The Dark Lord Harry Potter

Chapter 77: Gift Planning Chaos

"What is going on Luna?" Hermione whispered, not that she needed to do so but for some reason felt the inclination to.

"Shhhh, the walls have ears… also Harry has really good hearing and I want this to be a surprise."

Hedwig rolled her eyes, as a warm smile crossed her face, despite the blonde's antics the girls had grown remarkably close, and the white-haired girl would be lying if she claimed that she didn't enjoy having female friends.

"Okay, so what is the 'surprise' you troublemakers?" Tonks inquired as the group of four sat together on the floor.

"Christmas silly, we need to plan out a gift for Harry. He is always so nice to us, we should make this year special."

"So, what are you thinking?" the bookworm questioned, already having a guess based on the blonde's usual train of thoughts.

"Well since we can't exactly take over the world for him… I was going to kidnap Ginny… and then suggest an orgy."

Hermione lit up like a Christmas ornament, while Tonks burst into laughter and Hedwig rolled her eyes. "One track mind as always Luna."

"Well, do any of you have a better idea?" The Ravenclaw asked back with an innocent tone.

"Harry isn't difficult to buy for, he is just… simple. He doesn't really need anything."

"Except sex, lots and lots of sex" Tonks corrected the changeling, "I mean have you seen the way he goes through women? Merlin that boy acts as though he breathes orgasms, both his partners and his own. Never knew a guy who could finish one minute and be up and ready again in less than another."

"Okay Tonks, we get it Harry is ridiculously good at everything including sex." the Gryffindor interrupted.

"Actually, he seems especially good at that, like that thing he does with his tongue when he…"



It was getting a little bit… ridiculous for the boy-who-lived as he came down into the Slytherin common room on Christmas morning. Over half the room was now filled with gifts, which the delivery owls had apparently decided would look far better stacked up in a rather intricate throne shape.

"Let it never be said that owls do not have a sense of humor…"

Various articles of clothing and sweets, books of all types, and more than a few innuendo-laced letters were discovered as he slowly unwrapped the various packages.

Luna had, very thoughtfully, gotten him a lifetime subscription to the Quibbler, something he found far more enjoyable to read than the useless gossip of The Prophet.

Neville's had been a book on his family ancestry and that of the Longbottoms, indicating a connection between the two, along with a promise from his parents to take him out to dinner during the summer and possibly even offer him a place to spend the free months.

Hermione's gift was a simple hand knit scarf, do to lacking the money of the other children. Still it was rather warm, and, in her card, she had mentioned spending the night with him at some point.

Sirius and Remus' gifts, however, had been a simple card that mentioned visiting them as soon as possible.


Ginny Weasley had been lying on her bed, staring up at her ceiling for the past three hours. It had been a 'typical' Weasley family Christmas, complete with her brothers all being home, her mother making an extravagantly large breakfast, and Ron making a complete idiot out of himself, and therefore earning a few stealthy pranks by the twins.

A few gifts had been exchanged, usually from her older brothers who actually had the money to purchase them, but otherwise it was simply a day for family togetherness and sharing stories.

She should be content, happy even, and she was. But there was still something missing, or maybe someone would be a more accurate statement.

A knock on her bedroom door shook the girl from her thoughts as her mother gently walked in, "Everything alright Ginny?"

"Yeah just… taking a breather from breakfast I guess. It was really good mom."

The older woman smiled, before sitting at the end of her daughter's bed. "You know I have raised six children, with you being the seventh. I grew up with several brothers and sisters myself, so trust me when I say I recognize when something is wrong."

"Mom I…"

The woman gently held up her hand, earning silence from her daughter. "You know I want you to be happy right? We all do Ginny. Your father, your brothers, even Ron when he isn't being… well himself."

The pre-teen grinned, before nodding in acknowledgement.

"So what is wrong, and what can I do to help?"

"Nothing, I promise. I always loved spending the holidays here you know that I just… miss friends from school I guess. I am with them so much that there seems to be piece of my heart missing."

"Perhaps one shaped like a certain raven-haired boy?" Molly Weasley inquired, earning a blush from her daughter. "It is alright dear, your father might be a bit slow when it comes to recognizing the signs but I was your age once, despite what you may think. I also know when a certain daughter of mine sneaks into the room of a certain houseguest late at night…"

"Mom we didn't…"

Again, the Weasley matron held up her hand to earn silence from her daughter. "I am not here to scold or punish you Ginny, I just want to make sure you are happy and safe ."

"I am, I promise."

"So I should not be worrying about grandchildren quite yet, correct?"



"No… we haven't… done that…"

"But you are moving towards it." It had not been phrased as a question, and Ginny could only nod in embarrassment.

"Just… make sure you are being responsible. Unlike your father and brothers, I understand that girls are not the innocent beacons of purity and virtue that Wizards want to pretend we are. You have hormones and desires Ginny, there is nothing wrong with that so long as you understand the consequences."

"I do, we do."

"Good… now what about the rumors concerning his… other 'friends'."

Ginny's face erupted in a blush once more but knew that there would be no slipping away from the conversation.


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