The Deadman

Chapter 75: A Detective’s Trouble

The December snow came to the city of Lux, painting the city in this white that seems to stick to the buildings. It was a time where everyone is wearing a winterware.  Elliot has rented an apartment not far from where the Soltemp Cult were staying, spying, waiting for anything to happen.

And yet as weeks passed, there is no sign of the Mage. Even the hideouts that have been thought to be places where he will attack have remained untouched. Although he felt that this was a waste of time, he remained in the apartment because he needed to prove that he could be useful to his organization.

“Still, I’d like to spend a holiday with them,” Elliot lamented.

He’d have to stay in this city for a while, seeing his progress. He had been careful, and yet the Mage he was after seems to be even more careful than him.

“That reminds me, my package should be coming.”

And as if just in time, the doorbell rings. Behind the door was the usual delivery boy who was scowling at Elliot. It had been the fourth delivery that he had done.

“Detective, you sure always have to leave a note about picking me to be your courier. I mean I appreciate the business, but the snow’s been brutal, sir.”

“Hello to you too, Robert.”

Robert presented the biometric and signer to him. He confirmed that the delivery has been delivered.

“This is your last delivery?”

“I mean you ordered a premium delivery. Also, you aren’t spying on girls or anything like that, right detective.”


Oswald placed the box on the table. It was a small apartment with an open balcony.  Elliot threw a can of heated coffee. Robert took the can easily.

“Could have given me a tip, but this will do.”

He opened the can and looked at the devices set up by Elliot. Elliot wondered if he should be open, but seeing that this courier worked for Uncle Pei, he had no reason to be aware. Uncle Pei’s business relied on neutrality, and they were folk who didn't bother to take advantage of their customers since the pay was usually good. And that they were always about being secretive when it comes to their delivery. Robert here was one of the best they could offer and had quite a record.

“Man, you sure are setting up shop here, Detective.”

“Have to catch this asshole, you know? I have no love for the cult, but you have to make sure that justice should be done by the system, not the hands of any citizens.”

“Got no opinion on that. I mean your criminal must have one hell of a hate boner for these guys. Any leads so far?”

“Nothing so far. I don’t know how this bastard does it, but he sure is slimy.”

His prior investigation showed that the mage has been disabling the surveillance system of the area through the use of customized crackware that he seemed to have modified. The program he used was untrackable, but they did leave signs of destruction. The method itself was unknown, but they could at least gather data that this mage was well-versed in using technology. They had tried to trace if there was any presence left by checking the metadata left. According to their analyst, the mage obviously didn’t have any datajacks that allowed it to connect directly through a neural processor. They would have found something, however leaving no metadata means that there was no neural processor used.

It also made sense since Mages were not known for their ability to put technology in their bodies, and would usually prefer Bioware. There was no digital trace, and even footage that caught a glimpse of the figure blurred the image, which means that the Mage had a digital cloaking device.

It was pretty challenging knowing that this Mage didn’t have the stubbornness like his old peers and was ready to use technology. It’s also probably why the higher-ups are curious about this Mage and why they even had to ask a living legend to take this matter into their own hands.

Loose Mages that don’t belong to any factions were usually not a problem because they value what they have and preferred to work with big groups, and even if this Mage was part of a hidden group, they would leave magical traces. He had tested the sites in the last weeks, and the only trace that he had gotten was the residue essence of a spell being used.

The level that this Mage conducted his operations of the operators he had worked hard before. He had always run in the shadows, so tiresome work like this was natural. Difference about this was that the target’s a Mage. Mages themselves are dangerous, but a Mage who uses tech is even more dangerous. He also didn’t know if the Mage had already spotted him or if he was waiting to make a move.

“You okay, Detective? Your face looks like you wanted to take a shit.”

“I could arrest you for that.”

“Ah, abuse of power, always so useful.”

“Pei’s boys are as carefree as always.”

“Never seen you around Detective. You work outside of the city?”

“I travel here and there. I usually don’t like staying in this city, but when work demands it, then you have to obey.”

“Hmm, it’s confusing. So like, are you a detective for the European Union or just here in Croatia?”

Elliot sat down,  “The Union. I usually travel between countries and are assigned.”

“Hmm, I thought they’d be sending detectives here to investigate.”

“Well, they have a lot of backlog. Lux isn’t exactly a place without crime. The crime rate here is baffling, you know?”

“Gang wars and then a serial killer that kills cultists. That reminds me, I've seen your file, Oswald.”

He had to double-check on the people he had met to be careful. 

Elliot wanted to know who he was dealing with, just in case.

Robert behaved as if he was hurt. “Ew, do you swing that way, sir?”

“Shut up, you have a file in your CIN-chip. So, you come to this city for any reason?”

“What else? I simply had no choice, sir. Not everyone gets a choice on where they want to go and where they want to live. Honestly, I am uneducated, I don’t have any certificates, diplomas to present. I did take some acceleration tests online to prove that I have at least a highschool graduate level of brain. So I have to get this job.”

“You got a good head on your shoulders. Could recruit you for an internship.”

“Nah, I don’t think I can stand being attached to organizations, sir. I actually did once, but I almost got killed because of it. I got iced. After that experience, I think I’d rather be in my safe space.”

“You must earn a lot.”

“I usually do. I’ve been getting work a lot thanks to a certain detective leaving a note all the time. I mean, boss, it’s the december month, I want to take it easy, chill and annoy my friend.”

“Wow, I’m sorry. But I need to have someone deliver the stuff and the only couriers I trust are Pei’s boys and that you folks are the ones that usually are more well-informed about how things are.”

Elliot thought about it hard before speaking, “What are your thoughts on this, Robert?”

“Don’t really know, Detective. I mean I deliver for a living and I usually ignore rumors and mind my own business. You know how things are here. If you try to interfere, usually you get some asshole beating the shit out of you and telling you about how things are in this city.”

“Surely, you may have an opinion on this?” he pushed.

“Hmm, to be honest I think that the Vults did it. I think it was one of my deliveries, around Melville Street that I saw the Vults and the Soltemp gang fighting. Quite brutal and man these Vultures really do know their shit.”

“Saw one of their fights?” Elliot raised a brow.

“I saw some, but I got a delivery so I fuck off. Man, I don’t know what tech the Vults are using, but the bullets just keep on ricocheting off their bodies like there’s this invisible shield. It’s pretty scary.”

“That’s a lot of detail,” Elliot remarked.

“I froze for a second, and I mean it was an open street. I asked around and said it was probably one of those magnetic field devices. I don’t know, but it was probably something else.”

“I don’t think a device like that is around.”

Elliot mumbled. He checked his smart glasses and had the investigators double-check. 

“Doesn’t seem like it.”

“Meh, it’s probably their chrome then.”

Robert sipped on his coffee with clear disinterest in the subject.

“Really have no plans on getting chromed?”

“I have what I need here. Besides, I’d rather get a bioware if I do have the kind of money. The maintenance alone of chrome is very expensive, and I’d rather live comfortably with what I can earn.”


“You don’t have that many yourself, Detective.”

“I share some of the same opinion, though working as a detective does have some perks.”

“Must be nice.”

Robert poked one of the surveillance devices. “Man, this shit is complicated. How do you even operate this?”

“Oh? I thought you’d be familiar?”

“Not really. Like I said, I didn’t graduate from any college. And other than this deck, I don’t have much technical knowledge. I rely on programs, like a script-kiddie does.”

“Don’t touch it.”

“Meh, not like I can understand any of it. I mean the moment I touch the biometrics deny me. Must have a lot of credits. Wow, now I feel like you aren’t tipping me as well.”

Elliot pointed at the coffee can.

“Come on, man. At least tip me. Wait, now that I think about it. Please tell me this is the last delivery, Detective!”

“Who knows?”

“Oh come the fuck on it’s December. I can’t refuse Boss Pei and this is the most busy time of the year. Did you know that I have to delivery a sex organ before this? I’ve been working for eighteen hours non-stop!”

“I mean… you could just refuse.”

“And not get any money? Dude, I was working overtime when this gang war shit was happening. Now I have to worry about some psycho killing cultists. I mean I heard they deserve that killing, but because all of these gang wars are now happening. It isn’t safe at all. Now I have to hide in my apartment or just drink myself to sleep in a bar.”

“Don’t get any fun? I heard from Gu that you’re not getting a lot.”

“Eh, not interested so far.”

“Swing the other way?”

“Why does everyone say that?”

“Hard to believe that a young man like you’s not trying to bang someone.”

Robert sighed, “Wow, I’m being discriminated against for not being horny all the time. Such a cruel world!”

“Don’t be so dramatic man, it’s a valid question.”

“I don’t know. Well, my excuse is that I’m still heartbroken.”

“Ah, can’t get it up?”

“Nah, nothing like that. Just can’t do it.”

“Now I feel guilty for picking you for deliveries. You’re a fucking mess, Robert.”

“Says the guy that doesn’t tip despite being loaded. Anyway, please try not to pick me for deliveries, Detective. I don’t want to get shot or robbed. It’s a shitshow outside.”

“That reminds me, anything happening with the power loader?”

“Oh, Corpsec took it. Oh fuck, here’s a footage that I forgot to deliver. Hey, tip please.”

“I thought that’s free?”

“Nope. The drive might be a burner, but still costs a lot. Seriously though, I don’t think they are doing anything with the power loader.”

“Maybe. But it’s still good to be careful.”

Robert handed the drive. “Should check if it’s tampered.”

“Nah, I trust Pei’s warehouse.”

“I think you should check. It’s the rules, Detective.”

Elliot checked the footage and fast-forwarded. He saw Robert in the footage checking the power loader with one of the warehouses, and then later on, someone who was blurred appeared. Elliot checked the audio.

“Soltemp fuckers stealing our shit in OUR territory!”

Robert watched the footage. “Shit, someone broke in?”

Robert called someone. “Yo, that footage, someone broke in and the retard didn’t notice. Yes, he copied the footage and yet he didn’t notice! Guy dresses like a damn Vulture, shit, did they steal shit?”

Elliot clasped his chin. “You think this guy’s a vulture?”

“I mean no one dresses like they are trying to imitate machines more than these assholes.”

“What a goddamn mess,” Robert cursed. “This shit is getting messy. I think I got a headache, man.”

Elliot grew annoyed. He wondered if he needed more men. It looked like the Vultures were involved and if anything. It checks out. They have bad blood with the Cultist and they have unearthed something.

“Do you mind if you leave now, Robert?”

“Sure, uh, can you please catch this asshole already? Maybe that way, you don’t have to deal with all of this shit.”

“See you around, Robert. Tell Uncle Pei that you did good.”

Robert shrugged and left his apartment with a snort. Elliot studied the footage, looking for any possible tampering. He ran his own software, and it detected no traces of editing.

“The Vultures… shit, this might get even more messy,” Elliot lamented.

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