The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 53 Eagle spreads its wings

At the same time that Selim announced the edict and decided on reforms.

In northern France, a local judge named Jacques Detay discovered the king's traces, and the National Constituent Assembly in Paris also sent people to arrest the king the day after he fled.

But the king was faster and reached the fortress of Montmedy first.

It was already January 4, 1790, and the members of the Constituent Assembly were too late.

The troops of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold had already moved to the border, together with the troops of King Frederick William II of Prussia.

The King of France was about to join many monarchs, and the troops led by General Dumouriez sent by the Girondins were still thirty miles away from Montmedy.

Even if the French army were running at full speed, it would take five hours to arrive, and it would be impossible to capture Louis XVI.

But someone arrived in advance. With the help of Marie-Roland's relationship, Selim arranged for Napoleon to be at the French border in advance. He had 1,500 Swiss mercenaries on hand.

As for why the Sultan did not send his new army, it was naturally because the Sultan had a deep friendship with Louis XVI and could not bear to treat his friend like this. It was not Roland who refused.

When Louis XVI was about to leave the country to seek political asylum, Napoleon led this army to intercept him.

"Who are you? Tell me, young man."

"Your Majesty, I am a Corsican, what you call a country islander.

He studied at the Military Academy in Brienne and the Military Academy in Paris, served in the Raphael Artillery Regiment, and later lived in the Ottoman Empire as a military observer for a period of time.

My name is Napoleon, Your Majesty, Napoleon Bonaparte. "

Napoleon said calmly.

Louis XVI finally knew who the other party was, but shouldn't the other party be on Selim's side?

"Okay, Bonaparte, are you going to escort me out of the country? Selim sent you here, right?"

For Louis XVI, with his many years of friendship with Selim, there was only one possibility for the other party to send someone over, and that was to help him.

You said that friendship is not worth mentioning in the face of interests, but Selim couldn't send someone to help those third-level people.

Overthrowing Louis XVI would do Selim no good at all.

However, this does not belong to the perspective of a time traveler. For Sudan, making good friends with the European protagonist for more than ten years in the future is the first priority.

Napoleon stopped talking nonsense and ordered the arrest of Louis XVI's family. The guards sent by Kalemani Pasha surrendered after a slight resistance.

The king's cries were ignored, and the soldiers roughly packed him into the carriage.

Less than three miles away, dark clouds were approaching.

Of course, Napoleon did not expect that such a large-scale troop mobilization would be able to hide the enemy's spies on the border, but he only needed to capture Louis XVI. This would be a great gift from him to Roland.

As for why he is not a Girondin, doesn’t Brissot feel that he has been a leader for too long?

It's time for Roland to take over.

At the French border, the Austrian army moved, led by General Perc who "sparked great success" in the last Russo-Turkish war.

After the cavalry officer discovered this army that appeared from nowhere, he immediately felt bad, and he immediately began to organize troops to rescue Louis XVI.

If we were to say that we were defeated last time, we could also say things like, "It's not that our army is incompetent, it's that the enemy is too cunning," or "This is to preserve our strength."

It would be difficult to pick up anyone this time, and General Perk had no doubt that Emperor Leopold would want to kill him.

After the Austrian cavalry was dispatched, the Prussian cavalry also followed.

The two troops turned into two torrents and charged towards Napoleon's army.

However, the army that Perke thought could be easily defeated directly blocked the attacks of the Prussian and Austrian armies.

This group of brave Swiss quickly formed a phalanx and drove back their enemies. The two cavalrymen returned in vain. They could not charge at the risk of being shot all the time.

But Perke wasn't about to give up, and he couldn't.

The emperor's sister and the French crown prince are still in each other's hands. Louis XVI can die and Marie-Antoinette can die, but the crown prince must be brought back to Vienna.

Perk was a smart man and he knew what the emperor wanted.

Austria has been restrained by France for too long, and has been this way since Emperor Maximilian (Note 1). Charles V (Note 2), who was supposed to unify Germany, was also oppressed by the Ottoman Sultan and the French King, making it difficult to succeed.

If the French crown prince can be brought back to Vienna this time, Austria will win the opportunity to unify Germany. Although the hope is still slim, this is the last chance Leopold can see.

After the charge failed to bring good results, Perke ordered the cavalry to retreat and began to disperse and harass.

The continuous harassment of cavalry was a very disgusting tactic that even the Swiss, who were known for their discipline, could not endure for a long time.

After a period of march, Napoleon led his army to hide in a deserted small village.

Taking advantage of the geographical advantage, the two sides reached a stalemate.

From the perspective of a bystander, the confrontation on the battlefield has always been boring, but when you are actually here, you will find that every second here is as long as a day.

The sun has set, and the winter days are always very short. The only heat has dissipated, and the chill is attacking every soldier on the battlefield.

The moon provided some light over the area, and Napoleon looked at the night sky, counting the hours.

The hands are still turning, but it's not just the hands of time, the hands of fate are shaking fiercely.

From the Far East to Asia Minor, from the Balkans to the Baltic Sea, from London to Washington, the fate of all living beings is swinging fiercely, but no one knows who is turning the needle.

Time gradually reached Napoleon's pre-judgment period, and he led his army to rush out of the village. First of all, Perc's cavalry were like sharks smelling the smell of blood, and they were ready to set off.

A mile away, Dumouriez's troops had arrived, and a melee broke out.

Taking advantage of the cover of night, Napoleon and his Swiss mercenaries broke into pieces and easily escaped from here.

The already red-eyed French army and the Prussian-Austrian coalition did not notice the whereabouts of this small unit at all. They were fighting for the abandoned carriage.

The light was so dim that night that almost no one noticed that several sneaky figures sneaked into the village and came out with something on their shoulders.

Walking in the wilderness, Napoleon aroused his ambition for the future.

He has seen the power of the Sultan and the suffering of the French people; he has fought against famous generals of Tsarist Russia and won, and he helped the Sultan see through Ali's tricks; he knows how to govern a country and how to make the people happy. .

He wants to save France!

Note 1: Maximilian, the eldest son of Frederick III of the Habsburg dynasty, obtained the rule of the Netherlands (i.e. Belgium and the Netherlands) for the Habsburg family through marriage, war, and pressure. , the Succession of Hungary and Bohemia. Laying the foundation for the heyday of the Habsburg dynasty.

Note 2: Charles V, grandson of Maximilian, grandson of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile.

After the heirs of these three monarchs died one after another, Charles V became the only heir. He was the Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain, Archduke of Austria, ruler of Sicily and Naples, and ruler of the Netherlands.

His territories surrounded France, and he might have unified Germany had it not been for the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman's alliance with France.

Finally, I would like to ask for reading and collecting. I beg you all the big book lovers. The requirements for the fourth round of recommendations are really high. Don’t keep books to death. By the way, please collect it

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