The days of survival on a deserted island with a beautiful woman

Page 1047

This group of greedy and cunning hungry wolves finally went away.


An abnormal movement around me made my heart rise to my throat.

I slowly poked my head out, only to see a gray wolf with two tails looking strangely at the patch of red surrounding me and Li Meihong.

Chapter 776 The Passion on the Big Tree

When the gray wolf with two tails suddenly saw a human head protruding from the piece of red fabric, its eyes widened and it took a step back in shock.

But the beast soon realized something, the red cloth in front of him was wrapped in food.


The hungry wolf roared twice, and suddenly grinned.

The saliva also flowed out, and the eyes of a pair of wolves revealed an extremely greedy light!

Just when it was about to pounce, it discovered from the suddenly opened Huolane coat that there were not one adult human being hidden, but two.

One of them was still carrying a weapon in his hand, and the ferocity of a lone wolf fighting alone was frightened by the misjudged situation and subsided a lot. The wolf body also took two steps back, and then suddenly raised its head !

"Hmm! Courting death!"

I saw that this two-tailed gray wolf was about to call out to its companions, which would make it happy, and its whole body rubbed against the ground like a cheetah rushing out of Li Meihong's embrace!

This animal felt a breath of death, and when it saw something was wrong, it turned around and wanted to run, but the big sword in my hand had already slashed over, and when it turned around, it slashed hard on its ass.


The two-tailed gray wolf let out a miserable cry, then fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

I didn't stop, and continued to slash at this dying beast.

Li Meihong saw that I had killed the wolf, and did not shoot the arrows that were fastened, but she still felt uneasy looking at the two-tailed gray wolf on the ground.

"Strange! The other two-tailed gray wolves have already gone after other people, why is there still one left here?"

"It is estimated that the last one fell to the back. When we were relieved, we just found a touch of red here. Curiosity killed the cat! In the end, it killed itself."

After pondering for a while, I said, "The wolves that have appeared in this place are already very dangerous! And the screams of this animal can easily attract wolves, let's go!"

As I said that, I didn't let the meat of the two-tailed gray wolf go to waste. I bent down and carried the wolf's carcass on my shoulders and walked away.

This beast is still food for today.

Looking at the ground not far away, there was a bloody mess on the ground. Now that poor Ah San was left with only some bones and broken cloth.

What a tragedy!

After I swallowed my throat and suppressed the nausea in my heart, I took Li Meihong to run!

In order to avoid being attacked by wolves at night, Li Meihong and I also moved the resting place at night from the ground to a big tree.

This is like spending the night in the abyss of the valley with Phantom Ye Thirteen before, adding a few extra sticks to the dense branches to temporarily build a small shelter on the tree.

Although sleeping on a big tree is far less comfortable than on the ground, it is much safer than on the ground. Except for a few wild animals, most of the beasts will not climb trees!

In this way, Li Meihong and I can even fall asleep at the same time. Of course, we still dare not ignore the nearby traps.

Li Meihong also re-weaved two lightweight baskets to store inexhaustible wild fruits and animal meat, and also prepared a lot of tough vine ropes.

No wind tonight!

On a certain big tree, the branches are swaying non-stop!

Not only the yellow dead leaves, but even some fresh green leaves fell from the branches one after another!

"Setian, be careful! Don't be too violent! When the tree branch breaks, both of us will fall!"

One night a few days later, this sister Yu and I suddenly got excited, and couldn't help having sex directly on the tree.

At the beginning, this sister Yu was still very worried, worried that she would suddenly fall from the tree in the excitement, and it would be a joke at that time!

I also smiled and didn't dare to mess around anymore, so I had to hug Sister Yu with my back against the big tree trunk, and let Sister Yu take control...

It was already midnight when the leaves settled and everything returned to calm, and Li Meihong and I soon fell asleep in the incomparable sense of satisfaction!

I thought I could sleep until dawn like before, but at about four or five o'clock in the morning, there was an unusual movement on the ground.

A familiar and dangerously fishy smell? !

I opened my eyes in a jiffy, and sat on a thick tree branch with a grunt. When I saw the densely packed small green lanterns not far away, the hairs all over my body stood up.

The green light from the beast's eyes.

Wolves attack at night!

A few animals walking in front triggered the trap below and were struggling desperately.

It's just that I couldn't break free for a while, and I had to give up slowly, looking at the humans on the tree with hatred!

I slowly calmed down, and now Li Meihong and I are on the tree. Although these hungry wolves have already spotted humans, they all surrounded the outside and did not approach after the lessons learned by the previous companions.

The sister Yu next to me is still sleeping sweetly because she was tired last night.

After pondering for a while, I decided not to wake her up, and it would be useless to wake her up right now, so I could only stay in the tree.

Looking at the two-tailed gray wolves on the ground, I roughly counted them, and there were forty or fifty two-tailed gray wolves.

With so many beasts, no matter how brave I am, it is impossible for me to fight against such a large group of hungry wolves.

At the front of the wolf pack was a silver-white wolf, much bigger than the other beasts, and it was a leader wolf at a glance!

The brute watched the wolf's eyes gleaming slyly in green on the trees.

It has already discovered that the humans on the tree have already discovered them, but it appears to be very calm and did not send the order to let the wolves rush over!

It seems to know that it can't climb the tree. The best way is to wait, waiting for the people on the tree to climb down.

I can't think of a better way to get out of trouble for the time being, so I can only stay on the tree, just stay by Li Meihong's side, waiting quietly, waiting for the dawn to come!

"Tiantian, why is it a bit noisy down there... Ah... Tiantian, the pack of wolves..."

When the sun rose, Li Meihong also woke up. When she found a group of two-tailed gray wolves on the ground, she couldn't help but screamed in horror.

"Don't be afraid! Calm down! Now we are in a tree, and these wolves can't get up."

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