The days of survival on a deserted island with a beautiful woman

Page 33

In addition, we also received the military shovel of this soldier, and buried him as a reward.

"Sister Meihong, let's go." I started to walk forward, although I didn't know when I would find a way out.

Li Meihong looked at the newly buried grave on the ground, sighed softly, and followed me closely.

This is a spooky place, not a magical one.

In my heart, such weirdness gave me a heavy sense of depression. I even expected that there were many unknown dangers waiting for us ahead, but we had to go.

I told myself secretly, not to be overwhelmed by this fear, but to face the fear squarely.

Although I am also extremely afraid in my heart, if I don't actively face it, it is very likely that I will fall into a more dangerous state.

I don't know how big this place is. Anyway, I feel like I can't finish it, and no one lives there, and I can't see traces of other human activities, except for the dead.

Along the way, I saw some scattered skeletons from time to time. In addition to human beings, there were also bones of some unknown animals. Some of the bones were so big that we couldn't imagine. There are no such big animals on the earth.

In such a situation, both Li Meihong and I felt that it was too weird.


Just when we were thinking wildly, the sound of hungry stomach rumbling appeared.

"I'm sorry, I'm really hungry." Li Meihong said to me a little embarrassed.

Because there was a heavy rain last night, there is still plenty of water in the woods, and there are still streams formed by rainwater flowing in low-lying places.

The problem of drinking water was temporarily solved, but the stomachs of the two of us were very hungry, and we did not find any edible wild fruits along the way.

There are some small animals whose names I don't know, but they are as sensitive as elves and very difficult to catch.

"Go on, let's find something to eat on the way." I smiled slightly, and my obsidian eyes were full of soft light.

No matter how strong a woman is, she needs a man's encouragement and his gentleness.

The woods in this area are relatively sparse, and the bright sunlight can shine down, but the bushes on the ground become more and more dense because of the lack of shelter from the big trees.

There is no way to find a way in such bushes, and you can only walk out a temporary road by yourself.

What's more frightening is that there may be poisonous insects or snakes hidden in it that I can't see, and it's hard to find. If you get bitten, it will be fatal.

Most women are definitely not willing to drill in this kind of place.

The painful expression on Li Meihong's face told me that the sharp thorns in the bushes and the long leaves with many sharp and fine teeth on the edges caused minor injuries to Li Meihong's delicate hands and feet, and the dress was also damaged. Was punctured in many places.

But at this time, there was no other way, for food and to find a way out, Li Meihong could only suffer with me, and she never cried out.

"This sister Yu is a strong and good woman." This made me secretly admire her strength.

I used a military shovel to cut down the bushes as much as possible in front, pushed aside all the thorny plants, and tried to open up a larger passage to reduce her pain.

In this way, the travel speed along the way is greatly reduced.

Just when we were all exhausted, we were planning to find a place to rest.

A few heart-shaped vines with large leaves in front caught my attention. These vines are different from the vines on the cliff, not so thick and long.

I ran over and took a closer look. This vine has large heart-shaped leaves, opposite single leaves, racemes inflorescences outside the axils, and lavender markings scattered around the white corolla.

"Radix?!" I exclaimed in surprise, this kind of vine is somewhat similar to the kind of radish in Chinese herbal medicine.

In the knowledge base of my brain, radish is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, also known as milk vine, which is a perennial herbaceous twining vine with milk.

This kind of vine appears in Northeast China, North China, East China and other provinces and regions, and grows in forest edge wasteland, mountain foot, riverside, roadside bushes.

"Tiantian, what is a radish?"

Li Meihong looked at me ecstatically, and couldn't help asking in doubt. She couldn't understand that this vine looked very ordinary, and there was nothing special about it.

Li Meihong was already tired, panting and watching, her healthy body exuded a beautiful and charming feminine breath, with large breasts and slender waist, enchanting and colorful, especially the plump breasts fluctuated with heavy breathing, which made me feel like Just looking at it makes my heart beat endlessly.

"Hey! This is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. Chinese herbal medicine that can be eaten."

I turned my attention back to the vine.

Radish is a kind of herbal medicine with whole herb used as medicine. Its fruit can cure fatigue, weakness, waist and leg pain, lack of milk, leucorrhea, cough, etc.; the root can cure bruises, snake bites, impotence; , boils; seed hair can stop bleeding; milk can remove warts, stem bark fibers are tough, and can also be used to make rayon.

And what I value most now is the milk that this vine has!Milk!Milk!

Chapter 32 Sooner or later

"Is this really edible? How to eat it? Do you want it directly?"

Li Meihong also became excited when she heard that there was something to eat, but looked at the vines as if she couldn't say anything, and then looked at me with puzzled eyes.

"It should be edible. It is very similar to a traditional Chinese medicine called radish, but there are differences, mainly because it is much larger. Let me call it big radish."

According to my careful observation, it is basically certain that this is the same plant of the traditional Chinese medicine radish.

Just according to the climate of this place, it should be located between the tropics and subtropics. I don't know why it appears here.

Moreover, the vines here are very special, much larger than the real radish, and the vines here seem to only bloom but not bear fruit. The flowers have withered a lot, but no fruit is seen, and the seed hairs on the stem bark are softer and longer. Like fluff.

Is this a variant belonging to the Astragalus family?

I took off one of the mineral water bottles tied to my body with vines, and poured out the fresh water inside.

"Tiantian, you are..." Li Meihong's bright eyes moved slightly.

"You'll find out when you wait."

I signaled to Li Meihong to take the empty bottle and prepare by the side.

I cut one of the vines with the sharp side edge of the shovel, and milky sap flowed from the cut.

Li Meihong understood my intention, and quickly stretched out the empty bottle to take the juice from the vine.

I only cut two of them, and an almost 600ml mineral water bottle was filled with milky white juice.

I'm not [-]% sure whether these juices are poisonous. If it's the juice of radish, you can drink it, but this one is mutated, and it's a bit different from real radish.

"Tian Tian, ​​is this milky white juice really drinkable? It feels a bit like..."

Li Meihong hesitated for a moment, not daring to drink.

"Like your milk?"

I looked at the milky white milk in the bottle, then at Sister Yu's plump breasts, and after swallowing a bit of saliva, I showed a playful smile, with a bit of bad taste.

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