The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 25 Weak resistance

In front of the muskets, the unarmed Mamluks were powerless to resist. The previously gorgeous hall had now become a hell, with corpses strewn everywhere. The air was filled with the strong smell of blood. On the walls, ceiling, and floor, There are traces of blood everywhere where the Mamluks were splattered before they were killed.

Ismail looked at the scene in front of him absentmindedly. He suddenly doubted his decision. These people were all brothers he grew up with.

In order to ensure loyalty to the Sudan, is it necessary to pay such a high price?

"Haji Pasha, we did not find Murad Bey's body."

A new army soldier covered in blood ran over to report to Haji Pasha.

Looking at the blood on the young man's body and the cuts on his face, Haji Pasha patted the shoulder of the soldier in front of him and said: "Go and bandage it first, kid, and I will find you a Bey's wife as your wife." Yes, let us solve it."

The soldier suddenly became excited and asked hurriedly: "Is it true, Haji Pasha?"

"Of course, the Prophet himself said that in order to strengthen the ranks of Muslims, every widow should actively remarry."

After seeing off the soldier, Haji Pasha looked at Napoleon beside him and asked: "Murad should be able to summon more than ten thousand people. General Bonaparte, you should be sure to deal with it."

"Haji Pasha, please don't worry, I will deal with them completely." The little man replied calmly, with the army at hand, even a group of barbarians who are still in the Middle Ages can't defeat him, so he doesn't deserve to be called Napoleon.

Outside Cairo, Murad Bey has summoned all the nearby troops. He looks extremely scary. His face is covered with blood scabs, his eyes are radiating with anger, and his hair is spread out, as if from hell. The evil spirit crawled out.

“Soldiers, for hundreds of years, since the time of Saladin, we have been the masters of Egypt, and even Emperor Selim has never deprived us of our power.

However, the new sultan did it. He summoned many bey and officers together in the name of a banquet, and shot them mercilessly with muskets like they locked wild beasts in a cage.

Seeing our panic, the soldiers laughed and attacked every bey with bayonets and hammers.

Believe me, that was hell, Ayub Bey was shot through the skull in front of me, and just one second he was fraternizing with that new bastard.

Ibrahim Bey was chopped to the ground with a knife, his hands were broken in two, and the screams spread throughout the mansion.

And this is just one scene among countless tragedies, including your father and brother. Their bodies lay on the cold floor, their souls floating in the sky above Cairo, eager for future generations to avenge them.

Now, it’s time to go out with me, ancient Mamluks, brave Mamluks, great Mamluks, let us reshape the glory of the Mamluks.

Annihilating the enemy forces in Cairo is only the first step. We must capture Damascus, capture Baghdad, and capture Constantiniya. We must make the Sultan understand that the Mamluks are just unwilling, not unable! "

As the last sound of the word fell, the Mamluk cavalry went completely crazy. They waved their sabers and rushed towards the Ottoman army camp outside Cairo desperately.

“I have to say that the Mamluks were very brave, their cavalry skills were very good, their riding skills were superb, they were brave and good at fighting, but they lacked a strict organization.

On the other hand, the Ottoman army was more disciplined than the Mamluks, well organized, and adopted the advanced tactics of musket and bayonet phalanx, which effectively resisted the Mamluk cavalry charge.

The Mamluk cavalry lined up in a horizontal line, forming a square formation, waving their sabers, and rushed straight towards the already formed Ottoman army.

Such tactics and weapons were inevitably dealt a devastating blow in front of the Ottoman army, just like the Qing army faced by Britain and France in the Battle of Bali River.

The Mamluks, regardless of their own safety, shouted in unison and attacked the Ottoman army with enthusiasm, trying to disrupt and separate the Ottoman army's battle formation.

The bravery of the Mamluks was not completely useless. Some of the cavalry rushed to a place forty or fifty meters away from the Ottoman army.

However, the intensive firepower of the Ottoman infantry fighting in the trenches and the bombardment of artillery shrapnel caused the Mamluk horses to run rampant due to fright, and could hardly fight anymore.

This forced them to retreat under enemy fire.

Subsequently, the 2nd Brigade of the New Ottoman Army poured a large number of artillery shells on the Mamluks, dealing a heavy blow to Murad Bey's army and causing heavy casualties.

Thousands of men and horses were killed, thousands were captured, and the rest fled south. The main force of the Mamluks was wiped out in just one battle.

Poor Murad Bey committed suicide in despair. The Mamluk group that had ruled Egypt for nearly a thousand years turned into ashes from this moment on, and Egypt completely belonged to the Ottoman Empire. "

——"Revival and Reform: The Ottoman Empire"

——John Julius

Haji Pasha, who was watching the battle from a distance, patted Ismail next to him and said, "Look, Ismail, you made the right choice."

After taking care of the Mamluks, Haji Pasha, who received Selim's instructions, began to carry out the Sultan's mission - to make Egypt serve the empire.

The first is to eliminate the semi-lord tax system. After the Mamluks were wiped out by the Ottoman army, there were no troops on this land that could stop Selim's new political experiment. The establishment of an effective tax collection system would be conducive to the All fiscal and taxation resources are returned to the central government.

The second step is to vigorously develop the internationally popular raw material cotton, and at the same time open government-run, for-profit textile mills.

It is now the time of the British Industrial Revolution. The light textile industry and the steel industry are the leading industries, so the demand for cotton in the UK is also huge.

However, the loss of thirteen North American states made the British's demand for cotton even more abnormal. They even forced farmers in colonial India to abandon their land and not plant food crops, but to grow only cotton, causing a large number of Indians to starve to death.

Compared with India, the cost of transporting cotton from Egypt was lower, so it was also a hot commodity, which improved the poor financial situation of the Ottoman Empire.

After increasing his financial income by strengthening land control and exporting cotton, Selim had enough money to build a new army and open arsenals.

In the original time and space, Muhammad Ali Pasha relied on these three axes to violently beat the new army reformed by Mahmud II. Selim did not believe that a group of guards could do it to him.

What, you asked if anyone would interfere. In Egypt, where power was completely taken over by the Sudan, Selim wanted to know who had the qualifications.

Under the setting sun, the huge shadow of the pyramid is cast on the land of Egypt, like the Sultan placing his crown on Egypt.

Please collect it and read it, family members.

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