Damn it (2)

Chapter 18: Damn it (2)

Truth be told, I am kind of disappointed in her.

She was almost like a big sister to me… yet, what did she do?


It's sad. 

If I was raped by a stranger, I would have laughed it off. But I didn't expect this from her.

…Though then again, this is nothing new to me. This disappointment won’t last that long. She seems like a good woman, so I can train her to be ‘better’.

The blackmailing part isn't related to this either. I didn't do it because I was disappointed, I just did it because it was necessary. I need her under my control, I need her to listen to me without any question. I need her to listen to all my commands with her head down. This situation gave me that opportunity. Now I can enter dungeons without the need of sneaking out.

Oh, the sex part was a bluff. In this situation, that’s basically r*ping, which I am not a fan of.

Previously the plan was to make her fall asleep by massaging her every time and go out. Not only was it risky, but it was also kind of a pain in the ass to do too. But this – after this development, she is now under my control. She wouldn't dare question where I am going.

That's all I needed.

Honestly, this is a lucky incident. Luck did play a role. It's still a little sad that I can't have the normal life I wished for, but it’s just that. ‘A bit sad’. Something I have felt for all my life.

Anyway, what did I lose?

My (second) first kiss, my (second) virginity, and my dream of a near-perfect life.

What did I gain?

A clear path toward Power. A lot of it.

The power makes up for all of it, and the new pet is just the icing on top.

Now, this doesn't mean I am entirely fine after being ràped by my older sister-figure. But even then, what she did is disappointing at best, something that I would forget as time passes, it's not worth it to hate on her. She did look super guilty too. More so… not like the first time this happened to me anyways.

People can redeem themselves, and she will do it by serving me.

Anyway, time to be a dick for now. I wanna make her feel truly guilty, as that’s needed to subjugate a woman properly.

"Haah, makes me remember that stupid cousin of mine." That bitch. "She probably did not even batt an eye knowing that I died, fucking slut."

She was kinda fun. She taught me most things about sex. It's kinda a bummer she raped me, I would have liked our first time to be more beautiful.

Either way, I am disappointed, but I am fine. Some things would change, but I can manage with that. This is mostly a lucky situation, now that I got a cat girl to do as I wish.

Finally, Next time. I would be at the top.



I kept flying by releasing almost silent but fast shockwaves. If I make strong shockwaves, they would produce a lot of sounds, but if I make thin shockwaves, they make very light sounds. I mostly use the thin one since I don't like grand sounds always. But I have my moments.

While lost in my thoughts, I finally reached the shady alleyway.

Two tall buildings were standing by each other, leaving a small alley in the middle. At the end of the alley, where a dead-end was supposed to be, a small but round wooden door stood that had a golden glow around it.

Just from the door alone, any fantasy-isekai loving weeb would be able to tell what was on the other side.

A goblin camp!

I flew down to the ground and observed the area around me.

"No people around. Good."

Before I enter, let's look at my current stats.

[ <1/3> ]


Name: Neji Hado

Age: 10

Class: The Gamer

Title: Fearless

Level: 17

Race: [Human]

HP: 370/370

SP: 310/310

MP: #/#

STR: 21

END: 37

DEX: 31

INT: 31

WIS: 31

CHA: 17

LUC: 64

Health Regen = END x 5

Stamina Regen = DEX x 5

Stat Points: 0 ]

Nodding my head, making sure not even a cat was around, I then walked through the alley and pushed the door lightly. A golden light blinded me, causing me to cover my eyes with one of my hands.

The next moment,

"A forest this time."

The world around me changed.


"Two dungeons are done, alright."

Standing on the open school field, I dusted off my hands.

That was tiring. Without the Stamina Potions, I wouldn't have made it.

I looked around a little. It's evening already. So it took around 7 hours for me to finish both dungeons.

Also, it seems I can't just re-enter the dungeons and do them again and again. No, it's not a one-time use thing, but there is a respawn time of 30 days for each dungeon. Fucking hell.

Anyway, from both the Zombie and Goblin Dungeon, I got some pieces of armour, a few useful items, Mana Potions, and Stamina potions. Still not a single Health Potions sadly.

So my previous assumption was right.

Anyway, the things that stood out most among the loot are these—

[Ring of Invisibility (undead only):

Description: you are invisible to the eyes of all undead as long as you're wearing the ring.

The effect lasts for 30 minutes before it needs to recharge itself for 24h.]

[Bracelet of Intimidation:

Description: While wearing this bracelet, weaker willed beings would feel some sort of intimidation automatically.]

The ring of invisibility is great. The first dungeon I went to was an undead one, and this one is undead too. I have no doubt I'd come across more dungeons like that. So if I can't be seen for 30 minutes, I can easily take most of them down.

The Bracelet is even better. In most cases in daily life, it's good for other people to feel intimidated by you. Even if they don't have bad intentions, just from feeling intimidated, they'd have double thoughts about thinking any bad things about me. That's always a good thing.

I was wearing the bracelet right now.

Well, that's all the only items worth mentioning. And even they are… sigh. Well, I am not saying they are bad, but they are surely not something that would help me kill Gods.


The system suddenly rang inside my head.

[Master, as your level goes up, the difficulties of the dungeons would increase. You'd get more exp and more rare loot as well. Such as a God Killer sword.

The previous gamer had killed one of the "Prime Gods" with a sword like that before.

So no need to worry too much.]

Hah. That's good… very good. This makes me want to level up even faster. Niceee!

I crackled up. This is motivating.

"Alright, one more dungeon to go."

I stretched up my arms while looking at the red sky.

"Hey kid-" at that moment, "What Are you doing in the school!? It's Sunday!" A school guard's voice flew here from far.

I looked far and waved my hand.

"Sorry! I will leave!"

Then pointing my hands at the ground, released intense deafening shockwaves and got flung to the sky!

"Time for the last one!"

Above Mount Fuji.

I didn't know what the last one was. Just hope I can return before late at night.


I was up at Mount Fuji.

"F- Fucking hell." I stuttered. "It's cold."

Mount Fuji is 3,776 metres tall. At the top, it's snowing. So no wonder it's so fucking cold!

With one of my trembling hands, I reached out my inventory and took out a jacket made out of bear fur.

The cold wasn't bearable even after wearing it, but it was better than nothing.


[Ice Elf Dungeon – No.14]

Can I fight in this environment?

The dungeon is of Ice Elfs, so it's no wonder the environment inside the dungeon would be icy too. In that case, fighting would be hard.

Also, it's the No.14 dungeon. I don't know what the numbers indicate, but if it's the difficulty then I am fucked.

The Skeleton dungeon back in the park was No.699, the Zombie one was No.967 and the Goblin was No.136.

And I can say the Goblin one was much harder than the skeleton and zombie one. So… the numbers are basically some kind of ranking?


"Let's enter, hehe."

I walked towards the cave with a grand door with golden shining linings on it and pushed it strongly.


Just like last time, golden light covered me entirely and the next moment I found myself in…

"Wait, the fuck."

[You have entered the dungeon.]

Unlike how the system message would suggest, I was still in my previous spot.

"Hm…" My eyes locked on the door again. The previous lines of golden light had changed. It's red now.

"So this is an 'open-world' dungeon like the one in the park, huh?"

There weren't many changes in the surroundings. But to make sure, I flew up and looked far.

My eyes gazed at the horizon where the town was supposed to be located. Unsurprisingly, there was no town. Only a forest made of dead, covered in snow, trees instead.

"Seriously. I don't want to fight in this cold-"


With a thin sharp sound, I found an arrow in my thigh.


Enemy attack!

I immediately burst shockwaves and moved my spot.

Immediately as I moved, another arrow went past the spot where I was standing a moment ago. Shit!

I grabbed the arrow on my thigh and pulled it out with sharp pain. I barely stopped screaming with a groan.

At that moment, I felt another arrow towards me but I managed to dodge it by ear's length.

I could feel my heartbeat getting faster, my hands shaking a little, and my frown deepening.

Where is the attacker?

[Ding! The user is anxious! The effect of the title "Fearless" would be undone now!]


...On the contrary, the ice elves have snowy skin. So finding them in this snow would be the hardest part of this hunt.




Another three arrows! I evaded one but the other two hit me. One hit my right arm and one on my other thigh.

More than one attacker!

My breathing became uneven as I started moving around randomly every second. I am pretty far from the mountain, but the arrows are still hitting me. Proof that the attackers are good with their bows, and for most fantasy world settings, the long-range units aren't that good at short range.

While taking out the arrows from my wounds, I kept thinking. 'So I need to find them and close the gap quickly… think, think, think!'


Another arrow flew and hit me in the kidney.


I have been constantly on the move! Why are they so precise!?

But this gave away the attacker. I moved my eyes following the trajectory of the arrow and spotted something I can barely make out.

My <Observation> skill only shows the name above the targets when they are close to 20 metres from me. I guess it's the game's rules to not make my brain go numb in a crowd and also for me to not get an upper hand in these types of situations.

I blasted forward and at a range which I can only guess was 20 metres close to the attacker, I could clearly see the name floating above him.

[Birko – Level 25 – Ice Elf]

This was his name, but I didn't care that much.


I blasted shockwaves at my top output and blurred towards him, going past an arrow he shot by bending my waist as I went close to his head, kicked it, and painted the snow in red.

[Ding! You have killed an Ice Elf!]

[You have killed an enemy 5 levels higher than yours! 1.5x exp boost!]

[1500 exp gained!]

I didn't waste a second, knowing there is another enemy around, and blasted to the sky again.

I didn't take the arrow out of my kidney since the bleeding will be much faster than the arm and thighs one. I haven't been infected with the status of bleeding yet, so I can bear it for now.

But fuck. It's painful.

My breathing was a little even now. Let's look for the other-






Three arrows hit me while I barely dodged the last. I felt my forehead go cold as multiple notifications blurred me.

[You have lost -10 Hp!]

[You have lost -10 Hp!]

[You have lost -10 Hp!]

[Current HP — 300!]

Good lord, I am dying.


"Haff… Haff…"

[You have been infected with the status "Bleeding". You'd lose -1 HP every 5 minutes!]

[Current HP — 90]


I pulled out the last arrow with a sharp pain.

"Haff... first time being in a life-threatening danger after being reincarnated, is it?"

I couldn't help taking rough breaths. I was barely alive. Both my HP and stamina bars are low. I can heal by stamina, but I can't heal my HP.

At least, I got something.

[You have acquired the skill, <Pain Tolerance>!

[<Pain Tolerance> has reached level 5!]

[Description: Pain is a part of your life, from the start to at this moment, you've endured great pain! It's only fair for your pain tolerance to rise!

Effect: Getting hurt would be 1% less painful.]


I escaped into a cave nearby and is sitting inside against a wall opposite to the entrance, hoping they don't have explosives with them. If they do, and they throw one inside, I would be done for.

I am weak. Like a fly. I was this close to death. Yes, I don't think I am in any danger anymore.

Because I made a snow avalanche on the whole mountain! I didn't want to go down to the forest yet, so I entered the cave to rest for a while then break out at the end.

"Sigh," Why do I miss my mom suddenly? Damn, I am weak.

I want to leave, I want to leave real bad. But-

[You can't logout without completing the dungeon!]

Fucking hell- "Fuck you too."



I looked up at the ceiling of the cave. Huh, I am not the only one in the habitat. There are bats.

Hm, in the three previous dungeons, there was only one type of monster. But this has bats too?

Do I get exp from killing bats? Theoretically, I should.

I raised my palm and kept it raised for a few minutes.

"Fuck me."

There are at least 50 bats all around me. I heard bats drink blood. So if I can't kill them all in a single shot, which I really can't, I might die if they decide to attack me.

Though I believe these aren't the blood drinking type since if they were, they would have jumped at me because of the smell of blood…?

Welp, I am no bat expert. But from what I know, they use their sense of hearing to do most things.

...Uh, my thoughts are wandering. Well, that's not a bad thing. If I can pass my time leisurely, at least my HP would be regenerated by then without me being too bored.

So from what I remember, most bats 'see' using echolocation. Echolocation is basically the outcome that occurs when an animal emits a sound wave that bounces off an object, returning an echo that provides information about the object's distance and size.

An interesting pow- wait…. Wait, wait, wait!

Oh my-!

"I am too smart to be kept alive."

What IF – what if I, using my quirk, release a different kind of shockwave in this place, thus when the shockwaves bounce off all the objects around me and come back to me, I would get the information of each objects' distance and size...??

On the contrary, shockwaves and sound waves are different. Though since shockwaves do release sound too, it's not that far-fetched. Well, it doesn’t hurt to try–

I faced a rock in front of me. Closed my eyes, and opened my mouth. I can release shockwaves from my mouth too after the last "Quirk Growth".

I don't want the shockwaves to be too strong, as it would destroy the rock, I don't want it to be too weak either, as it would be absorbed by the rock. So, I need a moderate level of density…

I will start with the lowest density.



It's been 2 hours.


Releasing the last ring of shockwave from my mouth, I understood I have finally reached a decent enough density. I can finally feel the shockwave bouncing back from the rock and hitting my skin… but, I can't 'see' shit.

My genius mind forgot something important. The echo that gets released by sound waves emitted by bats is beyond the sound humans can hear that their ear processes and transfers to their brain as a clear image. While my shockwave doesn't produce that much thin sound causing me to still hear the sound, my ears can't process it enough to make an image out of it.

I need ears like them… which is impossible-

[Ding! The Skill <Observe> has risen up to Level 50!

You can now see more information about a target.

You have unlocked the sub-ability, <Intuition>. At the lowest stage, you can visualise what you hear better!]

Well, well, well, isn't that convenient.

[Luck plays a role! You've encountered a lucky moment!]

"Heh," Broken game.


After thanking the bats, I headed out. It took a slight effort to break the snow covering the cave's exit, but I was able to do it without causing another snow avalanche.

The next enemies were at the forest side, I could tell by releasing thin enough shockwaves and listening to the sound returning back to me using the help of <Observe>.

The next fight I thought would be easy. But... It was anything but easy.

Finding the location of the Ice Elfs taking cover by the tree branches was easy using my new way to sense them. But… I couldn't fly by the trees and take them down since it was a dense forest.

I tried flying and taking some down like that, only for them to shoot thousands of arrows at me.

BUT! I was prepared this time. I had worn the solid armour I got from the Skeleton Dungeon back then. While moving was a bit hard wearing this, at least I wasn't dying.

Gradually, as hours passed, and the sun rose in the sky, I was done defeating the boss… but, everything wasn't Daijōbu.

Drip! Drip! Drip!


With a slightly disbelieving look in my eyes, I looked down on the 'stump' where my right arm was supposed to be.

The Chief Ice Elf was a Mage. He used different Ice Spells to attack me, most I barely evaded, but some did hit me. Causing me to bleed all over. There were many injuries around me. But the biggest one was my ARM!

I lost my arm… my fucking arm… why did I lose my arm? Am I not supposed to have the Gamer Body?

"Wow, to think this would happen."

But why the fuck am I chuckling? Fucking idiot I am.

[Current HP: 2]

[You've been infected with the status, "Severe Bleeding", you'd lose 1 HP every 30 seconds.]

[-1 HP!]

I am actually dying.




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