The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 28 Positioning yourself

After hearing the Sultan's question, Abraham showed no signs of panic.

He calmly put down the document in his hand and replied.

"Your Majesty, the empire's silver mines are indeed continuing to produce large amounts of silver, but this is not enough to maintain the empire's coinage needs.

When your uncle was still in power, the silver content of the Kurus silver coins had dropped by ten percent. It was just after the war that in order to stabilize the empire's finances, currency devaluation had to be chosen.

But this is not a long-term strategy. You did lead the empire to victory in this war, but the entire Romania region has become a white land, which undoubtedly reduced the empire's income.

At the same time, the war caused a large number of Romanians to flee.

These refugees continued to pour into Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, and Anatolia. Post-war reconstruction, refugee resettlement, and military expenditures made the empire's financial burden even heavier.

It can be said that until now, the empire's financial system has not collapsed and the crisis has not been solved by currency devaluation. It is precisely because of the national bonds issued by your Majesty.

These funds effectively saved the empire's finances, but they also gave me an idea.

We save money by giving out notes and raise money by issuing bonds. Why don't we just turn the paper into money?

I have consulted a lot of information on this, and this idea is indeed feasible. "

Perhaps out of excitement, Abraham, who had been speaking at length, stopped at this moment.

After taking a few sips of water, he rummaged frantically among a pile of books, and finally took out a few pieces of paper and a stack of information.

"Your Majesty, please see, this is a 20 pound bank note issued in 1725. This is also the smallest denomination in this batch of bank notes. Subsequent bank notes have increased in denomination in increments of 10 pounds, up to a maximum of 90 pounds.

However, the denominations of these bank notes were too fixed and could not meet the needs of use. Therefore, the Bank of England at that time allowed the chief cashier to manually change the denomination, which was considered an improvement.

This is a 10-pound bank note issued by the British in 1759. Compared with 1725, this is the first time that a bank note of less than 20 pounds appeared.

The British government at that time issued this kind of bank certificate because there was a shortage of gold coins in circulation due to the Seven Years' War.

At this point, I think with your Majesty’s wisdom, you have understood what I mean. "

Selim did not speak, but thought of his past life.

"Perhaps, the process of history may be like this. No matter you are a prince, general or a commoner, when the trend comes, no one can stop it."

Selim laughed at himself in his heart and nodded.

"Dear Abraham, of course I understand what you mean, but are you sure you can make it recognized by others?" Selim asked.

"Your Majesty, I think this is not difficult. The British have vast colonies, which provides them with sufficient markets and raw materials. The rapid accumulation of funds has given the Bank of England a good reputation. ̰̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̑̂̑x̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́̄̈̎̒ل m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌

In comparison, the empire does not have such conveniences. Our population is too small, our land is not fertile enough, and the entire Arab region plus Egypt is not as good as the British India.

But what if we only develop this area of ​​Constantiniya?

The coasts of the two seas will always be the essence of the empire. As long as the coasts of the two seas are developed first, other parts of the empire will quickly become markets and sources of raw materials.

At this time, the imperial government, with sufficient capital, was the most powerful credit guarantor of the Imperial Bank.

We could issue small bank notes such as one pound, five pounds, or more boldly, shillings and pence bank notes. "

When Abraham was about to continue his brainwashing speech, Selim asked him to stop.

"Abraham, maybe you also want me to order the purchase of gold and silver across the country, restrict people from exchanging gold and silver coins, and use the printing of bank notes to take away the property of the people of the empire in an imperceptible way. This is what you plan to use to persuade My reasons."

It was obvious that Abraham was confused by the Sultan's words.

After all the hard work and effort, even if Abraham, as the vice president, could get it, it would only be a small part, and the big part was given to the Sultan.

Abraham didn't understand why the Sultan would have mercy in such a place. This was completely inconsistent with his style when dealing with Janikli.

It was like a king who crushed all the princes along the way just to ascend to the throne but stopped in front of a weak little girl.

Seeing Abraham's confused eyes, Selim stood up and left the office.

"Just do as you say, Abraham. The government and I will provide you with adequate support."

He was already the sultan, so he had better position himself. Selim stepped towards the steps, abandoning the unrealistic fantasy that had remained in his mind.

When we got down to the first floor, Jacob, who had been waiting by the stairs, immediately came up to us.

"Your Majesty, please follow me."

The two then walked into a booth, where the Venetian was sitting, looking uneasy.

As soon as he saw Jacob, the Venetian immediately asked: "You promised me, friend, you said you would let me go when you got the money and goods. I can now..."

Before the Venetian could finish his words, he caught a glimpse of Selim walking behind Jacob, and he sat down on the ground in fright.

"Listen, Alexander, His Majesty the Sultan still needs a little help from you to do this well. In the future, Thessaloniki and Constantiniya will prepare docking areas for your fleet at any time."

"What's the business? Jacob, you know that being able to work for the great Sultan is the supreme honor of every Venetian. For me, this is an irresistible temptation."

"The British have developed steam engines and new spinning machines. You should know something about them, right? Alexander."

"Oh! Jacob, don't let the Sultan be deceived. The spinning machine is indeed quite useful, but the steam engine is just a toy that blows air."

Selim couldn't help but cover his face after listening to Jacob's narration.

"What the hell? How did this guy get into the business of the Doge of Venice? Is it so easy to use the back door?"

Selim complained in his mind while recalling the role of the steam engine in the original time and space.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the Venetians, because these people usually sell whatever they make money.

During this time period, the first industrial revolution was still only taking place in parts of Western Europe centered on Britain.

Central Europe is still barely accessible, and there is really no demand for things like the Ottoman Empire.

However, Selim no longer wanted to waste time explaining. After explaining the procurement requirements, he was immediately escorted back to Topkapi Palace by the guards arranged by Jacob.

The Sultan is in a bad mood, and Ali Pasha seems to have not yet delivered the money, so I will vent my anger on you.

Let’s talk about steam engines. Since the late 18th century, steam engines have been widely used not only in the mining industry, but also in smelting, textiles, machine manufacturing and other industries. It increased British textile production five times in more than 20 years (from 1766 to 1789), provided the market with a large number of consumer goods, accelerated the accumulation of funds, and put forward urgent requirements for the transportation industry.

Finally, please read and collect

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