The Crimson Throne

Chapter 85: Maid

Laeticia's daughter's eyes widened in disbelief. Her left cheek reddened and throbbed from the strike. "You…how dare a lowly servant like you? Even my mother and grandfather never hit me!" she yelled. Undeterred by her tied hands, the little girl suddenly struggled free of the older maid's grip and lunged at her assailant. However, Liviane's maid easily dodged the attack and grabbed the child's dress, throwing her backward. The stunned older maid rose and hurried toward the girl, again subduing her.

How fearless. Does this child not realize her situation? Elaine wondered. She mentions her grandfather. It is Marquis Soren de Sabran? Since the Duchess was a foreign princess, the original Estella never met her maternal grandparents. Elaine suspected Laeticia's daughter's experience was different. Based on Estella's knowledge, the Marquis was a political ally and had conducted various business ventures with the Duke. Despite being an unfavored mistress, Laeticia was Marquis Soren's eldest child from his legitimate wife and was respected at the Croix estate. The mutually beneficial union helped the Marquis' businesses flourish. Laeticia's contribution to her family's fortune and her younger brother's role as heir earned her high regard within the House of Sabran.

Gerard allowed his mistresses to revisit their parental homes. Thus, Elaine assumed the mistress had taken her daughter to the Sabran estate numerous times. She doubted the little girl had seen much of the Duchess or her other silver-eyed half-siblings due to the restrictions on non-legitimate children and her lower status. The child's arrogance likely stemmed from her mother's influence and her pampered upbringing in the Summer Manor and Sabran estate. Yet, given the severity of Laeticia's crime, not even Marquis Soren would dare to rescue his 'precious' granddaughter.

I bet the news has reached the House of Sabran, and the Marquis is scrambling for Laeticia's replacement. Unfortunately for the young girl, her beloved grandfather had already abandoned her. And she would no longer receive support from her mother's family.

"Control that wild child. I will not tolerate her disrespect a second time," the Duchess commanded.

"Y, yes, Your Grace," the older maid replied between heavy breaths. She did not expect the child's sudden strength. "I sincerely apologize for my oversights."

"Tasha, go support her." Liviane glanced at her maid. She no longer trusted the old woman's competence in the job.

"As you wish, milady." The maid slipped on her right glove and took position next to the older maid. She then extracted a handkerchief from her dress pocket and secured the young girl's mouth, preventing her from further interruption.

Fire erupted from Laeticia's daughter's eyes, glaring magma at the Duchess' maid. If a look could kill, the little girl would have shredded Tasha into tiny pieces. The maid spared no reaction to the child's angry gaze. She stood immobilized, staring ahead and waiting for her master's next order.

After settling the situation, Liviane glanced at her son. The little boy was no longer interested in the commotion. His head again lowered, refocusing on his toys. Estella's mother's gaze returned to the young girl, knitting together her brows. "This travesty has continued long enough." One hand holding her tingling forehead, she ordered, "Bring the maid here."

"Yes, Your Grace." One guard exited the chamber. A few minutes later, a male voice reported from outside. "I have brought her, milady."

"Let them in."

The double door slowly swung open, showing the previously departed guard. Nestled close behind him was a nervous-looking maid. The woman appeared in her early thirties with a round face and matching figure. Her eyes darted around the room, surveying her surrounding. The maid's gaze stopped upon discovering the little girl. Her anxiety visibly increased.

Interesting. Elaine observed the plump woman's movements, tracking her every reaction.

The guard marched toward the center, followed by the maid. They halted a few feet before the Duchess, almost parallel to the young girl's location. The guard bowed and returned to his station, leaving the plump woman fidgeting under several probing gazes. Turning her head, the girl immediately changed her expression upon seeing the maid—eyes flooded with confusion.

"State your background," A maid behind Liviane demanded.

"M, m, my name is Agnes Rossi. I, I am Miss Laeticia's former maid." Agnes knelt and bowed, stretching her entire upper body against the floor.

"Raise your head."

"Thank you, milady." The plump maid slowly lifted her head.

"How long was your service?" Liviane asked.

"I have been serving Miss Laeticia for fifteen years. I followed her here from the House of Sabran."

"Then you witnessed everything?"

"Y, yes, Your Grace."

"Tell me about the child." The Duchess stared at the anxious maid. Her pale blue eyes were like the arctic wind, sending frosts throughout the woman's body.

"Miss...Miss Laeticia's daughter?" Agnes winced, trembling with cold sweat dripping down her back. She took many furtive glances at the little girl while agony twisted her countenance, battling between unknown forces inside her head. 

Several minutes passed, yet the chamber remained drowned in silence. Liviane's eyes narrowed, snapping her fingers.

"Answer Her Grace's question." Tasha appeared behind Laeticia's former maid with a dagger, tilting its sharp edge close to the woman's neck.

When did she move? Elaine raised a brow. Tasha's unexpected emergence behind the woman surprised her. That maid is dangerous.

Agnes yelped, falling backward. She opened her mouth and drew several quick breaths, attempting to subdue the sweltering panic. Sweat rained down on her forehead as she again climbed onto her knees, head slamming against the marble floor, begging for mercy. "Pl, please spare me, Your Grace. Please give me another chance. I, I will tell you everything."

"Talk." Still standing behind the plump woman, Liviane's maid returned the dagger to her sleeve.




Well, I lied...Apparently I was able to write this week...sometimes words flow despite the busy schedule lol

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