We’re out (2)

Chapter 28: We’re out (2)


“Ssip…” he sipped coffee from the cup while his gaze was fixed on the television.

[“So, All Might. Why did you and Sir Nighteye separate?’] A reporter asked All Might, who seemed very uncomfortable with the question. [“Please, just say something! You’ve been avoiding this topic for almost 2 years!”]

An unintentional sigh left Nighteye’s nostrils as he watched All Might turn down the reporter.

Just recently, Sir Nighteye stopped being All Might's sidekick.

The news shook the entirety of Japan. What might have happened between these two famous partners for them to go their separate ways?

Not many people knew, but the reason was the aftermath of All Might's fight with All for One.

Sir Nighteye, with his <Future Sight>, had seen All Might's ending. He had tried convincing All Might to quit Heroism, but of course – All Might didn’t listen. He, in the end, was the Symbol of Peace.

But we don’t talk about that, do we? Everyone already knows about this. There is another reason for this sudden mention; Sir Nighteye has seen something else.





He saw all these horrors in his visions of the future.

Someone was screaming, someone was crying, someone was giving up with their bodies under the debris of buildings.

There was death and destruction everywhere, nothing made sense – reality itself was distorting.

Amongst all this – within a sea of flames, a silver-haired man was on his knees with a fiery blade coming out of his chest. Beside him, a bunch of women were lying – some of them had their limbs cut off while some were… dead.

The last thing he saw before the vision ended was a black cat the size of a skyscraper starting to rampage around the destroyed world...

The vision ended here.

After this, he wasn't confident enough to look too far in the future again, just like in canon – albeit this time the trauma was a lot more stronger. So he didn't get any chance to research this future a bit more.

Ignoring the trauma, many questions popped up in his mind. Who was that silver-haired man? The vision had ‘focused’ on his dying figure, things were shown from his perspective, so he was clearly not just any normal guy caught in the middle of the destruction.

More so – Nighteye was looking into All Might’s future, so the things he was supposed to see should be related to All Might. The vision of destruction came after he saw All Might's death, so it means he wasn't seeing All Might’s future anymore… his quirk never acted this way, so why now?

Unsurprisingly, for a smart person like Nighteye, he easily deduced the reason – it was, One for All.

His <Future Sight> wasn’t looking into All Might’s future, but rather into that man’s quirk, One for All’s future.

Was the silver-haired man the next holder of the One for All…?

He could deduct some other possibilities, but this one still seemed most likely since All Might is already looking for a successor.

Unfortunately, “silver-haired man” is a very vague description – he can’t find that person who should be a teenager right now with that much info. The farther into the future Sir Nighteye goes, the more blurry and fractured the future becomes, so he wasn't even sure of his facial structure.

He wanted to meet that guy right now and try to stop that future from taking place. This was not an All-for-One level threat, this was beyond it.

But that seems impossible with his trauma that is stopping him from seeing too far into the future…

So he would try to make some changes – for real. This is not a city-level danger, nor is it a mere country-level danger – this is a world-level danger. He was hopeless for the last two years, convincing himself that changing the future is impossible. But things are different now.

He has finally decided it is time to start moving – since the silver-haired individual is supposed to lose, what if he changes the future and makes another person get One for All instead?

Sounds impossible from his previous use of his quirk – the future he sees is unchangeable – but that's what he would try to prove wrong.

The first thing?

He needs to stop being a bitch about All Might. He… needs to talk to All Might and explain this vision of his.

The future must change.

And thus…

In this timeline – that was how the butterfly flapped its wings.


She was panting as she ran through the crowd, avoiding rubbing shoulders with others – especially the males, she kept walking hurriedly while her eyes brushed past the faces around her.

Where did he go?

For God's sake, they are supposed to return to the mansion before midnight! It's already night, and now she can't find him?

He even took Kurai with him, what the hell?

Did he go on one of his mysterious adventures? That's both probable and improbable knowing his personality.

They were in the middle of the road, he wasn't supposed to move for his "adventures" right now!

Her eyes brushed past a roadside ramen shop, moving to the right- she stopped.

She turned her gaze back to the ramen shop as she saw a familiar back. She rubbed her temples and walked closer to him.

Touring over a teen-looking figure, she crossed her arms with a frown on her face. "Young master."

Hearing her, all the customers eating ramen looked at her, some immediately had lit-up eyes.

"Whoa… Is that a cat-girl?"

Some people gasped, but Kimi ignored them all. She instead glared at the white head that turned back to her slowly.

He was wearing a white cheongsam top and a pair of round sunglasses, which he dropped down to his nose-bridge by lowering his head. Light came from the ramen shop and lit his face and eyes.

[Image Here]


His shining blue eyes met her own light-blue eyes, a smile appearing on his face

"Oh, Kimi. You're hungry for some ramen too?"

Hearing him asking that nonchalantly, going back to eating his ramen while maintaining eye contact – Kimi almost cried. But his smile managed to keep her sane.

"Young master… fuuu..." She sighed. "You know, you could have asked me and I would have made you some ramen before starting the journey."

"This is better than your cooking, though." Neji shrugged.

Kimi frowned. "Then you could have waited in the car, I would have brought a bowl from this shop."

Neji smiled cheekily. "You wouldn't understand the satisfaction of eating out in the public."

Kimi's lips quivered. "Can you stop bullying me in the public at least?"

Neji made an apologetic face. "Aww, I didn't mean to… Here," he raised the chopstick filled with noodles to her face that she instinctively took the food in.

"Good girl. Do you feel better?"

He watched as she nodded with teary eyes.

Neji then put the bowl down after the ramen was finished.

Kimi then looked for another 'person'. "By the way, I don't see Kurai-"

As her eyes widened immediately. "I- is that Kurai!?"

She stared at the table where a black cat was almost stealthily eating ramen – while holding chopsticks with her paws.

Kimi turned to Neji. "Young master…! Human food is bad for cats, how many times have I said that?? More so, such a heavy food like ramen– Eep!"


A spank fell on her butt as she yelped.

"Sheesh, stop talking." Neji deadpanned at her. "The doctor said she's fine with human food, remember?"

"But – but!" Kimi tried to protest.

"Shh," He gave her ass a light squeeze, "Quiet down."

Kimi froze briefly before mumbling, "Young master… Everyone is looking this way."

Upon shooting a glance, he proved her right. Every middle-aged office worker who had come here to relieve stress after a hard day of work was looking at them with a blush on their faces.

Neji chuckled softly and went to the shop owner. "Old man, you take cards?"

"Ah, y- yes, we do that." The old man awkwardly smiled. This kid must be super rich if he has a submissive maid like that.

"Alright, here."

While Neji gave the payment, Kimi sighed and focused on Kurai who was busy eating, fortunately. She would have been super embarrassed if Kurai saw Neji squeezing her.


After Neji gave the payment, they waited for Kurai to finish eating. After that, they returned to the car as they soon reached the mansion that they hadn't seen for the last 2 years.

"Mama? Is that our home?" Kurai asked from the back seat, sitting there alone since Neji now sits on the front seat beside Kimi.

"It is, Kurai… though not really my home, but I think you're allowed to call it that," Kimi answered while driving, causing Kurai to nod.

"It's fine, even if you don't have a home I am sure pops will take care of you!" The black cat muttered, humming to herself.

Hearing her Kimi giggled and glanced at Neji. "Will you?"

Neji took a thinking position. "Depends." He struck out his tongue. "In most cases, yes."

Kimi suppressed a smile while focusing on the road. 'Most cases' was enough for her, more than enough.

Neji just shrugged. He didn't want to brag, not now. When the time comes he'd show her how far he is willing to go for her. She has already experienced many things in her life, Neji heard it all from her in the past year. This wasn't him from his past life, so he wouldn't just leave someone who he claimed as his. She just didn't want to say it out loud here.

"We're almost here." She muttered, noticing the mansion in the far. "Young master… may I ask how you're feeling right now, getting to meet your parents and sister again?"

Neji smiled a genuine smile at this. "Excited."

He was indeed excited. He wasn't a baby who would cry not being able to meet his parents for a few years – but he still was a teenager at heart.

While light music was being played, the car finally reached the mansion. Kimi parked the car and they went inside the mansion.

After Neji pressed the door-bell, the first thing that happened as the door cracked opened was the burst of a blue-haired Milf crashing into him before she hugged him tight, his face buried inside her chest.

"My baby, you're finally home..." Her grip tightened around the hug while Neji hugged her back.

"What's up, mom."

Gara giggled while he could feel her tears falling down on his shoulder. "My baby boy is almost as tall as me now… to think I missed 2 years of your life."

Her hug tightened even further.


"Yes, baby?" Gara asked patiently.

"You're suffocating me…"


And thus, the separated family were once again reunited.




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