The days of survival on a deserted island with a beautiful woman

Page 984

My blood only has the effect of promoting wound healing, but it doesn't have much effect on most diseases.

This night can be said to be the longest time I have slept in the past few days.

After acupuncture, I fell into a deep sleep after eating at night, and when I woke up, it was already dawn the next day!

"Hoo hoo... I feel a lot lighter in my body!"

After I checked my body, I couldn't help but be amazed that these were exactly the results I wanted.

After Cui Ying woke up, she also came to see me. The woman in the morning light looked beautiful and charming, and Xiao An followed like a bodyguard. I could see the helplessness and disgust in the woman's eyes.

Everyone set off after breakfast.In the communication with everyone, I have learned that this is indeed an archaeological team, equipped with enough manpower and guns, and finally encountered a sandstorm during the archaeological work in the Gobi, and was finally swept to this place!

However, they don't have much fear of coming to this strange place. Like other survivors, they still believe that this place is still in a mysterious place on the earth, but it has never been discovered by others.

More importantly, these people have an almost crazy obsession with archeology, and they have never encountered this place before.

They believe that besides a lot of wealth, there must be many amazing secrets here.

These are the truths they are after!

When I listened to these people talking about the archaeological issues here, I couldn't help but secretly feel ridiculous.

These people are the same as others, and only when they encounter the danger of death, will they know that this place is far more terrifying than they imagined!

I didn't tell them anything aloud either, it was of no use.They will never believe my words.

So in the next few days, I sat alone in a corner, never wanting to participate in their meaningless discussions.

As long as my body is completely back to normal, I will consider leaving them, and then slowly turn back to the east to find the women.

"A lecherous fairy? Can you hear me? Wake up quickly!"

What still makes me feel very disappointed is that no matter how I call out to the lecherous fairy, he has never responded to me, so I don't feel a little worried!

What the hell happened to him in there?

He used his soul power to help me take out this Huotan coat on my body, and attached it to the Red Moon Dragon Saber to completely shield the induction between the scimitars. It must have consumed a lot!

I have a bad premonition, could it be that the lecherous fairy really lost his soul?

He only has a remnant soul left, and he did not hesitate to use his soul power again so that I could escape that horrible woman, which moved me somewhat.

Although he did this to prevent himself from falling into Medusa's hands again.

In the end I had to give up!

Now everything can only be dictated by fate.

"Let me see if I can find something with the same effect as the soul wood? If you haven't lost your soul yet, then it's my compensation for you!"

I helplessly secretly thought, and then a new question arises, what kind of things are trees that sustenance and strengthen the soul?

coffin?puppet? !Funeral items? !

For this kind of problem, I am more inclined to places such as ancient tombs and ruins, maybe there will be such kind of existence in those weird places.

In this way, I followed this archaeological team in silence for several days, which can be said to be the most relaxing day.

Because I am a patient, I don’t need to watch at night. These people still have a lot of bullets in their guns, and there is no major problem with food for the time being.

The other horrible woman did not appear again.

These shielding methods are really useful. Without the induction of the scimitar as a guide, Medusa will not find me in this wilderness so easily.

I wish she would never find me, but that's impossible.

In addition, I have to admire these so-called archaeologists, especially the team leader Gu, who found a flat tomb in just a few days by relying on his rich experience in archaeological excavation and some simple detection equipment.

After digging, there were a small amount of jade and gold inside, and there were even a few pieces of ancient ceramics.

"Haha! Unexpectedly, I will gain a lot in the first week after I came here! Great! This time I will definitely gain a lot when I go back!"

"That's right! You can never go wrong with my ancient captain. He is a living treasure in archeology..."

"These are national properties, we must protect them! Be careful!"


I didn't speak, just looked at these excited and excited archaeologists, couldn't help laughing.

When did this terrifying place with no boundaries on the earth become the property of the country again, but if I can go back, I will be rewarded again!

But considering that they were lost from the Gobi, it was only a few days ago, and the past still exists in their minds, no wonder!

What also makes me feel unbelievable is that there are still some ancient things in this place, that is to say, in ancient times, human beings were lost in this place.

"It seems that the two-dimensional space of this island has existed for a long time!" I said secretly.

After these people slowly cleaned and packed the so-called cultural relics they had unearthed, they put them in the bags they brought, and then excitedly started the journey.

My body has also recovered greatly in the past few days, and Cui Ying also helps me with acupuncture and moxibustion every day.

She was a little surprised when she learned that I came out of medical university, and I gradually got to know more about her acupuncture techniques from the other's acupuncture, which is much better than my half bucket of water!

The past few days have been safe, until I came to a place with many forests and swamps. These forests and swamps are not very big, like scars on the earth.

I twitched my nose, frowned slightly, and continued to walk a short distance without showing any signs of expression.

Generally speaking, due to the large amount of fallen leaves and other organic matter deposited in the forest swamp, long-term fermentation will produce a gas similar to methane, with a smell of rotten eggs.

But now this stench is definitely not the smell of rotten eggs or stinky sulfur, but the smell of rotting corpses.

The silt pit I'd sunk in didn't smell this bad.

Chapter 725 The Evil Land of Carrion Corpses

"It's disgusting... what is this place, why does it have such a strong rancid smell?!" one of the team members said disgustingly, covering his nose.

"This is the smell of corpses! There should be many dead bodies under these swamp pits!" Gu Gu said lightly.

Jiang was still old and hot, and soon understood what was going on, but they were not worried about these problems, but led the others to continue walking forward.

There was no wind at this time, and this foul smell filled the whole area, and my heart became more and more tense, and I stopped all of a sudden!

"We can't go any further!" I said solemnly.

Soon the people in front also stopped, and looked at me who was standing behind me suspiciously, with a hint of contempt on their faces.

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