The Deadman

Chapter 85: Out Of The City 5

Branwen stared at the data footage that came from Valerie.

“Guess you allowed him to do what he wanted.”

“He’d do it anyway. Guy has a hard on when it comes to breaking assholes like them.”

“No combat footage. Aiya, I wish you had at least allowed me to log his exo-work.”

“Val has footage.”

Branwen’s face hardened. His face questioning.

“He has excellent performance in the exo. Is it natural talent?”

“Who knows? Makes me wonder if he is telling me the truth about it.”

“You either have gone too old or you have lost that suspicion in the years.”

“Perhaps. But I guess old brothers that I fought with are some of the things that I forgive easily. Of course, there is also a matter that he has certain connections that makes it easy for our side to cooperate with the other side.”

“Connections that are uncertain. I was wondering why you let this kind of assault play, it isn’t like you to be so approving of this.”

“Tactics of old are surprisingly effective in rooting out the vile. I’ve been looking for this facility for three years now. Heard of what they have done to young people.  Did not like it and will never like it by now. Someone or something will try, but that’s up to me to decide that.”

Branwen sneers at him.

“Hypocrisy never changes.”

“Indeed. When your home does it, it is lawful and for the greater good. But when others do it, they are evil.”

“Cull them before they grow.”

Branwen ran a software on the footage.

“It’s not everyday that you get to use someone to do these fast raids. The operation time of these exo-suits are horribly limited. Miss Valor has the ability to move, but this one is familiar to the movement. I’m surprised since he didn’t have any datajacks to reduce the lag reduction. It's usually not one to one usually.”

Robert Oswald’s reaction time is what they had expected. Exoskeletons have targeting systems, but most of the time there are troubles with the software that they went to just adjusting the crosshair on the AR module on the helmet.

“Well, now that’s gone. What are your plans?”

“Not much. As usual, I’d be the link to Viator and my organization. Viator’s good when dealing with on the surface matters. Operations like these are costly and despite the effectiveness. Drone Swarms, Exos, and men to operate Exos are hard to find.”

These kinds of raids were gamble.

If it was any organization or group that had natural fears for drone swarms. They’d have a pulse generator to disable that swarm. They did have one, but with the drones being faster, they overwhelmed them before any of it could be deployed.

All battles in the dark are won either through quick action or silence. Being like thunder that striked before they could move. In a way, he had no desire of bringing Viator out into the iceberg.

Not to mention that they already have enough problems of their own.

Moonlight as a shipment dealer while also masquerading as an international organization that has concerns with movements. Viator was formed to monitor the surface while making sure the right goods come to the right places.

It made him chuckle somewhat that in the end he had recommended a delivery job, but this time on an international scale. Most of the Viator members accompany Romila, choosing to roam with her while accomplishing certain objectives of their own.

Most of the members are former operators, soldiers, mercenaries who were decided that they are good enough skills to be hired to the company.

Secret organizations, Hidden Societies, and Clans have made him wary these days. Ever since he took a step into this quagmire. He had realized that it is hard to escape from it.

If anything he had sympathized with Robert Oswald’s desire to stay out of it, but he knew it well that it is better to be protected from the shadows than be ignorant of it.

He accepted the deal because he needed protection and a leg to cling to when they came looking. Of course, he could have asked for more, but he didn’t have the rabid gusto that he had once when serving his nation.

He was far too old to be pragmatic.

Or that the years have started to dull his senses.

“So you got your prize.”

Branwen remained cold as usual, his eyes on the footage.

“I got it. My Wraiths were made to take care of the shadows. Although I’m glad that there is little to be concerned about. Corporate politics has never been something I’m fond of.”

“The samples. The research in that place must have cost a lot. The one’s in charge of that are probably going to be seething that their research flopped without any trace left.”

“Got any ideas on it, yet?”

“My analysts are working hard to run a background trace on the researchers. It’s a shame that we didn’t have time to take them with us. It might have been easier to trace.”

“We got their contact information for their favorite shows and whatever filth they are in. I want those folks found and destroyed.”

“And Viator?”

“Will remain under the sun. We already have enough problems with korium deposits being found everywhere. Every corporate stooge who has the info’s probably waiting and hoping to put their stocks and bonds to it.”

“Maybe I should invest.”

“You do have enough credits for it, but I doubt you’d be able to put a single dime before everyone else. That material's a new damn thing and sooner or later it might just help everyone go to the stars farther than mars.”

“I take it that I won’t see you again for a long time, Sir?”

“Maybe. I’m old and somewhat busy. Going to be busy later. I trust that you can do the cleanup for me?”

“Of course, we do have to move out of the mountains now. The Sixth Fleet already agreed on a refueling location.”

He tapped Branwen on the shoulder.

“See you later, then.”

“You too, Sir. And try to rest your mind once in a while, Sir. You are very old and weary. It’s not good for you.”




It was a seafood restaurant with a view of the sea and boats. Robert and Valerie’s taking a meal while Strato swaggers inside, with many of the eyes looking at him.

“What’s that?”

He pointed at the meal Robert’s eating.

Insalata di pollo.”


“Yes, chicken, and some salad.”

“Eating fish and chips, Val?”

Valerie shrugs.

“Needed it. After that it’s hard to eat anything. I don’t know how he does it.”

“Prolly got a more bitter experience than this.”

Robert took a piece of his chicken and chewed. Valerie looks away and then stares at the fries on her plate.

“What now, sir?”

“You go back to conducting business,” Strato sat down. “I thank you two for cooperating with me in this business.”

“Is it always like this?”

“It’s rare. Most of the time I keep that place and that organization separate because of certain lines. It was quite thrilling, no?”

Robert taps the tip of the fork on the plate.

“This doesn’t feel like your style.”

“It isn’t. Just that I’m out of patience with these fools. Besides, this one of the three times I’m asking this favor. I need you to focus on the korium deposits.”

“Never did ask this, but it looks like this company delivers goods. Odd that I’d go international.”

“Well, most of the time it’s weapons and parts from aircraft, helicopters, and all kinds of vehicles. We bring them over to places and get them sold.”

Valerie answers.

“You forgot that I’m an Itinerant that was here for a meet and greet? I didn’t expect that I’d do like that,” Robert said.

“Don’t worry too much. It won’t happen again. Not that I’m asking you to do these kinds of things all the time. Besides, Val here will be your buddy when Romila needs something. She doesn’t call much, but Miss Bout’s a busy woman and she has this thing about having many hands to the job, well in her case she wants competent hands.”

Robert leans back on his chair while chewing the skin of the chicken. Valerie’s dipping her fries on the sauce.

“So, what’s next for you then, Sir?”

“I’d have to leave. Valerie here will keep you up to speed. That business’s just a momentary distraction. Of course, if you’d prefer it then I’d have you find jobs like that.”

“I’m a peace-loving man,” Robert said.

Valerie has a clear look on her face that made her want to refute him badly, but as a professional, she just dipped her fries and ate instead.

“The way you did it doesn’t look peaceful.”

“I did abandon all tactics and charged like a madman, it’s not everyday you get to wear an exoskeleton like that. Must be quite expensive to maintain.”

“Considering that the damn thing could destroy a building. Of course it is, you poke it wrong and then you’d be blown to kingdom come.”

Strato looks at the waiter passing by and turns his attention back to the two.

“Anyway, that’s over. Not like there’s anything else to do other than go back to business.”

Robert’s eyes went out of focus.

“Guess I’m staying in this place for a while, eh?”

“Miss Lux City already?”

“Feels like I’m not in my habitat you know? Lux City’s different in many ways. It’s been wild seeing this side of the world.”

“You sound like you haven’t left the city for years,” Valerie said.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Robert replied while smiling as if thinking about it was troublesome.

Valerie seems interested at first, but lets it go.

“Sure you’re not missing the bartender?”

Robert frowns and then he thinks back.

“Not really. Guess she made an impression enough. Anyway, it’s not that woman’s doing anything other than acting gloomy in the bar.”

“Your girl?”

“Friend. She swings both ways. Probably trying to find a girl to sleep with.”

“Sounds like a character.”

Valerie’s somewhat accepting of Robert, Strato could tell. There was nothing better than one mad raid to make her approve. Being a military brat made her like that.

“She is. Which is hard to find in a city like that.”

“I never really got a good look at Lux City. Place was said to be crawling with criminals and all kinds.”

“Lower levels are usually crawling with goons and assholes. But not all the districts are really that awful. There are bad streets, places to avoid, but if you keep clear from most of it, it’s not that bad of a city. It’s a good place if you don’t mind the oddness of the city.”

“Coronado’s got the same look as Lux, but a bit grimmer with how things are. It’s even a miracle that Lux somewhat avoided the worst parts of Coronado City.”

Valerie agreed.

“Guess that’s why you’re always looking around. Did wonder why you looked like you’re taking it all in. Good thing you have a chance to get out of the city and see what the outside of the city looks like.”

“I did get a good look once, but that was short-lived. In a way, guess I’m thankful that a certain someone dragged me out of my bubble. Though I’d prefer if he doesn’t put me into a situation where I’m strapped on an exoskeleton, willingly charging against a hail of bullets.”

“You make it sound like I forced you into that suit,” Robert said.

“In a way, you made me owe you. Anyway, I did wonder about this. Can you even eat?”

Strato grins, “I still have the taste buds you know?”

“That’s great then. Mind if you treat me then? You’re leaving so might as well give me something to eat.”

Strato looked at Robert straight in the eyes.

“You sure you don’t mind this arrangement?”

“Already too late for that.”

Robert answered while whistling for the waiter.

After the meal, Strato bid them goodbye and left by an aerial vehicle that came to pick him up. His eyes stayed on Robert who drove away in a car with Valerie.

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