The Dark Lord Harry Potter

Chapter 79: Mourning and Resolve

A frantic knocking alerted the Headmaster of a presence at his door,which was quickly opened by the old man to see what the emergency was.

"Sir, there… has been an attack."

The old man paled, had Sirius Black truly found a way inside of Hogwarts? Was Harry and the other students that usually surrounded him alive? Without waiting for any further explanation, the eldest Wizard sent a Patronus to alert Amelia Bones, before gesturing for the Auror to lead him on. Several other professors joined in as the group finally made their way out of the castle and towards the Ward line where the 'incident' had been discovered.

Ten minutes later and the bearded Mage felt what little life inside of him draining away. A half-dozen students lay in a clearing, pale and unmoving. He could already see signs of the blue-tinted lips and hollow eyes, indicators of 'The Kiss'.

"Sweet Merlin… Albus what happened here?"

Turning, Dumbledore gave a slight nod to the head of the DMLE, along with the other Aurors that had accompanied her. McGonagall had been forced to turn away and had emptied the contents of her stomach onto the ground nearby.

"It… it appears to have been Dementors…"

"My students…" Filius whispered, as he fell to his knees, tears brimming at his eyes at the loss of so many young souls.

A few moments of silence passed, before Severus chose to interrupt the moment, "What should we do Headmaster?"

'Action first, mourning later' the older man decided as he raised himself to his full stature and authority. "Cancel all outside classes immediately, evacuate all students into the school and place them in the common rooms, take a full head count. Should anyone be missing it is to be reported immediately. Director contact Azkaban and tell them to send a full retrieval unit today . I want these monsters off Hogwarts grounds before sundown, or else I will go hunting for them ."

Contrary to popular belief it was possible to kill Dementors, but the feat was incredibly difficult. Only a handful of Wizards alive could boast to ever doing such a thing. Albus Dumbledore was one of them.

The other adults merely nodded wide eyed at the change in the man. This was not Albus Dumbledore the Headmaster or schoolteacher. Not the man who led the Wizengamot or represented them in the ICW. This was Albus Dumbledore the warrior, the man who had defeated Grindewald in single combat, the only person that the Dark Lord Voldemort ever feared.

"Chief Warlock." Amelia Bones inquired, her choice of titles surprising no one, "we will need to contact the Minister and the Wizengamot, as well as the parents of the… deceased."

"I will take care of that. I am the one responsible for the safety of every student at Hogwarts, the burden for this failure falls onto my shoulders."

"You did not fail Albus, I do not know what happened, but you could not have predicted this would be the outcome." McGonagall muttered, earning a sad denial from the man in question.

"But I should have…"


Neville Longbottom took a deep breath to calm his nerves. It had taken several hours, of soul searching but he had finally come to his decision. Sure, there were probably easier, safer, ways of doing this but he had dismissed those. He was breaking a vow, going back on his word he had made years prior. He would suffer the consequences of his actions, whatever they may be.

He only prayed that his parents would not suffer as well.

"Excuse me, Harry?"

"Hello Neville, is everything alright?"

"Actually… no it isn't. I need to speak with you."

"Of course, do you wish this to be in private or…"

"No, it is better to do it now in front of everyone."

The raven-haired boy nodded, before gesturing for his friend to continue. "Harry I… I can't do this anymore. I know I swore an oath to you but… I cannot follow you any further."

"Wh-what!? Neville what the bloody hell!?" Draco cried out from nearby, his tone a mix of surprise and anger.

"I can't stand by and let innocent people die. I can't justify it to myself, I am sorry. I tried to, I really did. I made excuse after excuse on why it would be necessary, on the fact that it could be making the world a better place but… no matter what I just keep seeing their terrified expressions, the horror in their eyes as they realized no one was coming to save them."

Harry nodded, "I understand, you must choose your own path Neville, I knew this from the very start. I always figured that you would leave my side one day."

"I am sorry, I know how much you have done for me, for my family…"


"Draco, enough. I will not force anyone to go against their conscience. Your mark will vanish when you leave the room Neville, so I suggest you avoid Dementors until you are able to learn the Patronus spell."

"I understand, what else?"

The emerald-eyed boy cocked his head to the side, "What else?"

"My punishment? I have abandoned you, I just ask that you leave my parents be. I will bear any retaliation that you see fit."

"There will be no punishment."

"B-but my Lord…" one of the nearby, older, Slytherin's began to protest.

The boy-who-lived's expression darkened, along with the room. "Have I not made myself clear? Did I stutter or mislead you all somehow? I have told Neville that there will be no punishment… that includes all of you. No one is to harm him or his."

The Slytherins, and few members of other Houses, nodded in understanding.

"Go now Neville, seek your greatness through your own path. I hope that we may still remain cordial towards each other, but I understand if you feel the need to talk to the Headmaster or your parents about…"

"No, no I won't do that. I will not betray your confidence in such a way." The Gryffindor swore.

"Very well, take care of yourself Neville, I will see you in Potions class I am sure."

The blonde nodded, bowed, and departed, giving a few nods towards those he had grown close to as he left the Slytherin common room for the last time.


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