”
“Tell me, what reward do you want?”
Adele raised an eyebrow, a playful smile touching her lips. Reward? Shouldn’t I be the one offering rewards?
But she understood. She knew what Celeste wanted, what she craved.
“I want that new bag from LU,” she said, her voice taking on a cloying sweetness, her words a playful demand. “Buy it for me, Celeste~”
To the other patrons in the restaurant, it was a familiar scene: a wealthy heiress and her… kept woman. They might have looked good together, but the power dynamic was… unmistakable.
They averted their gazes, their thoughts a mixture of pity and disapproval. That poor girl… what a waste…
As for Celeste, they wouldn’t dare to judge her. Not openly.
Celeste’s wounds, still pulsing with icy blue magic, were a silent warning. But ordinary humans, those who couldn’t perceive magic, were oblivious to the threat.
Adele looped her arm through Celeste’s, her touch possessive, her smile triumphant. Celeste’s heart skipped a beat, her body responding to Adele’s touch with a warmth that spread through her limbs, a tingling sensation that made her… weak.
But she maintained her composure, her expression cool and detached, playing the role of the experienced sugar mama, the one who held all the power.
Until… Adele pinched her butt.
It was a sharp, stinging pinch that made her gasp, her cheeks burning with a mixture of pain and embarrassment. She almost lost her composure, her carefully constructed facade crumbling.
Adele, her voice a playful reprimand, leaned in close, her lips brushing against Celeste’s ear.
“Don’t overdo it,” she whispered. “That expression… it’s not convincing.”
“You’re making me look like a… gold digger.”
“I like money, Celeste,” she added, her voice softening. “But I like you too, you know.”
Celeste’s heart skipped a beat, tears welling up in her eyes.
It was a casual statement, a throwaway line that Adele probably hadn’t even meant… seriously.
And “like”… well, it could mean anything.
Liking an object. Liking a pet.
But regardless of its meaning, Adele’s words struck a chord within Celeste, filling her with a warmth that spread through her limbs, a joy so intense that it bordered on pain.
The pink magic crest on her abdomen deepened in color, its glow intensifying, Adele’s casual affection solidifying Celeste’s unconditional devotion.
Being rich… it’s amazing!
Adele, strolling through the luxury department store with Celeste by her side, her every whim indulged, her every desire fulfilled, was living the dream. Bags, dresses, shoes, cosmetics… anything that caught her eye was immediately added to her growing collection, her purchases whisked away by attentive staff to be delivered to her dorm room.
She was single-handedly boosting the store’s sales for the month!
Her only concern now was… would her dorm room, which was spacious but not exactly palatial, be able to accommodate all her new acquisitions?
As if reading her mind, Celeste, her voice calm and reassuring, offered a solution.
“I’ll get you a house,” she said. “Nothing too big, just… around 150 square meters. Enough to store your… things.”
Adele winced internally. 150 square meters… and you call that “not too big?” Are you trying to make me feel bad?
“It’s in that luxury complex near the academy,” Celeste continued, oblivious to Adele’s internal turmoil. “You know, the one called… Royal Garden Estates?”
“I’ll have it transferred to your name. And I’ll have your things delivered there.”
“You can stay in the dorm if you want, or… you can move in.”
“You could even… stay at my place…” She trailed off, her voice softening, her carefully constructed facade crumbling for a moment, her true feelings slipping through.
Adele coughed, a subtle reminder of… their roles, their public personas.
Celeste, her cheeks flushing, quickly regained her composure, her expression turning cool and detached.
The saleswoman, listening to their conversation, her eyes wide with envy, couldn’t help but wonder… what had that adorable girl done to deserve such… extravagant affection?
Adele, playing her role to perfection, her voice a cloying whine, leaned against Celeste, her touch possessive.
“Celeste… you’re so good to me~” she purred, her words a calculated blend of gratitude and… something else. Something that made Celeste’s heart skip a beat, her body responding with a warmth that spread through her limbs, a tingling sensation that made her… weak.
It’s like… Cupid’s arrow just pierced her heart…